- Nemo Rule File language configuration
- Basic syntax highlighting
- Syntax error diagnostics
- Document outline
- Find references of predicates, local variables, functions and aggregates
- Rename all occurences of predicates, local variables, functions and aggregates
This editor extension works with VSIX-compatible editors such as VSCodium and Eclipse Theia.
- Install extension
In web contexts, this extension works out of the box (using web assembly). In all other contexts, one needs to setup the Nemo language server manually:
Build the Nemo language server for your platform
git clone https://github.com/knowsys/nemo.git cd nemo cargo build --release --package nemo-language-server --bin nemo-language-server # Get path to language server binary realpath target/release/nemo-language-server
Setup path to Nemo language server in the extension settings
Clone the repository
Build the Nemo WASM library
Build and package the extension
# Copy nemo-wasm library to the correct location cp -r $PATH_TO_NEMO_WASM/nemoWASMWeb . npm install npm run package