A dark interface and syntax theme for Sublime Text 3, rxvt-unicode, Konsole and Emacs
TangoDark is a dark theme and a syntax color scheme based on Tango Style Theme Guidelines.
Filetype icons from Predawn Theme. Folder icons from Soda Theme by Ian Hill.
From sublime text open your Packages folder: Preferences -> Browse Packages
Create directory TangoDark
and put contents of this repo inside.
Run inside Packages
git clone https://github.com/kodx/TangoDark.git
Open your user settings file preferences.sublime-settings
and add or replace your current theme settings with the code below:
"theme": "TangoDark.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/TangoDark/TangoDark.tmTheme",
For bigger UI font(14pt) use:
"color_scheme": "Packages/TangoDark/TangoDark-font14.tmTheme",
Note: File icons are supported only for Beta BUILDS 3065+.
TangoDark theme supplied with PlainTasks color scheme:
To activate open PlainTasks.sublime-settings
and add or replace "color_scheme" option with:
"color_scheme": "Packages/TangoDark/TangoDark-PlainTasks.tmTheme",
Add to your Emacs config:
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes/TangoDark")
(load-theme 'tangodark t)
Add to your ~/.Xresources
contents of urxvt/Xresources
Copy file TangoDark.colorscheme
from konsole
to ~/.local/share/konsole
directory and choose theme TangoDark
in settings.
TangoDark Theme is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. You are free to share and remix the theme, however please abide by the license terms when doing so.
The following details apply to the Creative Commons license "author specified" components:
Attribution example: Based on TangoDark Theme by Yegor Bayev (https://github.com/kodx/TangoDark)
Naming guidelines: If you create and distribute a derivative theme, please give your theme a unique and original name that does not directly include "TangoDark Theme" (or a close variant) in the main project title, repo name or a Package Control name.