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Developer_3.x Getting started Virtualbox

matthiaskissler edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 3 revisions

Create VirtualBox appliance for Kitodo 3.x

Download Debian 9.5 ISO file

Download debian-9.5.0-amd64-netinst.iso from

Create Virtual Machine

  • Name: kitodo 3.0.0-beta.1
  • Type: Linux
  • Version: Debian (64-bit)
  • Memory size: 4096 MB
  • Hard disk: VDI / dynamically allocated / 20 GB

Virtual Machine settings

  • General/Advanced/Shared clipboard: Bidirectional
  • System/Processor/Processor(s): 2
  • System/Processor/Extended Features: Enable PAE/NX
  • Display/Screen/Video Memory: 128 MB
  • Network/Adapter 1/Advanced/Port Forwarding/+
  • Host Port: 8080
  • Guest Port: 8080

Start Virtual Machine

Select downloaded file debian-9.5.0-amd64-netinst.iso

Debian install screen

  • Select Graphical install
  • Language: English
  • Location: United States
  • Keyboard: German
  • Hostname: kitodo
  • Domain: ``(blank)
  • Root password: kitodo
  • Full name: kitodo
  • User name: kitodo
  • User password: kitodo
  • Time zone: Eastern
  • Partitioning method: Guided - use entire disk
  • Partitioning scheme: All files in one partition
  • Mirror: Germany/
  • Proxy: ``(blank)
  • Software: deselect print server

Install VirtualBox guest additions (shared clipboard) and reboot

su -c 'echo "deb stretch-backports main contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stretch-backports.list && apt update && apt install -y virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-x11 linux-headers-$(uname -r) && reboot'

Install Kitodo

Follow the installation instructions inür-Kitodo.Production-3.x

Make sure to install Java 11 when using Kitodo.Production v3.4 and above, see instructions.

Create shortcuts

  • Website link
echo '[Desktop Entry]
Icon=text-html' >> ~/Desktop/Kitodo.Production.desktop
  • Symlink to folders
ln -s /usr/local/kitodo ~/Desktop/kitodo-config
ln -s /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ ~/Desktop/kitodo-app

Save password in Firefox

Login at http://localhost:8080/kitodo/ with user testAdmin and password test Click save in popup dialog to let Firefox save this login

Export Appliance

VirtualBox Manager / File / Export Appliance

  • File: kitodo-production-3.0.0-beta.1.ova
  • Product: Kitodo Production
  • Product-URL:
  • Version: 3.0.0-beta.1
  • Description:
This VirtualBox appliance is intended for development and tests in local networks. Do not use it in production mode!

The Kitodo.production webapp should be available from guest and host system (via NAT Port Forwarding) at:
* http://localhost:8080/kitodo/
* user: testAdmin
* pass: test

The appliance is based on debian 9.4, openjdk-8, tomcat8, mysql 5.7 and elasticsearch 5.x
* system user: kitodo, root
* system user password: kitodo
* system root password: kitodo
* mysql user: kitodo
* mysql user password: kitodo
* mysql root password: (blank)

License: GPLv3

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