- cfg Execute commands from a config file [filepath]
- combinefolder Combines all sprites from input folder into a spritesheet in output folder [inputpath, outputpath]
- combinesub Combines all sprites from subfolders in folder into a spritesheet in folder [inputpath]
- split Split a sheet into frames of size x size [size, inputpath]
- bw Creates black and white copes of all images in inputpath. [inputpath]
- scale Resizes images to the size in the inputpath. [size, inputpath]
- filetype Set the default export type (sets in environment variable). [filetype]
Made for easy sprite sheet making in gamedev pipeline.
Created by Henrik Länsman.
To run interactive mode:
dotnet build
dotnet run
Or as single command with:
dotnet run --project .\SpriteSheeter.Cli\SpriteSheeter.Cli.csproj -- combinefolder c:\folderwithimages c:\folderwhereiwantmysheet
dotnet run --project .\SpriteSheeter.Cli\SpriteSheeter.Cli.csproj -- cfg c:\code\sprite-sheeter\examples\sample_config.cfg
Example file:
- Json
- SimpleData
- Plist
Set type using Environment variable (default is SimpleData):
You can also set it interactive by starting the application with no arguments.
Json example:
"frames": [
{ "name": "bullet_1.png", "id": 0, "x":0, "y":0, "width":16, "height":16 },
{ "name": "bullet_2.png", "id": 1, "x":16, "y":0, "width":16, "height":16 }
SimpleData example:
0 bullet_1.png 0 0 16 16
1 bullet_2.png 16 0 16 16
Plist example:
- too long to list but it works with Cocos2d-x
To create new exporters (output type) you need to do these three things:
- Implement the IMappingFile interface.
- Add the type to the FileType enum.
- Add the mapping from filetype to the mapper in ExportFileTypeFactory.