This repository is for teaching purposes only.
It demonstrates how to compue multiscale basis functions in a shared memory parallel fashion in both 2D and 3D.
To build the executable and Eclipse project files you must clone the repository:
git clone elliptic_msfem_SMP
We want an out-of-source-build with build files in a folder parallel to the code:
mkdir elliptic_msfem_SMP_build
cd elliptic_msfem_SMP_build
Then create the build files with cmake
cmake -DDEAL_II_DIR=/path/to/dealii -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" ../elliptic_msfem_SMP
You can now import an existing project in Eclipse. To generate the executable in debug mode type
make debug
If you want to produce a faster reslease version type
make release
You will need doxygen
, mathjax
and some other packages such as GraphViz
To build the documentation with doxygen
enter the code folder
cd elliptic_msfem_SMP/doc
and type
doxygen Doxyfile
This will generate a html documentation of classes in the elliptic_msfem_SMP/documentation/html
To open it open the index.html
in a web browser.