Written and (C) Kai Kramer on top of https://github.com/nicoh88/node-kobold from Arne Blumentritt and Nico Hartung. Build with https://github.com/hobbyquaker/xyz2mqtt-skeleton from Sebastian Raff.
Provided under the terms of the MIT license.
kobold2mqtt is a gateway between a Kobold VR200 vacuum and MQTT with the https://github.com/mqtt-smarthome topic and payload format.
If you use the MyKobold app, you will probably need to login via OAuth2. For this you will have to obtain a token. Instructions for obtaining such a token can be found here.
The recommended away is via docker hub.
docker run --rm --env-file ./vr200.env -it krambox/kobold2mqtt
Or via direct call
./kobold2mqtt.js -u mqtt:// -e <EMail> -p <pwd>
Or via direct call (OAuth2 token)
./kobold2mqtt.js -u mqtt:// -t <token>
Example Env file for docker run --env-file
VR200_password=<Vorwerk password>
VR200_email=<Vorwerk username>
Example Env file for docker run --env-file with OAuth2
VR200_token=<Vorwerk token>
Set env variable koboldconfig to config.yml
Start kobold2mqtt.js
docker build -t kobold2mqtt .
docker run --rm --env-file ./vr200.env -it kobold2mqtt
kobold2mqtt respects the smarthome2mqtt scheme and exposes the vacuum cleaners state exemplarily:
Topic: vr200/status/<Kobold Name>
"ts": 1575615863,
"isCharging": false,
"isDocked": true,
Changing the state is possible with the following set values on topic vr200/set/:
- start
- stop
- pause
- resume
- doc
So to start the Vorwerk200, publish this message:
Topic: vr200/set/<Kobold Name>
Message: start