- A C++ game that utilizes Tiled and Aseprite for the game "engine".
- Uses C self made libraries for physics, sound, and engine, found in the Libraries section
- BGMs created in Garageband
- Play the game here, or likely watch its "progress" Supergoon.com
- Currently have 2 macos executables, as libpng cannot handle multiple architectures currently with a mac universal build, issue here
- Mostly developed on macos apple silicon
- Builds on Mac locally until game is playable, build on Windows, Universal Mac, Ubuntu, and Emscripten via github actions
- Better at C
- Better at C++
- Creating music in DAW (garageband)
- Learn about low-level programming for pictures (libpng) sound (ogg vorbis/openal), text (freetype) instead of using pre-made libraries
- Better at cross-platform building with cmake (Macos, Linux, Windows, Emscripten)
- Learn github actions to build and publish outside developer environment
- Create a simple "Super mario bros" clone.
- Game build on Mobile (IOS priority)
- SDL2: Low Level handling of windowing, events, input
- OpenAL: Cross-Platform sound abstraction
- Emscripten: Build for web
- Make: Streamlining building with one command
- CMake: The actual cross-platform build system.
- Mushroom - Attribution
- Powerup - Attribution
- Fireball - Creative Commons
- Level1-ArcadeLoop - Attribution
- Level2-ChiptuneBeat - Attribution
- Level3-RetroFunk - Attribution
- Level4-Castle - Attribution
- Supergoon Engine - MIT | Custom Physics, OpenAL wrapper, libpng/freetype wrapper, SDL wrapper, etc
- SDL - ZLIB - Low level Windowing / Eventing
- nlohmann json - MIT - json parsing for appsettings file
- valgrind --track-origins=yes --leak-check=yes --leak-resolution=low --show-leak-kinds=definite ./SupergoonWorld 2>&1 | tee memcheck.txt