Web HTML scraper all written in JavaScript! jQuery have the best DOM tree manipulation engine. Period. That's why implementing scraper with jQuery is really easy & fast. Together with all recent speed improvements in JavaScript and Node.JS it's really a cutting egde technology.
- Moduler architecture - every task is acheved by plug-in architecture
- Scalable
- Can be integrated with any service available
- Can be implemented with Node.js for massive paraller execution (in process)
- Use 2 drawing chart engines for visualizing the output
- Can be integrated with SQL & NoSQL databases even with HTML5's localStorage
- jQuery (included)
- PHP - Using PHP as AJAX proxy regarding "Cross domain origin policy"
- Highcharts JS v2.1.9 (included) (optional)
- QUnit testing framework (opional)
Here is template to an empty plugin in the scraper:
var plugins = $.extend(crower.plugins, {'plugin_name' : { // plugin_name is the name of your plugin
pageUrl: "http://www.example.com/", // Here is your default page you want to scrape
requestType: 'get', // HTTP request type (POST may be also appropriate)
el: 'body',
process: function(html){ // callback function that you have the HTML code of the above page
$(html).find('/*find some data*/').each(function(){
// do interesting stuff with jQuery & use ajax request to save to database
Put the plugin in plugins folder inder the same name as plugin_name.js & execute with index.php?plugin=plugin_name
You can now write QUnit test for each plugin. Place the test in the test folder with the same plugin name & excute them with test=1 parameter in the URL.
- Integrate with Node.js for parallel scraping
- Database layer for saving the information
- MD5 cache check for already scraped resources
- Integrating Brain.JS
For more information feel free to contact me: aleks.rk@gmail.com