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Add Dual-Stack support to L4 ILB
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panslava committed Sep 28, 2022
1 parent 0a04a59 commit 61fa871
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Showing 26 changed files with 1,548 additions and 189 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cmd/glbc/main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ func main() {
ASMConfigMapName: flags.F.ASMConfigMapBasedConfigCMName,
EndpointSlicesEnabled: flags.F.EnableEndpointSlices,
MaxIGSize: flags.F.MaxIGSize,
EnableL4ILBDualStack: flags.F.EnableL4ILBDualStack,
ctx := ingctx.NewControllerContext(kubeConfig, kubeClient, backendConfigClient, frontendConfigClient, svcNegClient, ingParamsClient, svcAttachmentClient, cloud, namer, kubeSystemUID, ctxConfig)
go app.RunHTTPServer(ctx.HealthCheck)
Expand Down
30 changes: 23 additions & 7 deletions pkg/annotations/service.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ const (
// ProtocolHTTP2 protocol for a service
ProtocolHTTP2 AppProtocol = "HTTP2"

IPv6Suffix = "-ipv6"
// ServiceStatusPrefix is the prefix used in annotations used to record
// debug information in the Service annotations. This is applicable to L4 ILB services.
ServiceStatusPrefix = ""
Expand All @@ -82,24 +83,39 @@ const (
// UDPForwardingRuleKey is the annotation key used by l4 controller to record
// GCP UDP forwarding rule name.
UDPForwardingRuleKey = ServiceStatusPrefix + "/udp-" + ForwardingRuleResource
// TCPForwardingRuleIPv6Key is the annotation key used by l4 controller to record
// GCP IPv6 TCP forwarding rule name.
TCPForwardingRuleIPv6Key = TCPForwardingRuleKey + IPv6Suffix
// UDPForwardingRuleIPv6Key is the annotation key used by l4 controller to record
// GCP IPv6 UDP forwarding rule name.
UDPForwardingRuleIPv6Key = UDPForwardingRuleKey + IPv6Suffix
// BackendServiceKey is the annotation key used by l4 controller to record
// GCP Backend service name.
BackendServiceKey = ServiceStatusPrefix + "/" + BackendServiceResource
// FirewallRuleKey is the annotation key used by l4 controller to record
// GCP Firewall rule name.
FirewallRuleKey = ServiceStatusPrefix + "/" + FirewallRuleResource
// FirewallRuleIPv6Key is the annotation key used by l4 controller to record
// GCP IPv6 Firewall rule name.
FirewallRuleIPv6Key = FirewallRuleKey + IPv6Suffix
// HealthcheckKey is the annotation key used by l4 controller to record
// GCP Healthcheck name.
HealthcheckKey = ServiceStatusPrefix + "/" + HealthcheckResource
// FirewallRuleForHealthcheckKey is the annotation key used by l4 controller to record
// the firewall rule name that allows healthcheck traffic.
FirewallRuleForHealthcheckKey = ServiceStatusPrefix + "/" + FirewallForHealthcheckResource
ForwardingRuleResource = "forwarding-rule"
BackendServiceResource = "backend-service"
FirewallRuleResource = "firewall-rule"
HealthcheckResource = "healthcheck"
FirewallForHealthcheckResource = "firewall-rule-for-hc"
AddressResource = "address"
FirewallRuleForHealthcheckKey = ServiceStatusPrefix + "/" + FirewallForHealthcheckResource
// FirewallRuleForHealthcheckIPv6Key is the annotation key used by l4 controller to record
// the firewall rule name that allows IPv6 healthcheck traffic.
FirewallRuleForHealthcheckIPv6Key = FirewallRuleForHealthcheckKey + IPv6Suffix
ForwardingRuleResource = "forwarding-rule"
ForwardingRuleIPv6Resource = ForwardingRuleResource + IPv6Suffix
BackendServiceResource = "backend-service"
FirewallRuleResource = "firewall-rule"
FirewallRuleIPv6Resource = FirewallRuleResource + IPv6Suffix
HealthcheckResource = "healthcheck"
FirewallForHealthcheckResource = "firewall-rule-for-hc"
FirewallForHealthcheckIPv6Resource = FirewallRuleForHealthcheckKey + IPv6Suffix
AddressResource = "address"
// TODO(slavik): import this from gce_annotations when it will be merged in k8s
RBSAnnotationKey = ""
RBSEnabled = "enabled"
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pkg/context/context.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ type ControllerContextConfig struct {
ASMConfigMapName string
EndpointSlicesEnabled bool
MaxIGSize int
EnableL4ILBDualStack bool

// NewControllerContext returns a new shared set of informers.
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion pkg/firewalls/firewalls_l4.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ func ensureFirewall(svc *v1.Service, shared bool, params *FirewallParams, cloud

// EnsureL4LBFirewallForHc creates or updates firewall rule for shared or non-shared health check to nodes
func EnsureL4LBFirewallForHc(svc *v1.Service, shared bool, params *FirewallParams, cloud *gce.Cloud, recorder record.EventRecorder) error {
params.SourceRanges = gce.L4LoadBalancerSrcRanges()
return ensureFirewall(svc, shared, params, cloud, recorder)

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions pkg/flags/flags.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ var (
EnableTrafficScaling bool
EnableEndpointSlices bool
EnablePinhole bool
EnableL4ILBDualStack bool
EnableMultipleIGs bool
MaxIGSize int
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,6 +253,7 @@ L7 load balancing. CSV values accepted. Example: -node-port-ranges=80,8080,400-5
flag.BoolVar(&F.EnableTrafficScaling, "enable-traffic-scaling", false, "Enable support for Service {max-rate-per-endpoint, capacity-scaler}")
flag.BoolVar(&F.EnableEndpointSlices, "enable-endpoint-slices", false, "Enable using Endpoint Slices API instead of Endpoints API")
flag.BoolVar(&F.EnablePinhole, "enable-pinhole", false, "Enable Pinhole firewall feature")
flag.BoolVar(&F.EnableL4ILBDualStack, "enable-l4ilb-dual-stack", false, "Enable Dual-Stack handling for L4 Internal Load Balancers")
flag.BoolVar(&F.EnableMultipleIGs, "enable-multiple-igs", false, "Enable using multiple unmanaged instance groups")
flag.IntVar(&F.MaxIGSize, "max-ig-size", 1000, "Max number of instances in Instance Group")
flag.DurationVar(&F.MetricsExportInterval, "metrics-export-interval", 10*time.Minute, `Period for calculating and exporting metrics related to state of managed objects.`)
Expand Down
114 changes: 88 additions & 26 deletions pkg/healthchecksl4/healthchecksl4.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ const (
gceHcHealthyThreshold = int64(1)
// Defaults to 3 * 8 = 24 seconds before the LB will steer traffic away.
gceHcUnhealthyThreshold = int64(3)
L4ILBIPv6HCRange = "2600:2d00:1:b029::/64"

var (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,13 +106,16 @@ func GetInstance() *l4HealthChecks {
// Firewall rules are always created at in the Global scope (vs
// Regional). This means that one Firewall rule is created for
// Services of different scope (Global vs Regional).
func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) EnsureHealthCheckWithFirewall(svc *corev1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, scope meta.KeyType, l4Type utils.L4LBType, nodeNames []string) *EnsureL4HealthCheckResult {
func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) EnsureHealthCheckWithFirewall(svc *corev1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, scope meta.KeyType, l4Type utils.L4LBType, nodeNames []string) *EnsureHealthCheckResult {
return l4hc.EnsureHealthCheckWithDualStackFirewalls(svc, namer, sharedHC, scope, l4Type, nodeNames, true, false)

func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) EnsureHealthCheckWithDualStackFirewalls(svc *corev1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, scope meta.KeyType, l4Type utils.L4LBType, nodeNames []string, needsIPv4 bool, needsIPv6 bool) *EnsureHealthCheckResult {
namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{Name: svc.Name, Namespace: svc.Namespace}

hcName := namer.L4HealthCheck(svc.Namespace, svc.Name, sharedHC)
hcFwName := namer.L4HealthCheckFirewall(svc.Namespace, svc.Name, sharedHC)
hcPath, hcPort := helpers.GetServiceHealthCheckPathPort(svc)
klog.V(3).Infof("Ensuring L4 healthcheck: %s and firewall rule %s from service %s, shared: %v.", hcName, hcFwName, namespacedName.String(), sharedHC)
klog.V(3).Infof("Ensuring L4 healthcheck: %s for service %s, shared: %v.", hcName, namespacedName.String(), sharedHC)

if sharedHC {
hcPath, hcPort = gce.GetNodesHealthCheckPath(), gce.GetNodesHealthCheckPort()
Expand All @@ -123,25 +127,44 @@ func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) EnsureHealthCheckWithFirewall(svc *corev1.Service, n

hcLink, err := l4hc.ensureHealthCheck(hcName, namespacedName, sharedHC, hcPath, hcPort, scope, l4Type)
if err != nil {
return &EnsureL4HealthCheckResult{
return &EnsureHealthCheckResult{
GceResourceInError: annotations.HealthcheckResource,
Err: err,

klog.V(3).Infof("Healthcheck created, ensuring firewall rule %s", hcFwName)
err = l4hc.ensureFirewall(svc, hcFwName, hcPort, sharedHC, nodeNames)
if err != nil {
return &EnsureL4HealthCheckResult{
GceResourceInError: annotations.HealthcheckResource,
Err: err,
hcResult := &EnsureHealthCheckResult{
HCName: hcName,
HCLink: hcLink,

if needsIPv4 {
hcFwName := namer.L4HealthCheckFirewall(svc.Namespace, svc.Name, sharedHC)
klog.V(3).Infof("Ensuring IPv4 firewall rule %s for health check %s for service %s", hcFwName, hcName, namespacedName.String())
err = l4hc.ensureIPv4Firewall(svc, hcFwName, hcPort, sharedHC, nodeNames)
if err != nil {
return &EnsureHealthCheckResult{
GceResourceInError: annotations.FirewallForHealthcheckResource,
Err: err,
hcResult.HCFirewallRuleName = hcFwName
return &EnsureL4HealthCheckResult{
HCName: hcName,
HCLink: hcLink,
HCFirewallRuleName: hcFwName,

if needsIPv6 {
ipv6HCFWName := namer.L4IPv6HealthCheckFirewall(svc.Namespace, svc.Name, sharedHC)
klog.V(3).Infof("Ensuring IPv6 firewall rule %s for health check %s for service %s", ipv6HCFWName, hcName, namespacedName.String())
err = l4hc.ensureIPv6Firewall(svc, ipv6HCFWName, hcPort, sharedHC, nodeNames)
if err != nil {
return &EnsureHealthCheckResult{
GceResourceInError: annotations.FirewallForHealthcheckIPv6Resource,
Err: err,
hcResult.HCFirewallRuleIPv6Name = ipv6HCFWName

return hcResult

func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) ensureHealthCheck(hcName string, svcName types.NamespacedName, shared bool, path string, port int32, scope meta.KeyType, l4Type utils.L4LBType) (string, error) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,12 +207,11 @@ func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) ensureHealthCheck(hcName string, svcName types.Names
return selfLink, err

// ensureFirewall rule for `svc`.
// ensureIPv4Firewall rule for `svc`.
// L4 ILB and L4 NetLB Services with ExternalTrafficPolicy=Cluster use the same firewall
// rule at global scope.
func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) ensureFirewall(svc *corev1.Service, hcFwName string, hcPort int32, sharedHC bool, nodeNames []string) error {
// Add firewall rule for healthchecks to nodes
func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) ensureIPv4Firewall(svc *corev1.Service, hcFwName string, hcPort int32, sharedHC bool, nodeNames []string) error {
hcFWRParams := firewalls.FirewallParams{
PortRanges: []string{strconv.Itoa(int(hcPort))},
SourceRanges: gce.L4LoadBalancerSrcRanges(),
Expand All @@ -200,8 +222,31 @@ func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) ensureFirewall(svc *corev1.Service, hcFwName string,
return firewalls.EnsureL4LBFirewallForHc(svc, sharedHC, &hcFWRParams,, l4hc.recorderFactory.Recorder(svc.Namespace))

// DeleteHealthCheckWithFirewall deletes health check (and firewall rule) for l4 service. Checks if shared resources are safe to delete.
func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) ensureIPv6Firewall(svc *corev1.Service, ipv6HCFWName string, hcPort int32, isSharedHC bool, nodeNames []string) error {
hcFWRParams := firewalls.FirewallParams{
PortRanges: []string{strconv.Itoa(int(hcPort))},
SourceRanges: []string{L4ILBIPv6HCRange},
Protocol: string(corev1.ProtocolTCP),
Name: ipv6HCFWName,
NodeNames: nodeNames,
return firewalls.EnsureL4LBFirewallForHc(svc, isSharedHC, &hcFWRParams,, l4hc.recorderFactory.Recorder(svc.Namespace))

func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) DeleteHealthCheckWithFirewall(svc *corev1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, scope meta.KeyType, l4Type utils.L4LBType) (string, error) {
return l4hc.deleteHealthCheckWithDualStackFirewalls(svc, namer, sharedHC, scope, l4Type, false)

// DeleteHealthCheckWithDualStackFirewalls deletes health check, ipv4 and ipv6 firewall rules for l4 service.
// Checks if shared resources are safe to delete.
func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) DeleteHealthCheckWithDualStackFirewalls(svc *corev1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, scope meta.KeyType, l4Type utils.L4LBType) (string, error) {
return l4hc.deleteHealthCheckWithDualStackFirewalls(svc, namer, sharedHC, scope, l4Type, true)

// deleteHealthCheckWithDualStackFirewalls deletes health check, ipv4 firewall rule
// and ipv6 firewall if running in dual-stack mode for l4 service.
// Checks if shared resources are safe to delete.
func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) deleteHealthCheckWithDualStackFirewalls(svc *corev1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, scope meta.KeyType, l4Type utils.L4LBType, handleIPv6 bool) (string, error) {
if sharedHC {
// We need to acquire a controller-wide mutex to ensure that in the case of a healthcheck shared between loadbalancers that the sync of the GCE resources is not performed in parallel.
Expand All @@ -217,14 +262,16 @@ func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) DeleteHealthCheckWithFirewall(svc *corev1.Service, n
return "", nil

// Health check deleted, now delete the firewall rule
return l4hc.deleteHealthCheckFirewall(svc, namer, sharedHC, l4Type)
resourceInError, err := l4hc.deleteIPv4HealthCheckFirewall(svc, namer, sharedHC, l4Type)
if handleIPv6 {
resourceInError, err = l4hc.deleteIPv6HealthCheckFirewall(svc, namer, sharedHC, l4Type)
return resourceInError, err

func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) deleteHealthCheck(svc *corev1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, scope meta.KeyType) (bool, error) {
hcName := namer.L4HealthCheck(svc.Namespace, svc.Name, sharedHC)
klog.V(3).Infof("Deleting L4 healthcheck %s for service %s/%s, shared: %v, scope: %v", hcName, svc.Namespace, svc.Name, sharedHC, scope)

err := l4hc.hcProvider.Delete(hcName, scope)
if err != nil {
// Ignore deletion error due to health check in use by another resource.
Expand All @@ -238,24 +285,39 @@ func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) deleteHealthCheck(svc *corev1.Service, namer namer.L
return true, nil

func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) deleteHealthCheckFirewall(svc *corev1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, l4Type utils.L4LBType) (string, error) {
func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) deleteIPv4HealthCheckFirewall(svc *corev1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, l4type utils.L4LBType) (string, error) {
hcName := namer.L4HealthCheck(svc.Namespace, svc.Name, sharedHC)
hcFwName := namer.L4HealthCheckFirewall(svc.Namespace, svc.Name, sharedHC)

klog.V(3).Infof("Deleting IPv4 Firewall %s for health check %s", hcFwName, hcName)
return l4hc.deleteHealthCheckFirewall(svc, hcName, hcFwName, sharedHC, l4type)

func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) deleteIPv6HealthCheckFirewall(svc *corev1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, l4type utils.L4LBType) (string, error) {
hcName := namer.L4HealthCheck(svc.Namespace, svc.Name, sharedHC)
ipv6hcFwName := namer.L4IPv6HealthCheckFirewall(svc.Namespace, svc.Name, sharedHC)

klog.V(3).Infof("Deleting IPv6 Firewall %s for health check %s", ipv6hcFwName, hcName)
return l4hc.deleteHealthCheckFirewall(svc, hcName, ipv6hcFwName, sharedHC, l4type)

func (l4hc *l4HealthChecks) deleteHealthCheckFirewall(svc *corev1.Service, hcName, hcFwName string, sharedHC bool, l4Type utils.L4LBType) (string, error) {
namespacedName := types.NamespacedName{Name: svc.Name, Namespace: svc.Namespace}

safeToDelete, err := l4hc.healthCheckFirewallSafeToDelete(hcName, sharedHC, l4Type)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Failed to delete health check firewall rule %s for service %s/%s - %v", hcFwName, svc.Namespace, svc.Name, err)
klog.Errorf("Failed to delete health check firewall rule %s for service %s - %v", hcFwName, namespacedName.String(), err)
return annotations.HealthcheckResource, err
if !safeToDelete {
klog.V(3).Infof("Failed to delete health check firewall rule %s: health check is in use.", hcName)
klog.V(3).Infof("Failed to delete health check firewall rule %s: health check in use.", hcName)
return "", nil
klog.V(3).Infof("Deleting healthcheck firewall rule %s for health check %s", hcFwName, hcName)
klog.V(3).Infof("Deleting healthcheck firewall rule named: %s", hcFwName)
// Delete healthcheck firewall rule if no healthcheck uses the firewall rule.
err = l4hc.deleteFirewall(hcFwName, svc)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Failed to delete firewall rule %s for loadbalancer service %s/%s, err %v", hcFwName, svc.Namespace, svc.Name, err)
klog.Errorf("Failed to delete firewall rule %s for loadbalancer service %s, err %v", hcFwName, namespacedName.String(), err)
return annotations.FirewallForHealthcheckResource, err
return "", nil
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion pkg/healthchecksl4/healthchecksl4_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,5 +128,4 @@ func TestNewHealthCheck(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("HealthCheck Scope mismatch! %v != %v", hc.Scope, v.scope)

23 changes: 14 additions & 9 deletions pkg/healthchecksl4/interfaces.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,18 +10,23 @@ import (

// L4HealthChecks defines methods for creating and deleting health checks (and their firewall rules) for l4 services
type L4HealthChecks interface {
// EnsureHealthCheckWithFirewall creates health check with firewall rule for l4 service.
EnsureHealthCheckWithFirewall(svc *v1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, scope meta.KeyType, l4Type utils.L4LBType, nodeNames []string) *EnsureL4HealthCheckResult
// DeleteHealthCheckWithFirewall deletes health check with firewall rule for l4 service.
// EnsureHealthCheckWithFirewall creates health check (and firewall rule) for l4 service.
EnsureHealthCheckWithFirewall(svc *v1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, scope meta.KeyType, l4Type utils.L4LBType, nodeNames []string) *EnsureHealthCheckResult
// EnsureHealthCheckWithDualStackFirewalls creates health check (and firewall rule) for l4 service. Handles both IPv4 and IPv6.
EnsureHealthCheckWithDualStackFirewalls(svc *v1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, scope meta.KeyType, l4Type utils.L4LBType, nodeNames []string, needsIPv4 bool, needsIPv6 bool) *EnsureHealthCheckResult
// DeleteHealthCheckWithFirewall deletes health check (and firewall rule) for l4 service.
DeleteHealthCheckWithFirewall(svc *v1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, scope meta.KeyType, l4Type utils.L4LBType) (string, error)
// DeleteHealthCheckWithDualStackFirewalls deletes health check (and firewall rule) for l4 service, deletes IPv6 firewalls if asked.
DeleteHealthCheckWithDualStackFirewalls(svc *v1.Service, namer namer.L4ResourcesNamer, sharedHC bool, scope meta.KeyType, l4Type utils.L4LBType) (string, error)

type EnsureL4HealthCheckResult struct {
HCName string
HCLink string
HCFirewallRuleName string
GceResourceInError string
Err error
type EnsureHealthCheckResult struct {
HCName string
HCLink string
HCFirewallRuleName string
HCFirewallRuleIPv6Name string
GceResourceInError string
Err error

type healthChecksProvider interface {
Expand Down

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