This image provides Clozure Common Lisp togethert with Quicklisp and the SWANK component for debugging. The standard way for connecting a remote SWANK server is via ssh tunneling. Therefore this image runs a sshd as well. CCL is run as User "ubuntu". The entry point is a script in the container's root directory. It starts sshd and CCL, the startup script then loads /home/ubuntu/lisp/startup.lisp. Therefore you could put all your code via -v into /home/ubuntu/lisp and use a startup.lisp script of your own to get everything running.
This image should only be used for developing purposes. If you plan to use it in a production environment you should take some security measures.
The Dockerfile and all files can be found in /.docker/ccl-swank/
This image consists of:
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Clozure Common Lisp 1.9
- Quicklisp
- sshd
Beside this image you could always have a look at the source at github:
Create a new directory, e.g. with "mkdir hunchentoot". Then edit a file startup.lisp with the following content:
(ql:quickload "swank")
(swank:create-server :dont-close t)
;;; put your startup code here
(ql:quickload "hunchentoot")
(hunchentoot:start (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-acceptor :port 4242))
For accessing the web server you could create a Dockerfile of your own, e.g. with the following content:
FROM krrrcks/ccl-swank
EXPOSE 22 4242
CMD ["/bin/bash", "/"]
or you could use a ssh tunnel
ssh -L 4242:localhost:4242 ubuntu@localhost -p XXX
with XXX being the published ssh port of the ccl-swank container.
Well, somehow I loose the setuid bit on /usr/bin/sudo. I have no idea why this happens and therefore I have chmod call in my Dockerfile. Any idea or hint is appreciated.
Your feedback, bug reports, hints are welcome. You could send me an e-mail (look into the Dockerfile for my address) or open an issue at github: