Template code for reading RuuviTag sensor data (temperature, humidity, etc.) with a Raspberry Pi.
NodeJS and NPM should be installed on the system.
- Get a shell on the Raspberry Pi with SSH
- Start the RuuviTag listener
Connect to the Raspberry Pi using SSH from your computer:
ssh pi@
Where you replace
with the internal IP address of your group's Raspberry Pi.
You can open a shared tmux session in your group by
- One member runs the
command - Other members run
tmux attach
to share the terminal.
To detach from the tmux session use Ctrl-B Ctrl-D
Open the RuuviTag enclosure and remove the insulation from the battery.
Change directory to lesson4-iot-template and start the node program.
cd lesson4-iot-template
npm start
You should see data being broadcasted by the RuuviTags appear in the output.
Add this line to crontab to automatically refresh IPs
* * * * * /usr/bin/curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"hostname\":\"$(/usr/bin/hostname)\",\"ip\":\"$(/usr/bin/hostname -I)\"}"
Then to list out the IP addresses using httpie
http GET
SSH to a specific host
ssh pi@$(curl -s |jq -r '.results[] |select(.hostname == "iot3").ip |gsub("^\\\\s+|\\\\s+$";"")')