- initial project
$ npm install
- start the project
$ npm start
- In the web API URL https://geneherokudb.herokuapp.com/
- heroku use the asyns , the node version must >= 7.6.0
- use the async to await the database process , and get the response
- connect the heroku remote
$ heroku git:remote -a geneherokudb
- push the commit to heroku remote
$ git push --force heroku HEAD:master
- procfile is heroku first read file in start server
DMS: Disease Manager Subsystem
PMS: Patient Manager Subsystem
PGMS: Patient Gene Manger Subsystem
MGMS: Match Gene Manager Subsystem
PGRMS: Preterm Gene Reference Management Subsystem
B 變異沒早產
A 變異早產
C 沒變異早產
D 沒變異沒早產
LRR 對數相對風險
RRR 相對風險率
W 權重