The Piper J-3 Cub is an American light aircraft that was built between 1938 and 1947 by Piper Aircraft. The aircraft has a simple, lightweight design which gives it good low-speed handling properties and short-field performance.
This is free add-on for Aerofly FS4 created by Krzysztof Kaniewski, 3D model by A-Pilot. Flight physics, performance optimizations (for Piper PA-11): Jan-Hendrik Hanuschik (IPACS)
Some features may not work as intended and this aircraft could crash your Aerofly FS4. Use it at your own risk!
- Unzip file and move the folder "j3cub" into the C:\Users~\Documents\Aerofly FS 4\aircraft folder.
- Delete the folder "j3cub".
3D resources:
Aircraft Manual:
To start the engine grab the propeller blade and rotate the propeller. When using a mouse drag down instead of around the spinner for the best result.
Hi everyone
This is the Piper J-3 Cub, easily one of the most well adored aircraft in history. I hope you like my X-Plane cub, and enjoy a trip back in time in this wonderful flyer.
Handy hint--there's an annoyingly tiny but helpful engine starter and battery button hidden above and behind you by the left wing root. ;)
FLOAT VERSION: water rudder actuator is down to your right beside and slightly in front of your seat.
The cub now features an animated, working fuel gauge on the nose fuel cap!
This is FREEWARE! Have fun. If you're going to redistribute it, please give A-Pilot some credit.