- HTML-5
// <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
// Part of getting OTP.
// Get value from post method when click on GET OTP buttoon.
if (array_key_exists("getotp",$_POST)) {
// echo "Ready for otp";
if (!$_POST["email"]) {
$eerror="Email is required"; //Check email is filled or not.
}else{ $code=rand(); //Create a randome number using rand() function.
session_start(); //Session start for store that code.
$_SESSION[$vcode] =$code; //Value is stored.
$emailTo=$_POST['email']; //Get user email using Post method and store in email variable.
$Subject="Email OTP"; //Subject of email
$body="Your One Time Password is: ".$code; // Body part of message and OTP.
$header="Verify your email"; //Header part of email.
$success='mail sent sucessfully.'; // If OTP sent success message save.
$error='mail did not sent'; // If mail unable to sent error message save.
// verify email
if(array_key_exists("submit",$_POST)){ //if submit button sent post request.
// echo "Ready for verify otp";
if (!$_POST["email"]) {
$eerror="Email is required"; // if email does not filled then this error display.
if (!$_POST["otp"]) {
$oerror="Fill the OTP"; // // if OTP does not filled then this error display.
// echo "Email Verified successfully";
if ($_POST["otp"]==$code) {
$success="Mail verfied"; // if otp matches with code then mail verified message appears.
$oerror= "Your otp is invalid"; // of otp does not matches then error message appears.