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helm-mirror Plugin

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A fork of the helm-mirror plugin from openSUSE. This plugin allows you to mirror Helm Charts from a repository into a local folder.


Using Helm plugin manager (> 2.3.x)

helm plugin install --version main

Using a Go environment:

go install

Or download the binary from the releases page, unpack it, and use the bin/mirror binary directly.


Mirror Helm Charts from an index file into a local folder.

For example:

helm-mirror /path/to/downloaded/charts

This will download the index file and the latest version of the charts into the folder indicated.

The index file is a YAML that contains a list of charts in this format. Example:

apiVersion: v1
  - apiVersion: 1.0.0
    created: 2018-08-08T00:00:00.00000000Z
    description: A Helm chart for your application
    digest: 3aa68d6cb66c14c1fcffc6dc6d0ad8a65b90b90c10f9f04125dc6fcaf8ef1b20
    name: chart
  - apiVersion: 1.0.0
    created: 2018-08-08T00:00:00.00000000Z
    description: A Helm chart for your application
    digest: 7ae62d60b61c14c1fcffc6dc670e72e62b91b91c10f9f04125dc67cef2ef0b21
    name: chart

This will download these charts:


Into your destination folder.


  helm-mirror [Repo URL] [Destination Folder] [flags]
  helm-mirror [command]

Available Commands: help Help about any command inspect-images Extract all the images of the Helm Charts. version Show version of the helm-mirror plugin


  -a, --all-versions                                   gets all the versions of the charts in the chart repository
      --ca-file string                                 verify certificates of HTTPS-enabled servers using this CA bundle
      --cert-file string                               identify HTTPS client using this SSL certificate file
      --chart-name string                              name of the chart that gets mirrored
      --chart-version string                           specific version of the chart that is going to be mirrored
  -h, --help                                           help for mirror
  -i, --ignore-errors                                  ignores errors while downloading or processing charts
      --key-file string                                identify HTTPS client using this SSL key file
      --new-root-url https://mirror.local.lan/charts   New root url of the chart repository (eg: https://mirror.local.lan/charts)
      --password string                                chart repository password
      --username string                                chart repository username
  -v, --verbose                                        verbose output

Getting all charts

helm-mirror /path/to/charts --all-charts

This will download all the charts and all the available versions of the charts.

Getting one specific chart

helm-mirror /path/to/charts --chart-name nginx

This will download the latest version of the chart nginx.

Getting one specific chart with a specific version

helm-mirror /path/to/charts --chart-name nginx --chart-version 2.14.3

This will download version 2.14.3 of the chart nginx.

Use helm-mirror [command] --help for more information about a command.



Extract all the container images listed in each Helm Chart or the Helm Charts in the folder provided. This command dumps the images on stdout by default, for more options check output flag. Example:

  • helm-mirror inspect-images /tmp/helm
  • helm-mirror inspect-images /tmp/helm/app.tgz

The folder or .tgz file has to be a full path.


mirror inspect-images [folder|tgzfile] [flags]


  • -h, --help help for inspect-images
  • -i, --ignore-errors ignores errors whiles processing charts. (Exit Code: 2)
  • -o, --output string choose an output for the list of images. (default "stdout")

Available output options:

  • file: outputs all images to a file
  • json: outputs all images to a file in JSON format
  • skopeo: outputs all images to a file in YAML format: to be used as source file with the 'skopeo sync' command. For more information refer skopeo(1).
  • stdout: prints all images to standard output
  • yaml: outputs all images to a file in YAML format
helm-mirror inspect-images /tmp/helm --output stdout
helm-mirror inspect-images /tmp/helm -o stdout
helm-mirror inspect-images /tmp/helm -o file=filename
helm-mirror inspect-images /tmp/helm -o json=filename.json
helm-mirror inspect-images /tmp/helm -o yaml=filename.yaml
helm-mirror inspect-images /tmp/helm -o skopeo=filename.yaml

Global Flags

  • -v, --verbose: verbose output


Displays the current version of mirror.