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Filter pods that have out of range IP
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Filter pods have IPs outside of the corresponding nodes' IP ranges.
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sawsa307 committed Apr 21, 2023
1 parent fa11c29 commit 68bccdc
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Showing 4 changed files with 345 additions and 106 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion pkg/neg/syncers/transaction_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1799,12 +1799,16 @@ func TestEnableDegradedMode(t *testing.T) {
_, s := newTestTransactionSyncer(fakeCloud, negtypes.VmIpPortEndpointType, false)
s.NegSyncerKey.NegName = tc.negName
s.needInit = false
addPodsToLister(s.podLister, getDefaultEndpointSlices())
for i := 1; i <= 4; i++ {
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("instance%v", i),
Spec: corev1.NodeSpec{
PodCIDR: fmt.Sprintf("10.100.%v.0/24", i),
PodCIDRs: []string{fmt.Sprintf("200%v:db8::/48", i), fmt.Sprintf("10.100.%v.0/24", i)},
for _, eps := range tc.testEndpointSlices {
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86 changes: 79 additions & 7 deletions pkg/neg/syncers/utils.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -471,10 +471,6 @@ func toZoneNetworkEndpointMapDegradedMode(eds []negtypes.EndpointsData, zoneGett
klog.Errorf("Endpoint %q in Endpoints %s/%s receives error when getting pod, err: %v, skipping", endpointAddress.Addresses, ed.Meta.Namespace, ed.Meta.Name, getPodErr)
if err := validatePod(pod, nodeLister); err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Endpoint %q in Endpoints %s/%s correponds to an invalid pod: %v, skipping", endpointAddress.Addresses, ed.Meta.Namespace, ed.Meta.Name, err)
nodeName := pod.Spec.NodeName
zone, err := zoneGetter.GetZoneForNode(nodeName)
if err != nil {
Expand All @@ -486,12 +482,25 @@ func toZoneNetworkEndpointMapDegradedMode(eds []negtypes.EndpointsData, zoneGett

podIPs := ipsForPod[types.NamespacedName{Namespace: endpointAddress.TargetRef.Namespace, Name: endpointAddress.TargetRef.Name}]
if parseIPAddress(podIPs.IP) == "" {
klog.Errorf("For endpoint %q in pod %q, it has an invalid IP address, err: %v, skipping", endpointAddress.Addresses, pod.ObjectMeta.Name, negtypes.ErrEPIPNotFromPod)
networkEndpoint := negtypes.NetworkEndpoint{IP: podIPs.IP, Port: matchPort, Node: nodeName}
if enableDualStackNEG {
// Convert all addresses to a standard form as per rfc5952 to prevent
// accidental diffs resulting from different formats.
networkEndpoint.IPv6 = parseIPAddress(podIPs.IPv6)
// endpoint address should match to the IP of its pod
if err = podContainsEndpointAddress(networkEndpoint, pod); err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Endpoint %q in Endpoints %s/%s has IP(s) not match to its pod %s: %w, skipping", endpointAddress.Addresses, ed.Meta.Namespace, ed.Meta.Name, pod.Name, err)
if err := validatePod(pod, nodeLister, networkEndpoint); err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Endpoint %q in Endpoints %s/%s correponds to an invalid pod: %v, skipping", endpointAddress.Addresses, ed.Meta.Namespace, ed.Meta.Name, err)
if networkEndpointType == negtypes.NonGCPPrivateEndpointType {
// Non-GCP network endpoints don't have associated nodes.
networkEndpoint.Node = ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -519,7 +528,8 @@ func toZoneNetworkEndpointMapDegradedMode(eds []negtypes.EndpointsData, zoneGett
// it returns error if the pod:
// 1. is in terminal state
// 2. corresponds to a non-existent node
func validatePod(pod *apiv1.Pod, nodeLister cache.Indexer) error {
// 3. have an IP that matches to a podIP, but is outside of the node's allocated IP range
func validatePod(pod *apiv1.Pod, nodeLister cache.Indexer, networkEndpoint negtypes.NetworkEndpoint) error {
// Terminal Pod means a pod is in PodFailed or PodSucceeded phase
phase := pod.Status.Phase
if phase == apiv1.PodFailed || phase == apiv1.PodSucceeded {
Expand All @@ -529,10 +539,13 @@ func validatePod(pod *apiv1.Pod, nodeLister cache.Indexer) error {
if err != nil || !exists {
return negtypes.ErrEPNodeNotFound
_, isNode := obj.(*apiv1.Node)
if !isNode {
node, ok := obj.(*apiv1.Node)
if !ok {
return negtypes.ErrEPNodeTypeAssertionFailed
if err = nodeContainsPodIP(node, networkEndpoint); err != nil {
return err
return nil

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,6 +575,65 @@ func ipsForPod(eds []negtypes.EndpointsData) map[types.NamespacedName]negtypes.N
return result

// podContainsEndpointAddress checks the pod's existing PodIP(s)
// and return error if the given endpoint's IP address does not any of them.
// If this is a dual stack endpoint, we would validate both IPs
func podContainsEndpointAddress(networkEndpoint negtypes.NetworkEndpoint, pod *apiv1.Pod) error {
endpointIPs := []string{networkEndpoint.IP}
if networkEndpoint.IPv6 != "" {
endpointIPs = append(endpointIPs, networkEndpoint.IPv6)

matching := 0
for _, endpointIP := range endpointIPs {
// a pod can have at most two PodIPs, one for ipv4 and one for ipv6
for _, podIP := range pod.Status.PodIPs {
if endpointIP == podIP.IP {
matching += 1
if matching != len(endpointIPs) {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: endpoint %v has IP(s) not match to its pod's IP(s)", negtypes.ErrEPIPNotFromPod, endpointIPs)
return nil

// nodeContainsPodIP checks the node's existing PodCIDR(s),
// and return error if the pod IP used by the endpoint is not within one of the podCIDR ranges.
// If this is a dual stack endpoint, we would validate both pod IPs
func nodeContainsPodIP(node *apiv1.Node, networkEndpoint negtypes.NetworkEndpoint) error {
ipnets := []*net.IPNet{}
// a node can have at most two PodCIDRs, one for ipv4 and one for ipv6
for _, podCIDR := range node.Spec.PodCIDRs {
podCIDR = strings.TrimSpace(podCIDR)
_, ipnet, err := net.ParseCIDR(podCIDR)
if err != nil {
// swallow errors for CIDRs that are invalid
ipnets = append(ipnets, ipnet)
podIPs := []net.IP{net.ParseIP(networkEndpoint.IP)}
if networkEndpoint.IPv6 != "" {
podIPs = append(podIPs, net.ParseIP(networkEndpoint.IPv6))

matching := 0
for _, podIP := range podIPs {
for _, net := range ipnets {
if net.Contains(podIP) {
matching += 1
if matching != len(podIPs) {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: podIP(s) used by endpoint %v not match to the node's PodCIDR range(s)", negtypes.ErrEPIPOutOfPodCIDR, podIPs)
return nil

// retrieveExistingZoneNetworkEndpointMap lists existing network endpoints in the neg and return the zone and endpoints map
func retrieveExistingZoneNetworkEndpointMap(negName string, zoneGetter negtypes.ZoneGetter, cloud negtypes.NetworkEndpointGroupCloud, version meta.Version, mode negtypes.EndpointsCalculatorMode) (map[string]negtypes.NetworkEndpointSet, labels.EndpointPodLabelMap, error) {
// Include zones that have non-candidate nodes currently. It is possible that NEGs were created in those zones previously and the endpoints now became non-candidates.
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