Kwil cross-network reward distribution platform.
Actor u as User
participant k as Kwil
participant s as SignerService
participant p as PosterService
participant g as Safe
participant sf as Safe(EVM)
participant r as Reward(EVM)
rect rgba(0, 0, 255, .1)
Note right of u: User Kwil interaction
u ->>+ k: Request reward
k ->>- u: Alright, pending in current epoch
k ->> k: Propose an epoch reward: <br> Aggregate rewards since last epoch. <br> Generate merkle tree.
rect rgba(0,255,0,.1)
Note left of s: Signer service
s ->>+ k: Request pending epoch rewards
k ->>- s: Return rewards that can be voted/signed
s -->> s: Sign the reward
s ->> k: Agree/vote reward by uploading signature
rect rgba(255,0,0,.1)
Note right of p: Poster service
p ->>+ k: Fetch signed rewards not yet posted to Ethereum
k ->>- p: Return unposted rewards(with enough votes) <br>to be posted to Ethereum
p ->>+ g: Propose Tx and confirm Tx
g -->>- p: Tx will be ready to be executed
p ->>+ g: Execute as non-owner
g ->>+ sf: Call `execTransaction`
sf ->>+ r: Call `postReward`
r -->>- sf: Event `RewardPosted`
sf -->>- g: Event `SafeMultiSigTransaction`
g -->>- p: Execute response
rect rgba(0,0, 255, .1)
Note right of u: User Eth interaction
u ->>+ r: Call `claimReward`
r ->>- u: Event `RewardClaimed`
Since we're using Safe, and it's hard to deploy a local full stack Safe service, we're going to use Safe on Sepolia.
First copy .env.example
to .env
and fill in your mnemonic. Make sure you have
enough ETH(0.1 is enough) on Sepolia.
Go and create a Safe Wallet on Sepolia network, with the first three derived wallets as the owners of the Safe Wallet, those wallets will be used in the tests/scripts.
After that, run npm run redeploy:sepolia
to deploy RewardDistributor contract to
the Sepolia network. This will also deploy a mock erc20 token as the reward token.
Then put the contract address and Safe address to .env file.
Now you have everything except the Kwil network API. We're going to mock it in the tests.
Run npm run test:poster:sepolia
will actually post/claim a stub Reward.
NOTE: you need to modify kwilBlockHeight
everytime you run the test.