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example microservices project for watermarking documents; using kubernetes, knative, Mongo, Express and PubSub

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Watermarking service

A microservices based prject to watermark a document asynchronously.

Quality Gate Status


Image of Yaktocat

Tech stack

  1. Kubernetes (GKE)
  2. Knative serving and eventing
  3. PubSub
  4. Nodejs, ExpressJS, Mongodb, GraphQL
  5. grpc

Knative setup

  • Create gcloud cluster :- n1-standard-1 VM 1-5 nodes with istio setup
export CLUSTER_NAME=knative
export CLUSTER_ZONE=us-west1-c
gcloud beta container clusters create $CLUSTER_NAME \
  --addons=HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing,Istio \
  --machine-type=n1-standard-1 \
  --cluster-version=latest --zone=$CLUSTER_ZONE \
  --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes --enable-ip-alias \
  --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes=1 --max-nodes=5 \
  --enable-autorepair \
  --scopes cloud-platform
  • Install Knative serving, Eventing and istio extras
kubectl apply --selector \
   --filename \

kubectl apply --filename \

kubectl apply -f
  • Create service account credentials with permissions to access firestore and pubsub.
  • Export credentials in json and convert into base64. Edit google-cloud-key-secret.yaml and replace <KEY HERE IN BASE64>
kubectl apply -f google-cloud-key-secret.yaml
  • Config Domain

Get external IP address from the following command

kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"

Replace the IP in config-domain.yaml file and apply the config

kubectl apply -f config-domain.yaml

Setting up Services

  • Ticketing service
kubectl apply -f ticketing_service/ticketing-knative-service.yaml
  • Status service
kubectl apply -f status_service/status-knative-service.yaml
  • Worker service
kubectl apply -f worker_service/worker-knative-service.yaml
  • Watermark result service
kubectl apply -f result_service/result-knative-service.yaml

Setting up events

Install PubSub

kubectl apply --selector \

kubectl apply --filename

Open gcp-pubsub-source.yaml, update the sink urls with the service urls and apply the configuration

kubectl apply -f gcp-pubsub-source.yaml

Checking Service Logs

Use any of the following commands to view the logs of a particular running service

kubectl logs --selector -c user-container -f
kubectl logs --selector -c user-container -f
kubectl logs --selector -c user-container -f
kubectl logs --selector -c user-container -f

Running e2e tests

Go to e2e folder and run the following commands

  • Run full test suite
npm test
  • Run full test suite and serve results in allure dashboard
npm run allure
  • Run tests with allure reporting
npm run allure:test
  • Serve previous test results in allure dashboard
npm run allure:serve

Sample response

  Ticketing Service
    ✓ Should be running (496ms)
    ✔ Got ticketId 9fdd8f2e-4840-49b1-8a13-4a641df19f2f for request with params book,my-awesome-book,me,business
    ✓ Should return ticketId when requesting watermarks (2544ms)

  Status Service
    ✓ Should be running (409ms)
    Test if it returns status of requests
    - Creating a new request for checking status
    - Got ticketId aeabdc38-71a5-43b4-a7bd-5364c0ecb8bf
    ✔ Got request status PENDING
      ✓ Should give correct status (3438ms)
  Result Service
    ✓ Should be running (396ms)
    Test if result service is returning documents
    - Creating a new request for checking result
    - Got ticketId a9af4913-e498-4285-897e-0fbdd71d8e8d
    ✔ Got document result my-test-title book null me
      ✓ should return document (3458ms)

    - Creating a new request with params book,my-awesome-book,me,business
    - Got ticketId 2cbc5a1a-e205-48a9-911f-bb920b2b6e18
    - Checking status for 2cbc5a1a-e205-48a9-911f-bb920b2b6e18
    - Current status is PENDING
    - Checking status for 2cbc5a1a-e205-48a9-911f-bb920b2b6e18
    - Current status is PENDING
    - Checking status for 2cbc5a1a-e205-48a9-911f-bb920b2b6e18
    - Current status is PENDING
    - Checking status for 2cbc5a1a-e205-48a9-911f-bb920b2b6e18
    - Current status is PENDING
    - Checking status for 2cbc5a1a-e205-48a9-911f-bb920b2b6e18
    - Current status is PENDING
    - Checking status for 2cbc5a1a-e205-48a9-911f-bb920b2b6e18
    - Current status is PENDING
    - Checking status for 2cbc5a1a-e205-48a9-911f-bb920b2b6e18
    - Current status is PENDING
    - Checking status for 2cbc5a1a-e205-48a9-911f-bb920b2b6e18
    - Current status is PENDING
    - Checking status for 2cbc5a1a-e205-48a9-911f-bb920b2b6e18
    - Current status is FINISHED
    ✔ Got watermark WATERMARK : {"content":"book","title":"my-awesome-book","author":"me","topic":"business"} 1576120055355
    ✓ Should watermark a given document (15252ms)

  7 passing (29s)


To use terraform for provisioning kubernetes, change to infrastructure directory and follow the instructions below.


Copy service account credentials to key.json and keep it in infrastructure directory.

Copy into and modify the variables as needed

Run Terraform

Run the following command, verify the output and type yes to exectute terraform plan

terraform apply


Run the following commands inside infrastructure directory

export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
sed "s/IP/$SERVICE_IP/" config-domain-template.yaml > config-domain.yaml
kubectl apply -f config-domain.yaml
helm install watermark --dry-run ./watermark-chart --set externalIP=$SERVICE_IP --set keySecret=$(base64 key.json)


example microservices project for watermarking documents; using kubernetes, knative, Mongo, Express and PubSub







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