- OS: ubuntu (18.04 LTS)
- Container: docker (19.03.6)
- Fuzzer: AFL (2.5.b)
- DATA Collector: AFL4DDRFuzz
(D: directory / F: file)
- [D] projects: target projects
- [D] src: source code of ddrfuzz
- [F] Dockerfile: dockerfile for base environment such as os, AFL, utils, etc.
- [F] docker-compose.yml: docker compose file for fuzzbuilderex, target libraries
- [F] build.sh: script file to build target projects
DDRFuzz: Data-driven Fuzzing with Seq2Seq Model for Seed Generation
This program is authored and maintained by Sanghoon(Kevin) Jeon, Dongyoung Kim, and Minsoo Ryu.
Email: kppw99@gmail.com, ehddud758@gmail.com, onsoim@gmail.com