Fixed following, or unfollowing, an artist causing a crash.
Fixed attempting to open a parent in library list loading an empty track list.
Fixed support for Qt 5.14 and older.
Fixed crash when failing to check if following an artist.
Fixed not re-enabling client id and secret after authentication failure.
Added a new library option, "Following", for artists you're currently following.
Library options for artists and albums are now sorted.
When using app config with spotifyd, it is now closed together with the app.
Added a log button to show spotifyd output.
Added a new setting to either play tracks with a single or double click (double by default) (#27 ).
Bitmap icons are now deprecated, and will be removed in v3.0, scalable icon is now preferred.
System info dialog has been reworked to show more info on non-Linux systems.
Scalable icon and desktop shortcut is now installed through CMake on Unix-like systems.
Binary is now installed through CMake regardless of build configuration.
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