This is a Visual Basic based excel macro project .Currnently there are three major operations supported in this software .
##Update Net Balance
On clicking the Update Net Balance button , the software updates for each cell in Column E = Column C - Column D.In brief this program calculates net balance for every entry . Net balance can be zero ,positive and negative.
##Prepare Client Sheet
On clicking Update Client Balance the program prepares balance sheet for a particular client . The program asks for 3 inputs.
1.Start Date
2.End Date
3.Client name
The software searches every sheet except Balance Sheet. On matching the criteria , the entries are copied on to balance sheet .In the last row net balance is shown which is the total sum of Column D.The balance sheet can then be printed
##Prepare Balance Sheet
On clicking Prepare Balance Sheet the software prepares a cummulative balance sheet of all entries in all sheets of this workbook.The balance sheet can be seen on sheet names 'Balance Sheet' .In the last row net balance is shown which is the total sum of Column D.The balance sheet can then be printed
1.Microsoft Excel 2003 or above