KISSmetrics PHP client that doesn't overuse the singleton pattern and has a slightly better API and no built-in cron support (that's a feature). Here's how to use it:
$km = new KISSmetrics\Client('API key', KISSmetrics\Transport\Sockets::initDefault()); // Initialize
$km->identify('') // Identify user (always)
->alias('old-anonymous-cookie') // Alias to previously anonymous user, maybe
->set(array('gender' => 'male')) // Set some property
->record('Viewed thing'); // Record an event, optionally with properties
$km->submit(); // Submit all that to KISSmetrics in one go
In case of errors this thing throws a KISSmetrics\ClientException
so if you
have a fire-and-forget attitude to these metrics just try/catch those. Though
it's helpful when you want to make sure everything is setup correctly!
"require": {
"kissmetrics/kissmetrics-php": "~0.4.2"
Licensed under the MIT license.