Backend🔙🔚/DevOps 💯/FullStack Developer in South Korea 🇰🇷
I like travel🍾.
- 📅 Nowdays interested in
- ✏️ I’m currently learning Istio, Terraform, EKS
- 📫 How to reach me
- 📁 Worked
- ZOYI Software Engineer (2012 ~ 2018)
- AdbyMe
- Social Media Marketing platform
- Cooki
- Social Curation platform
- AdbyMePlay
- Social Media Marketing by viedo platform
- CarryU
- League Of Legends user score search
- AdbyMe
- ZOYI CTO of Walkinsights (2018 ~ 2020,June)
- Walkinisghts
- Offline analytics by WIFI-Signal
- Walkinisghts
- ZOYI Software Engineer (2012 ~ 2018)
- 📂 Currently working at @modusign CTO
- 📖 Education: BSc, Computer Science; University of Ajou (Suwon)
- Major: Software Engineering
- 🖥 #BigData_handling, #Distributed_system, #Startup