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Create a Progress Bar
It is possible, and quite easy, to make your own progress bar that shows query execution time. The basics are explained on the README but I wanted to go step-by-step as this change made reading long queries much simpler for me.
By default, upon executing a query vim-dadbod-ui will display a progress bar that displays the query execution time in seconds. For me, every now and then I need to run a query that takes 5-10 minutes to complete and seeing the execution time counting the minutes as well as the seconds just makes things slightly easier to calculate.
Disable the builtin progress bar(vimscript shown on the README).
vim.g.db_ui_disable_progress_bar = 1
Copy autoload/db_ui/dbout.vim to your init.lua or a file that you plan to require/source in your init.lua and then remove all functions which have a hash in the name(
):I chose to call my file plug-dadbod-progress.vim since I didn't feel like re-writing this in lua
" NOTE: Progress timer let s:progress_icons = ['/', '—', '\', '|'] let s:progress_buffers = {} let s:progress = { \ 'win': -1, \ 'outwin': -1, \ 'buf': -1, \ 'timer': -1, \ 'counter': 0, \ 'icon_counter': 0, \ } function! s:progress_tick(progress, timer) abort let a:progress.counter += 100 if a:progress.icon_counter > 3 let a:progress.icon_counter = 0 endif let secs = a:progress.counter * 0.001 let minutes = string(floor(secs / 60)) let formattedminutes = substitute(minutes, '\.0$', '', '') let seconds = string(((fmod(secs / 60, 1) * 60) / 100) * 100) if formattedminutes > 0 if formattedminutes < 2 if seconds < 10 let content = ' '.s:progress_icons[a:progress.icon_counter].' Execute query ---- '.formattedminutes.' minute '.seconds.' seconds ' else let content = ' '.s:progress_icons[a:progress.icon_counter].' Execute query --- '.formattedminutes.' minute '.seconds.' seconds ' endif elseif formattedminutes < 10 if seconds < 10 let content = ' '.s:progress_icons[a:progress.icon_counter].' Execute query --- '.formattedminutes.' minutes '.seconds.' seconds ' else let content = ' '.s:progress_icons[a:progress.icon_counter].' Execute query -- '.formattedminutes.' minutes '.seconds.' seconds ' endif else if seconds < 10 let content = ' '.s:progress_icons[a:progress.icon_counter].' Execute query -- '.formattedminutes.' minutes '.seconds.' seconds ' else let content = ' '.s:progress_icons[a:progress.icon_counter].' Execute query - '.formattedminutes.' minutes '.seconds.' seconds ' endif endif else if seconds < 10 let content = ' '.s:progress_icons[a:progress.icon_counter].' Execute query ------------- '.seconds.' seconds' else let content = ' '.s:progress_icons[a:progress.icon_counter].' Execute query ------------ '.seconds.' seconds' endif endif if has('nvim') call nvim_buf_set_lines(a:progress.buf, 0, -1, v:false, [content]) else call popup_settext(a:progress.win, content) endif let a:progress.icon_counter += 1 endfunction function! s:progress_winpos(win) let pos = win_screenpos(a:win) return [ \ pos[0] + (winheight(a:win) / 2), \ pos[1] + (winwidth(a:win) / 2) - (winwidth(a:win) / 5), \ ] endfunction function! s:progress_hide(...) abort let bufname = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : bufname() let progress = get(s:progress_buffers, bufname, {}) if empty(progress) return endif if has('nvim') silent! call nvim_win_close(progress.win, v:true) else silent! call popup_close(progress.win) endif silent! call timer_stop(progress.timer) unlet! s:progress_buffers[bufname] call s:progress_reset_positions() endfunction function! s:progress_reset_positions() for bprogress in values(s:progress_buffers) let win = bprogress.win let [row, col] = s:progress_winpos(bprogress.outwin) if has('nvim') call nvim_win_set_config(win, { 'relative': 'editor', 'row': row - 2, 'col': col }) else call popup_move(win, { 'line': row, 'col': col }) endif endfor endfunction function! s:progress_show_neovim(path) abort let bufname = !empty(a:path) ? a:path : bufname() let outwin = win_getid(bufwinnr(bufname)) let progress = copy(s:progress) let progress.outwin = outwin let progress.buf = nvim_create_buf(v:false, v:true) call nvim_buf_set_lines(progress.buf, 0, -1, v:false, ['| Execute query -------------- 0.0 seconds']) let [row, col] = s:progress_winpos(outwin) let opts = { \ 'relative': 'editor', \ 'width': 43, \ 'height': 1, \ 'row': row - 2, \ 'col': col, \ 'focusable': v:false, \ 'style': 'minimal' \ } if has('nvim-0.5') let opts.border = 'rounded' endif let progress.win = nvim_open_win(progress.buf, v:false, opts) let progress.timer = timer_start(100, function('s:progress_tick', [progress]), { 'repeat': -1 }) let s:progress_buffers[bufname] = progress endfunction function! s:progress_show(...) if has('nvim') call s:progress_show_neovim(get(a:, 1, '')) else call s:progress_show_vim(get(a:, 1, '')) endif call s:progress_reset_positions() endfunction if exists('*nvim_open_win') augroup dbui_async_queries_dbout autocmd! autocmd User DBQueryPre call s:progress_show() autocmd User DBQueryPost call s:progress_hide() autocmd User *DBExecutePre call s:progress_show(expand('<amatch>:h')) autocmd User *DBExecutePost call s:progress_hide(expand('<amatch>:h')) augroup END endif
If not already in your init.lua then you need to require or source the file:
- Using the
variable:vim.cmd('source ' .. os.getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME') .. 'path/to/progress-file/from/XDG_CONFIG_HOME.vim')
- Without the variable:
vim.cmd('source ~/path/to/progress-file/from/home.vim')
- Using the
Customize your new file and enjoy!
Screenshot Examples