Tags autocompletion source for completion-nvim
It works almost the same as built-in tags
completion, with additional floating window that contains paths where tag is pulled from.
Use your favorite plugin manager to install it, and add tags
to the chain completion list:
function! PackagerInit()
call packager#add('kristijanhusak/vim-packager')
call packager#add('nvim-lua/completion-nvim')
call packager#add('kristijanhusak/completion-tags')
let g:completion_chain_complete_list = {
\ 'default': [
\ {'complete_items': ['lsp']},
\ {'complete_items': ['tags']},
\ ]}
" Or combine with lsp
let g:completion_chain_complete_list = {
\ 'default': [
\ {'complete_items': ['lsp', 'tags']},
\ ]}