Some utilities for svg path element to help operating with path data, like calculating inverse path data...
npm install svg-path-utils
var spu = require('svg-path-utils');
var utils = new spu.SVGPathUtils();
or in es6
import {SVGPathUtils} from 'svg-path-utils';
const utils = new SVGPathUtils();
// generate path data
const d = utils.join(utils.M(50,100), utils.L(200,300), utils.Z()); // d = "M50,100 L200,300 Z"
// calculate inverse path data
const inverse_d = utils.inversePath(d); // inverse_d = "M200,300 L50,100 Z"
Inverse path data calculation
Direct Path | Inverse Path |
d="M50,300 L50,250 C50,150 75,150 100,250 C150,450 200,450 200,250 Q200,100 400,100" |
d="M400,100 Q200,100 200,250 C200,450 150,450 100,250 C75,150 50,150 50,250 L50,300" |
Check this online demo.
It is also used in Yarrow.
Uppercase (M, L, H, ...) - uses absolute coordinates, lowercase (m, l, h, ...) - uses relative coordinates
# utils.M(x, y) - “moveto” commands.
# utils.m(x, y)
# utils.L(x, y) - “lineto” commands.
# utils.l(x, y)
# utils.H(x) - horizontal “lineto” commands.
# utils.h(x)
# utils.V(y) - vertical “lineto” commands.
# utils.v(y)
# utils.C(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y) - cubic Bézier curve commands.
# utils.c(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y)
# utils.S(x2, y2, x, y) - smooth cubic Bézier curve commands.
# utils.s(x2, y2, x, y)
# utils.Q(x1, y1, x, y) - quadratic Bézier curve commands.
# utils.q(x1, y1, x, y)
# utils.T(x, y) - smooth quadratic Bézier curve commands.
# utils.t(x, y)
# utils.Z() - “closepath” commands.
# utils.z()
Todo: add .A(...) and .a(...) - elliptical arc curve commands.
Example of usage:
utils.M(50,100) // return: "M50,100"
utils.L(200,300) // return: "L200,300"
utils.c(10,20,30,40,50,60) // return: "c10,20 30,40 50,60"
utils.Z() // return: "Z"
# utils.parse(d)
Parse path data d into sequence of operators ['M', 'L', ...] and sequence of principal points [(x,y)].
utils.parse("M50,100 L200,300 H100");
operators: ["M", "L", "H"],
points: [
{x: 50, y: 100},
{x: 200, y: 300},
{x: 100}
# utils.generate({ operators: [operators], points: [points]})
Generate path data d from a sequence of operators ['M', 'L', ...] and sequence of principal points [(x,y)].
const data = {
operators: ["M", "L", "H"],
points: [
{x: 50, y: 100},
{x: 200, y: 300},
{x: 100}
utils.generate(data); // return: "M50,100 L200,300 H100"
# utils.inversePath(d)
Calculate and return inverse path data for path data d.
utils.inversePath("M50,100 L200,300 Z"); // return: "M200,300 L50,100 Z"
# utils.join(args)
Join input args into a string with space (' ') separator.
utils.join("M50,100", "L200,300", "Z"); // return: "M50,100 L200,300 Z"
utils.join(utils.M(50,100), utils.L(200,300), utils.Z()); // return: "M50,100 L200,300 Z"