Enough with the bazillion lines of array parsing logic. YOLO.
#import "YOLO.h"
campaigns.reject(^(PPCampaign *campaign){
return campaign.locked;
}).pluck(@"venues").flatten.each(^(PPVenue *venue){
[geofencer startMonitoringForRegion:venue.region];
- YOLOKit is completely modular, if you only want
then only havemap
:pod "YOLOKit/map"
- YOLOKit is thorough, well-tested and inside apps on the store
- Every single method in YOLOKit was carefully considered; every detail poured over. YOLOKit is not just a direct port of Ruby’s Enumerable or Underscore, it is a delightful implementation inspired by such but designed for your needs as an iOS developer.
YOLOKit is thoroughly documented at http://mxcl.github.io/YOLOKit/.