AWS CloudWatch log stream exporter (cwlogstream_exporter
) collects metrics on AWS CloudWatch log stream last even times for EC2 instances.
- Each instance creates its own AWS log stream
- Instance ID should be included in the log stream name
- All instances within an AWS region send logs to a common log group
- Example:
- Example:
- IAM permissions:
- Fetch log group.
- Fetch all running EC2 instances.
- Collect all log group streams for the given log group.
- For each AWS instance check to see if a log group stream exists
- Check log group last event time for the instance in question, if no events within the last hour consider the log stream dead.
Basic usage
cwlogstream_exporter -aws.region=us-east-1 -aws.log-group-name=/var/log/messages -aws.ec2-tag-filter=Env:dev,Compliance:level1
By default, metrics are exposed at :9520/metrics
# HELP cwlogstream_sending Checks if AWS CloudWatch logs are being sent by AWS instance ID and log group
# TYPE cwlogstream_sending gauge
cwlogstream_sending{group="/var/log/messages",instance_id="i-0abc123def456ghkl"} 1
cwlogstream_sending{group="/var/log/messages",instance_id="i-0123abc456def7899"} 1
# HELP cwlogstream_up Checks if the exporter is up/online.
# TYPE cwlogstream_up gauge
cwlogstream_up 1
Example Prometheus job:
- job_name: 'cwlogstream-exporter'
scrape_interval: 5m
scrape_timeout: 30s
- region: us-east-1
port: 9520
role_arn: arn:aws:iam::012345678901:role/monitoring
- source_labels: [__meta_ec2_tag_CWLogStream_Exporter]
regex: true
action: keep
Example Prometheus alert:
- name: cwlogstream
- alert: CloudWatchLogStreamLastEvent
expr: cwlogstream_sending == 0
for: 30m
summary: 'An AWS EC2 instance is not sending logs to AWS CloudWatch'
description: 'Instance {{$labels.instance_id}} is not sending logs to the {{$}} CloudWatch log group'
go build
Exporter was based on the following Prometheus exporters:
- (fork of ecs-exporter)