A Dart package with the type Result
and the runCatching
function that are similar to those found in Kotlin.
You can use it with the Stream
too 🙌
I needed something as is done in Kotlin
and did not want to add other functions that not are used in my projects.
There is another package similar, result, however, it was discontinued.
Add it in your pubspec.yaml
Import it where you want to use it e.g, in your main file.
import 'package:result_kt/result_kt.dart';
You can encapsulate a successful outcome
with a value or a failure with an error
and stack trace
It is similar to an Either
that you see in other packages as dartz, fpdart...
action: print,
action: (failure) => print(
Result<int>.failure(Exception(), StackTrace.current)
action: print,
action: (failure) => print(
Methods available:
See the API documentation.
Execute a passed function and catches any error
that is thrown from this execution, if the invocation is successful, then returns your value
encapsulated in the Result
, otherwise, returns your error
and stack trace
encapsulated in the Result
final result = runCatching(() => 1);
action: print,
action: (failure) => print(
Note: You can be passed what error
type you want catching, if the same, then return the Result
, otherwise, the error is rethrown.
final result = runCatching<int>(
() => throw 'exception',
test: (error) => error is Exception,
// `onFailure` is never called
action: (failure) => print(
Transform the stream value into a result:
final streamController = StreamController<int>();
final resultStream = streamController.stream.toResult();
resultStream.listen(print); // Success(0)
Like the runCatching
you can be passed what error
type you want transforming, if the same, then return the Result
, otherwise, then the error
and StackTrace
are added using the EventSink.addError
final streamController = StreamController<int>();
final resultStream = streamController.stream.toResult(
test: (error) => error is Exception,
resultStream.listen(print); // Failure(error: Exception, stackTrace: null)
The dartz package offers many functional programming helpers, including the Either type, which is similar to Result, with the difference being that it represents any two types of values.
The fpdart similar to the package dartz, however with a better documentation. Do you desire to use all the power of functional programming? If yes, then use it.
The either_option package has Either and Option and supports all of the typical functional operations.
The result package offers a few basic operations and may be adequate for simple cases (This package has been two years without any updates).
The rust_like_result offers a simple Result type similar to the one in Rust.
The simple_result package provides a Result type based on the type of the same name in Swift.
The oxidized with types similar to those found in Rust, such as the Result which represents either a value or an error, and Option which either contains Some value or None.
You liked this package? Then give it a ⭐️. If you want to help then:
- Fork this repository
- Send a Pull Request with new features
- Share this package
- Create issues if you find a bug or want to suggest a new extension
Pull Request title follows Conventional Commits.
Copyright © 2022 Kauê Martins.
This project is MIT licensed.