- Clone (git bash recommended) or download the zip file onto your computer.
- Open folder in preferred text editor.
- Some text editors like sublime, brackets, vscode, etc allow you to do a live preview on your default browser. If no such option exists, simply double click on the index.html file and refresh the URL when changes in the code occur.
- Enjoy!
Remember, learning to code and improving on your coding skills is based on practice. The more you code, the more you learn about what the code does and what it means, the quicker you'll become a pro.
For futher information, visit the link below for futher use of other tags, elements, tutorials, references and more relating to HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Bootstrap and jQuery. www.w3schools.com
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Developed for CreativeBitStudio by Danny Mack - Full Stack Developer.
- Developer Feedback or for Hire: creativebitstudio@gmail.com.
- To contact or hire us: info@creativebitstudio.com.
- Website: www.creativebitstudio.com