plugin for
Neovim or Vim8
this plugin uses Async Feature (channels, jobs, e.t.c.).
include vital.vim ( this plugin uses
- Async.Promise
- System.Job (from
and supports
- The latest major version (8.2.*)
- The previous major version (8.1.*) now.
Npm(with npx)
- zenn official doesn't specify nodejs version number, but I recommend using its latest lts version.
- (neo)vim node js support is not needed because it is called as system command.
Be careful to set 'zenn' as name of this plugin if you use plugin manager. After downloading to your vim runtimepath, configure your vimrc to call functions. (See examples).
" same prefix from command in monaqa's article
const g:zenn#article#slug = {
\ "use_template": v:true,
\ "format": "%F"
" open the new article after 'zenn#new_article' with the command
const g:zenn#article#edit_new_cmd = "new"
" npm install zenn-cli@latest
command! -nargs=0 ZennUpdate call zenn#update()
" Run npx zenn preview
" call |:ZennPreview| or |:ZennPreview {port} |
command! -nargs=* ZennPreview call zenn#preview(<f-args>)
" Stop zenn preview process
command! -nargs=0 ZennStopPreview call zenn#stop_preview()
" Create zenn new article
" call |:ZennPreview [{slug},{title},{type}, {emoji}] |
command! -nargs=* ZennNewArticle call zenn#new_article(<f-args>)
" Create zenn new book
" call |:ZennPreview [{slug}] |
command! -nargs=* ZennNewBook call zenn#new_book(<f-args>)
- Add functions like
, ...
For details, see doc/zenn.txt
or call :help zenn_vim
on vim
Install as vim plugin same as others. (Tell me how to install with each plugin manager.)
I use GPLv3 now but give all rights if zenn official requires. Contact kkiyama117 or make issues on this repository if there are rights side plobrems.
See issues.