Implementation on Java
- Two Sum
- Three Sum
- Largest Element in Array
- Second Largest Element in Array
- Check if an Array is Sorted or not
- Reverse an Array
- Remove Duplicates From an Array
- Move All Zero's to the End
- Left Rotate an Array
- Left Rotate an Array by Size
- Leader in Array
- Frequency of elements in sorted array
- Maximum Profit in Stock Buy and Sell
- Tapping Rain Water
- Maximum Consecutive 1's in Array
- Majority Element in Array
- Maximum sum of circular sub array
- Maximum sum of sub array
- Maximum length of even odd array
- Maximum sum of K consecutive elements
- find the smallest required number of moves to make all elements in the array pairwise distinct
- Count Digits in Number
- Factorial Number
- Iterative Power
- Palindrome Number
- Trailing Zero's of Factorial Number
Multi Dimensional Array
- Print Multi Dimension array values
- Print Default Elements in Multi Dimension array
- Print elements in snake wise
Queue & Stack
- Circular Array Queue Implementation
- Circular Tour
- Generate based given Numbers
- Characters Frequency in String
- Binary Search Iterative
- Binary Search Recursive
- test
- test
Recursive Programming