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2019_04_03_Kirby Guild Meeting Summary

Anders Skarby edited this page Apr 3, 2019 · 1 revision

This page contains a meeting summary from the Kirby Guild meeting, held on April 3rd, 2019.

Setting the stage

This time meeting was right on track, making good progress and visiting components being finished (to various degrees).

Component status


  • Loads of Requirements to different types of modals
  • Full screen
  • Pop-over
    • Variations of height of screen being covered by the pop-over
    • Mobile-flavor has an initial version / implementation. Styling is very basic. Web-version is currently being developed.
  • Don’t wait for modals being “ready for use”, you can already work on the contents of the modals (it will just be a Component rendered within the modal).
    • Default behavior (for now) is that the contents are scrollable if attempting to overflow the modal.
  • Aiming to have a “walking skeleton” ready for “end of next week”


  • In {N} and Ionic, we have the possibility of rendering a date-picker (a scroll wheel), RadCalendar is able to act as a true calendar. We don’t need any…. We need something acting as a date-picker, but with customization for disabled (non-selectable) dates – to support bank holidays, and not rendering events etc.
  • Implementation idea is to render the DatePicker from Angular Material Design (or another web-based calendar / date-picker) and render it in a WebView when on {N}.

Segmented Control

  • Very close to done (aiming for this to be in a version 0.9, since look very much like what’s been designed).
    • Awaiting the badge-implementation.


  • An implementation is implemented based on ionic, and RadListView on {N}.
  • Some difficulties implementing the “Table”-looking list implementation using the Ionic list.
    • It’s also a strange type of Widget. It’s currently almost a hybrid; it’s a list, but is has cells (which are very table-centric)
  • We’re in need of a clean-up of the list examples – Anders is already working on it.
    • Find inspiration in what shopify does (in their cookbook)
  • Rounded corners are “coming soon”.

Colors and Theming

  • Aligning with the Ionic color system (based on naming)
    • Classes: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Success, Warning and Danger
      • With Tint and shades (calculated mix of color with a percentage of white / black)
    • Ability to map the names to a custom color scheme.
  • Elevation
    • 3 different kinds of elevation: z2 z4 and z8 (using the current color as shade).


  • Floating Action Button is live
  • Icon is live
    • SVGs in nativescript, and TT-font on web (translation is handled in Icon-component).
    • Color is black (not primary, since it will clash with button background color etc.)


  • Bring your own icon (enhancement)
    • Needed to render a custom set of icons (requirement from Team 5)
    • Implementation suggestion for injection a configuration of which Unicode-character to use (for TT-font) and a string for a path to a SVG file.
    • A hard requirement to have within 3 sprints time – if no one starts implement this (within the next 2 sprints) Team 5 will “head this up”

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