Yet another take at a license downloader.
npx use-license
License data is guaranteed to be up to date as license list and text are fetched directly from SPDX.
To choose a license:
npx use-license
This will show a list of all SPDX licences that are certified by the OSI or the FSF for selection. After selection it'll write the license text into ./LICENSE
Some licenses have fields to fill out. use-license
has not implemented this functionality — the user is expected to fill it out themself.
To skip the prompt:
npx use-license MIT # or any SPDX identifier
This will download the MIT license into the ./LICENSE
# Show help
npx use-license --help
# List all open source licenses in the SPDX license list
npx use-license --list
# List all licenses in the SPDX license list, including nonfree licenses
# (licenses not certified by the OSI or FSF)
npx use-license --list --all
# Select a license to open in browser
npx use-license --open
# Open license whose id is <ID> in browser
npx use-license --open "<ID>"
# --open is just a boolean flag
npx use-license "<ID>" --open
# Select a license to download
npx use-license
# Select a license to download; also show nonfree licenses as candidates
npx use-license --all
# Download the license whose id is <ID>
npx use-license "<ID>"
# Always overwrite ./LICENSE instead of asking when it exists
npx use-license --force
- Inspiration: npm:gitignore by msfeldstein, npm:license by Ovyerus
- spdx's license-list-data and SPDX in general
- npm:license by Ovyerus
- Has some extra stuff around filling out license templates.
instead just throws the license text into./LICENSE
, and you are always expected to fill it out manually.
- Seems like it does extra text wrapping
- Relies on a fork of spdx-license-list, both of which require periodic updates
fetches directly from spdx/license-list-data, therefore needs internet access but will always be up to date
- Has some extra stuff around filling out license templates.