This script set gets JSON alert data from and formats a placefile for GRLevelX software to display either outlines or filled-in areas corresponding to the geography the alert applies to. With outlines selected, a mouse-over the line will popup a text tooltip with details about the alert. With areas selected, a mouse-over the associated icon to the alert will popup a text tooltip with details about the alert.
The NWS_Placefile_Alerts.php script is to be accessed by including the website URL in the GRLevelX placefile manager window. There are 'stub' scripts to invoke NWS_Placefile_Alerts.php with various options selected:
- alert-areas.php Selects Land alerts and filled-in area displays
- alert-details.php Selects Land alerts with area outlines.
- alert-marine-areas.php Selects Marine alerts with filled-in area displays.
- alert-marine-details.php Selects Marine alerts with area outlines.
For ease of usage, the above 4 scripts should be the end-point targets for the GRLevelX placefile manager window.
This script generates a GRLevelX placefile from the cached JSON
file from on demand by a GRLevel3 instance.
It will return output for GRLevelX to display for alerts
within 350 miles of the current radar selected in GRLevel3.
It requires the following files:
- NWS-zones-inc.txt (produced by make-NWS-zones-index.php for the Zone metadata including Zone name, centerpoint lat/long, index# to shapefile, and timezone abbreviation.
Note: NWS-zones-inc.txt file only needs to change when the base shapefiles are updated by the NWS. There is an included utility script to regenerate the file from the shapefiles (make-NWS-zones-index.php) The distributed file is based on the September 19, 2023 shapefile release by the NWS.
- WWAColors.php contains a lookup array for color selection of lines/areas based on the NWS event name in the JSON.
The script generates output using 1 icon file (alerts-icons.png) for area displays. The outline display does not use any icons.
If you run the script for debugging in a browser, add ?version=1.5&dpi=96&lat={latitude}&lon={longitude}
the URL so it knows what to select for display. The output of the script is always text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1 for the placefile.
Viewing the placefile in a browser will show GRLevel3 comments (lines starting with ';') showing how each alert is handled.
In the GRLevel3 placefile manager window, just add the script URL without a query string -- GRLevel3 will automatically add those based on the current radar site selected.
Additional documentation is in each script for further modification convenience.
Upload the files/directories into a directory under the document root of your website.
(We used 'placefiles' in the examples below)
The NWS_Placefile_Alerts.php (and the maintenance utility make-NWS-zones-index.php) both rely on the php-shapefile class scripts which are included in the ./php-shapefile/ directory. You can upload the full directory, or install the utility directly from the official distribution at and documentation at
NOTE: The ./shapefiles/ directory needs to have the unzipped September 19, 2023 shapefiles uploaded to it. See the documentation at ./shapefiles/README.txt on detailed instructions about this. If you use shapefiles other than the September 19, 2023 release, then you'll need to update make-NWS-zones-index.php with the new names and run that script once to replace the NWS-zones-inc.txt to match the actual shapefiles being used. A sample run of the utility is in the ./doc/ directory.
- alert-areas.php
- alert-details.php
- alert-marine-areas.php
- alert-marine-details.php
- alerts-icons.png
- make-NWS-zones-index.php
- NWS_Placefile_Alerts.php
- NWS-zones-inc.txt
- WWAColors.php
- ./php-shapefile/
- ./shapefiles/
Then you can test the placefile script by using your browser to go to
If that returns a placefile, then add your placefile URL (minus the URL query string) into the GRLevelX placefile manager window.
# -----------------------------------------------
# Settings:
# excludes:
$excludeAlerts = array(
"Severe Thunderstorm Warning",
"Severe Weather Statement",
"Tornado Warning",
"Flash Flood Warning"
$excludeAlerts = array(); /* debug */
$TZ = 'UTC'; # default timezone for display
$timeFormat = "d-M-Y g:ia T"; # display format for times
$maxDistance = 350; # generate entries only within this distance
$cacheFilename = 'response_land.json'; # store json here
$cacheTimeMax = 480; # number of seconds cache is 'fresh'
$alertsURL = '®ion_type=land&limit=500';
$showDetails = true; # =false, show areas only; =true, show lines with popups
$showMarine = true; # =true; for marine alerts, =false for land alerts
$latitude = 37.155;
$longitude = -121.898;
$version = 1.5;
$doLogging = true;
$doDebug = false; # =true; turn on additional display, may break placefile for GRLevelX
# NWS timezone abbreviations used per
# appears in Forecast, County and Fire zones (not in Marine)
$NWStimeZones = array (
'A' => 'America/Anchorage', // alaska
'Ah' => 'America/Anchorage', // alaska islands
'C' => 'America/Chicago', // central
'CE' => 'America/Chicago', // florida west
'CM' => 'America/Chicago', // north dakota
'E' => 'America/New_York', // eastern
'F' => 'Pacific/Fiji', // Fiji and Yap
'G' => 'Pacific/Guam', // guam and marianas
'H' => 'Pacific/Honolulu', // hawaii - no DST
'J' => 'Asia/Tokyo', // japan
'K' => 'Pacific/Kwajalein', // Marshall islands
'M' => 'America/Denver', // mountain
'MC' => 'America/Denver', // nebraska
'MP' => 'America/Los_Angeles', // idaho - western
'Mm' => 'America/Denver', // arizona/reservations with DST
'P' => 'America/Los_Angeles',// pacific
'S' => 'Pacific/Pago_Pago', // samoa
'V' => 'America/St_Thomas', // Puerto Rico/St Thomas etc.
'h' => 'America/Adak', // hawaii with DST observed
'm' => 'America/Phoenix', // mountain-no DST
# -----------------------------------------------
Please note that the default installation includes $doLogging = true;
which enables logging of accesses
NWS-placefile-log-{year}-{month}-{day}.txt (UTC date) text files to the installation directory.
These files are useful to help debugging, but you may want to switch them off by specifying $doLogging = false;
; NWS_Placefile_Alerts.php - V2.03 - 02-Sep-2023 - initial release
Title: NWS Alert Areas - Sun Sep 3 3:15:15 UTC 2023
Refresh: 8
Font: 1, 11, 1, "Arial"
IconFile: 1, 17, 17, 8, 8, alerts-icons.png
; cache file 'response_land.json' refreshed from®ion_type=land&limit=500
; JSON decode - - No errors
; 100 alerts found
; Severe Thunderstorm Warning issued September 2 at 8:01PM PDT until September 2 at 8:30PM PDT by NWS Portland OR
; active: 03-Sep-2023 3:01am UTC to 03-Sep-2023 3:30am UTC
; excluded by distance 1522 > 350 max.
; Special Weather Statement issued September 2 at 7:54PM PDT by NWS Portland OR
; active: 03-Sep-2023 2:54am UTC to 03-Sep-2023 3:30am UTC
; excluded by distance 1564 > 350 max.
; Heat Advisory .. no coords, generating zone coords UGC='MNZ060,MNZ061,MNZ062,MNZ063,MNZ068,MNZ069,MNZ070'
; Heat Advisory
; active: 03-Sep-2023 2:04am UTC to 05-Sep-2023 10:00pm UTC
; zone=MNZ060 'F|957|Hennepin|45.0045|-93.4768|C W|1246|Hennepin|45.0045|-93.4768|C'
; zone=MNZ061 'F|941|Anoka|45.2732|-93.2464|C W|1231|Anoka|45.2732|-93.2464|C'
; zone=MNZ062 'F|982|Ramsey|45.0171|-93.0994|C W|1265|Ramsey|45.0171|-93.0994|C'
; zone=MNZ063 'F|999|Washington|45.0383|-92.8839|C W|1281|Washington|45.0383|-92.8839|C'
; zone=MNZ068 'F|944|Carver|44.8208|-93.8025|C W|1234|Carver|44.8208|-93.8025|C'
; zone=MNZ069 'F|988|Scott|44.6484|-93.5358|C W|1270|Scott|44.6484|-93.5358|C'
; zone=MNZ070 'F|949|Dakota|44.6718|-93.0656|C W|1238|Dakota|44.6718|-93.0656|C'
; this zone is MNZ060 with 311 coordinates.
Icon: 45.0045,-93.4768,0,1,52,"Heat Advisory\n\nSent: 02-Sep-2023 9:04pm CDT (0204Z)\nEffective: 02-Sep-2023 9:04pm CDT (0204Z)\nOnset: 02-Sep-2023 9:04pm CDT (0204Z)\nExpires: 03-Sep-2023 5:00am CDT (1000Z)\nEnds: 05-Sep-2023 5:00pm CDT (2200Z)\n\nZone(s): MNZ060, MNZ061, MNZ062, MNZ063, MNZ068, MNZ069, MNZ070\nSeverity: Moderate\nUrgency: Expected\nCertainty: Likely\nSender: NWS Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN\n\nHeat Advisory issued September 2 at 9:04PM CDT until September 5 at 5:00PM CDT by NWS Twin Cities/Chanhassen MN\n\nHEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 5 PM CDT TUESDAY\n(shading is Zone MNZ060)\n"
; end end zone MNZ060
Special thanks to Mike Davis, W1ARN of the National Weather Service, Nashville TN office for his inspiration/testing/feedback during development. Also thanks to Gaspare Sganga for his excellent php-shapefile class scripts which allowed this script set to be built.