This is a minimum implementation of .Net DbConnection, DbCommand and DbDatareader to connect, read, parse and bulk load data to Elasticsearch.
string query = @"POST /someindex/_search
"query":{ "term": {"field1": "searchValue" }}
var connection = new ElasticDbConnection("Server=http://localhost:9200", new [] { typeof(HitsParser) });
var command = new ElasticDbCommand(query);
using(var dataReader = new ElasticDbDataReader(command))
var fieldNames = dataReader.FieldNames;
// read field by field
var fieldByField = Enumerable.Range(0, dataReader.FieldCount).Select(i => dataReader.GetValue(i)).ToArray();
// or read the entire row
object[] rowAtOnce = new object[dataReader.FieldCount];
dataReader.GetValues(out rowAtOnce);
var data = connection.Query<HitsType>(query);
var connection = new ElasticDbConnection("Server=http://localhost:9200", new [] { typeof(HitsParser), typeof(SearchResultParser) });
var multi = conn.QueryMultiple(query);
var hits = multi.Read<HitsType>();
var searchResult = multi.Read<SearchResult>();
SearchResultParser reads the result information fields
- Took
- TimedOut
- ShardsTotal
- ShardsSuccessful
- ShardsFailed
- TotalHits
HitsResultParser reads the hits collection (nested objects not supported)
AggregationParser reads the aggregation collection
public class CustomParser : ResultParser
public CustomParser(string json) : base(json)
// The json string contains the data that is received from Elasticsearch
public override object GetValue(int ordinal)
// current row index is available in base._position, or override MoveNext to keep your own counter
// return the value for row _position and fieldindex ordrinal
to use it, pass the type to the connection
var connection = new ElasticDbConnection("Server=http://localhost:9200", new [] { typeof(CustomParser) });
// Open a bulk stream
var streamWriter = conn.BeginBulkLoad();
// write bulk commands, see
// When done writing commands call EndBulkLoad
// the data will be POSTed to http://server:9200/_bulk
// the results (if required) will contain the parsed results from elasticsearch, not suitable for large bulk loads (+10k)
var results = conn.EndBulkLoad(streamWriter, true);