Fixed missing title in artist window.
Fixed buttons to move playlist still being available when not doing anything.
Fixed not formatting playlist descriptions properly.
Fixed specific tracks not playing in specific playlists (#22 ).
Fixed not properly handling connection errors during startup.
Fixed incorrect playlist order after a playlist was edited.
Fixed not re-selecting playlist after refresh when using a custom order.
Fixed deletion of track in playlist not handling duplicates properly.
Fixed deletion of tracks not working when using a custom sorting order.
Fixed artist page and search results ignoring "single click to play tracks" setting.
Fixed not being able to save Spotify client executables with file extensions.
Fixed being able to save invalid paths to Spotify client.
Fixed being able to open an empty album from the album view.
Added setting to show or hide track numbers (enabled by default).
Now trims client id and secret during setup to reduce errors.
Deletion of tracks in playlist have been rewritten to improve stability.
When adding a track to a playlist, the playlist is now refreshed first.
You can’t perform that action at this time.