This project is designed to leverage Apache Hadoop for big data processing and analysis. It provides a framework for distributed storage and processing of large datasets across clusters of computers using simple programming models.
- Data Processing: Efficiently process large datasets using Hadoop's MapReduce framework.
- Data Storage: Store vast amounts of data in a distributed file system (HDFS).
- Scalability: Scale horizontally by adding more nodes to the cluster.
- Fault Tolerance: Ensure high availability of data with built-in redundancy.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or higher
- Apache Hadoop version 3.x installed
- A configured Hadoop cluster or a single-node setup
- Appropriate access permissions for HDFS
Install Java:
Make sure you have Java installed. You can check by running:
java -version
If Java is not installed, you can download and install it from Oracle's official website.
Install Apache Hadoop:
Download Hadoop from the Apache Hadoop releases page.
Extract the downloaded archive:
tar -xzf hadoop-x.x.x.tar.gz
Move it to your desired installation directory:
mv hadoop-x.x.x /usr/local/hadoop
Add Hadoop to your PATH by editing your
file:export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/local/hadoop export PATH=$PATH:$HADOOP_HOME/bin
Configure Hadoop:
Edit the configuration files located in
to suit your setup. Key files include:core-site.xml
Start the Hadoop services:
Upload Data to HDFS:
- Use the following command to upload a file to HDFS:
hdfs dfs -put /local/path/to/your/data.txt /hdfs/path/to/data.txt
- Use the following command to upload a file to HDFS:
Execute MapReduce Job:
- To run a MapReduce job, use the following command:
yarn jar /path/to/your/hadoop-project.jar com.example.YourMainClass /hdfs/path/to/data.txt /hdfs/output/path
- To run a MapReduce job, use the following command:
View Output:
- After the job completes, you can view the output stored in HDFS:
hdfs dfs -cat /hdfs/output/path/part-r-00000
- After the job completes, you can view the output stored in HDFS:
Project1: Java classes for word counting, including drivers, mappers, and reducers. It processes beer reviews from a CSV file, generates word counts, and outputs results in a designated directory. The project is executed via JAR files using Hadoop's command-line interface.