This Blogging web application project is purely made with Django as the backend and Bootstrap as the frontend.
Installation Instructions If you want to work with this project or create a version of it make sure to follow the steps below!
Make sure to install Python 3, pip and virtualenv
Create a project folder
$ mkdir project
$ cd project
Create a python 3 virtualenv, and activate the environment to install requirements.
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
Install the project dependencies from requirements.txt
(env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Clone the repository
(env)$ git clone
(env)$ cd django-blog-app
You have now successfully set up the project on your environment.
How to run the project? Make sure you are in env and then do the following each at a time.
(env)$ python makemigrations (env)$ python makemigrations blogApp (env)$ python makemigrations users (env)$ python migrate (env)$ python createsuperuser (env)$ python runserver
#Some screenshot of website...
Dedicated profile page where user can see his posts and edit his profile.
Comment and like functionality will be addded.
User can post and delete his post and modify too.
Search option is there.List of all authors is there.