Screen profiles manager for
randrctl remembers your screen configurations (position of displays, rotation, scaling, etc.) and switches between them automatically as displays are connected or manually, when necessary:
randrctl switch-to home
randrctl switch-to office
randrctl depends on xrandr
utility and won't work without it. Please install it first.
$ randrctl setup config > ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/randrctl/config.yaml
# pip install randrctl
# randrctl setup udev > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-randrctl.rules
# randrctl setup completion > /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/randrctl
$ randrctl setup config > ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/randrctl/config.yaml
$ git clone
$ cd randrctl
# python install
# randrctl setup udev > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-randrctl.rules
# randrctl setup completion > /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/randrctl
$ randrctl setup config > ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/randrctl/config.yaml
Usage is very simple:
Setup your screen to suit your needs (randrctl does not handle that)
Dump settings with randrctl to a named profile
randrctl dump -e home
- Re-apply those settings, whenever you need them
randrctl switch-to home
- ... or let randrctl to inspect currently connected displays and choose profile that fits them best
randrctl auto
Auto-switching will also happen automatically if provided udev rules are installed to the system.
- For more info on usage refer to help
randrctl --help
can associate profile with currently connected displays and switch to this profile automatically whenever
same (or similar) set of displays is connected.
Profile is matched to the set of connected displays by evaluating one or more of the following rules for every connected display:
list of supported modes of connected display includes the current mode
randrctl dump -m profile1
You can use this to create profile that is activated whenever connected display supports the mode that is currently set for that output.
preferred mode of connected display is the current mode
randrctl dump -p profile2
Display can support wide range of modes from 640x480 to 1920x1200, but prefer only one of those. When dumped this way, profile is considered a match if connected display prefers the mode, that is currently set for it.
unique identifier of connected display is exactly tha same
randrctl dump -e profile3
Unique identifier (edid) of every display is dumped with the profile, so it matches, only if exactly same displays are connected.
Naturally, the more specific the rule, the bigger weight it has, so in case if you invoked those 3 dump commands above
with the same displays connected, profile3
will be chosen as the best (i.e. the most specific) match.
It is possible to specify any combination of -m -p -e
keys to dump command. In this case randrctl will try to match
all the rules combining them with logical AND (for example, display must support and at the same time prefer the mode).
Although such combination of rules might seem redundant (because if the more specific rule matches, the more generic
will do too), it might have sense if rule is edited manually.
If randrctl dump
is invoked without additional options, it dumps only screen setup, so profile won't be considered
during auto-switching.
randrctl can execute custom commands (hooks) before and after switching to profile or if switching fails. Hooks are
specified in config file $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/randrctl/config.yaml
prior_switch: /usr/bin/killall -SIGSTOP i3
post_switch: /usr/bin/killall -SIGCONT i3 && /usr/bin/notify-send -u low "randrctl" "switched to $randr_profile"
post_fail: /usr/bin/killall -SIGCONT i3 && /usr/bin/notify-send -u critical "randrctl error" "$randr_error"
The typical use-case of this is displaying desktop notification with libnotify.
I also use it to pause i3 window manager as it was known to crash sometimes during the switch.
Profile is a simple text file in YAML format. It can be edited manually, however it is rarely required in practice
because randrctl dump
handles most common cases.
LVDS1: {}
prefers: 1920x1080
mode: 1366x768
panning: 1366x1080
mode: 1920x1080
pos: 1366x0
rotate: inverted
primary: DP1
Profile is required to contain 2 sections (outputs
and primary
). That is what dumped when randrctl dump
is invoked
without additional options.
The match
section is optional and is dumped only when one of the auto-switching rules is specified.
Each property of outputs
section references output as seen in xrandr (i.e. DP1, HDMI2, etc.). Meaning of the
properties is the same as in the xrandr utility.
is mandatory, the others may be omitted.
mode: 1920x1200
panning: 2496x1560+1920+0
pos: 1920x0
rate: 60
rotate: normal
scale: 1.3x1.3
Name of the primary output as seen in xrandr.
primary: eDP1
Set of rules for auto-switching.
The minimum rule is
HDMI1: {}
which means, that something must be connected to that output.
Rule corresponding to randrctl dump -m
would be
supports: 1920x1080
randrctl dump -p
prefers: 1920x1080
and randrctl dump -e
edid: efdbca373951c898c5775e1c9d26c77f
is md5 hash of actual display's edid
. To obtain that value, use randrctl show
As was mentioned, prefers
, supports
and edid
can be combined in the same rule, so it is possible to manually
create a more sophisticated rule
LVDS1: {}
prefers: 1600x1200
supports: 800x600
When more than one profile matches current output configuration priority can be used to highlight preferred profile.
priority: 100
Default priority is 100
. To set profile priority use -P <priority>
with dump
command. Like this:
randrctl dump -e default -P 50
$ python test