This demo shows how ComposableArchitecture (TCA) can be used to power a 3-Column NavigationSplitView.
Sidebar contains value-based navigation links to multiple different child features. In this example, a global AppReducer
contains nested FeatureList
reducers - each with their own optional FeatureDetails
reducers. This ensures that content & detail views in the NavigationSplitView are persisted across multiple selections, and each section can be understood independently.

// AppReducer
struct AppReducer: Reducer {
struct State: Equatable {
var featureA = FeatureList.State(name: "A")
var featureB = FeatureList.State(name: "B")
var featureC = FeatureList.State(name: "C")
@BindingState var sidebarDestinationTag: SidebarDestinationTag? = .featureA
enum SidebarDestinationTag: String, Equatable, CaseIterable {
case featureA = "Feature A"
case featureB = "Feature B"
case featureC = "Feature C"
enum Action: BindableAction, Equatable {
case featureA(FeatureList.Action)
case featureB(FeatureList.Action)
case featureC(FeatureList.Action)
case binding(BindingAction<State>)
var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
Scope(state: \.featureA, action: /Action.featureA, child: FeatureList.init)
Scope(state: \.featureB, action: /Action.featureB, child: FeatureList.init)
Scope(state: \.featureC, action: /Action.featureC, child: FeatureList.init)
struct AppView: View {
let store: StoreOf<AppReducer>
var body: some View {
columnVisibility: .constant(.all),
sidebar: {
WithViewStore(store, observe: \.sidebarDestinationTag) { viewStore in
List(selection: viewStore.binding(get: { $0 }, send: { .binding(.set(\.$sidebarDestinationTag, $0)) })) {
ForEach(AppReducer.State.SidebarDestinationTag.allCases, id: \.self) { value in
NavigationLink(value: value) {
content: {
WithViewStore(store, observe: \.sidebarDestinationTag) { viewStore in
switch viewStore.state {
case .featureA: FeatureListView(store: store.scope(state: \.featureA, action: { .featureA($0) }))
case .featureB: FeatureListView(store: store.scope(state: \.featureB, action: { .featureB($0) }))
case .featureC: FeatureListView(store: store.scope(state: \.featureC, action: { .featureC($0) }))
case .none: EmptyView()
detail: {
WithViewStore(store, observe: \.sidebarDestinationTag) { viewStore in
switch viewStore.state {
case .featureA: FeatureListDetailsView(store: store.scope(state: \.featureA, action: { .featureA($0) }))
case .featureB: FeatureListDetailsView(store: store.scope(state: \.featureB, action: { .featureB($0) }))
case .featureC: FeatureListDetailsView(store: store.scope(state: \.featureC, action: { .featureC($0) }))
case .none: EmptyView()
Content views contain value-based navigation links to detail
views, as well their own sheets, alerts, confirmationDialogs, etc. Separating the presentation logic for detail and destination states allows the content view to display alerts without losing the detail selection.

// FeatureList
struct FeatureList: Reducer {
struct State: Equatable {
let name: String
var models = IdentifiedArrayOf<Client.Model>()
@PresentationState var details: FeatureDetails.State?
@PresentationState var destination: Destination.State?
enum Action: Equatable {
case task
case setModels([Client.Model])
case showDetails(for: Client.Model.ID?)
case delete(model: Client.Model.ID)
case newFeatureButtonTapped
case details(PresentationAction<FeatureDetails.Action>)
case destination(PresentationAction<Destination.Action>)
@Dependency(\.client) var client
var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .task:
return .run { send in
for await value in await self.client.models() {
await send(.setModels(value))
case let .setModels(value):
state.models = .init(uniqueElements: value)
return .none
case let .delete(model: id):
return .run { send in
await self.client.delete(id)
case let .showDetails(for: modelID):
state.details = modelID.flatMap({ state.models[id: $0] }).flatMap({ FeatureDetails.State(parentName:, model: $0) })
return .none
case .newFeatureButtonTapped:
state.destination = .newFeature()
return .none
case .details:
return .none
case .destination:
return .none
.ifLet(\.$details, action: /Action.details, destination: FeatureDetails.init)
.ifLet(\.$destination, action: /Action.destination, destination: Destination.init)
struct Destination: Reducer {
enum State: Equatable {
case newFeature(NewFeature.State = .init())
enum Action: Equatable {
case newFeature(NewFeature.Action)
var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
Scope(state: /State.newFeature, action: /Action.newFeature, child: NewFeature.init)
struct FeatureListView: View {
let store: StoreOf<FeatureList>
var body: some View {
WithViewStore(store, observe: { $0 }) { viewStore in
List(selection: viewStore.binding(get: { $0.details?.id }, send: { .showDetails(for: $0) } )) {
ForEach(viewStore.models) { model in
NavigationLink(value: {
.swipeActions {
Button("Delete") {
.task { await viewStore.send(.task).finish() }
store: store.scope(state: \.$destination, action: FeatureList.Action.destination),
state: /FeatureList.Destination.State.newFeature,
action: FeatureList.Destination.Action.newFeature,
content: NewFeatureSheet.init(store:)
.toolbar {
Button(action: { viewStore.send(.newFeatureButtonTapped) }) {
Image(systemName: "plus")
struct FeatureListDetailsView: View {
let store: StoreOf<FeatureList>
var body: some View {
store.scope(state: \.$details, action: FeatureList.Action.details),
then: FeatureDetailsView.init(store:)
Detail views are modeled as optional presentation states for list features. This allows their logic to be understood in isolation.

// FeatureDetails
struct FeatureDetails: Reducer {
struct State: Identifiable, Equatable {
var id: Client.Model.ID { }
let parentName: String
let model: Client.Model
enum Action: Equatable {
case none
var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .none:
return .none
struct FeatureDetailsView: View {
let store: StoreOf<FeatureDetails>
var body: some View {
WithViewStore(store, observe: { $0 }) { viewStore in
VStack {
Text("Feature - \(viewStore.parentName)")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
Please check outMain.swift
. Suggestions/improvements would be great. thx.