This project created using python. Snake game was created using pygame library, NN using pyTorch.
You can easily test it just by completing following steps:
* git clone
* cd Snake
* python3 -m venv env && source env/bin/activate
* pip install -r requirements.txt
* python model/model.trained.pth
Trains the model, visualize the snake and plots its scores and mean of its scores.
This script takes two optional arguments:
-f (--filename) <path to file> - file where script will score trained NN,
default: ./model/model.pth
-s (--short_form) - if is it set, scripts will not show you plots
python ./model/model.trained.pth -- train model and save it the specific path
python ./model/model.trained.pth -s -- train model without plotting
Tests the model, just visualize the snake playing.
This script takes one required argument and one optional:
model_file - required positional arguments - path to the trained model
-s (--speed) - optional argument, using it you can specify speed of the snake
python ./model/model.trained.pth
python ./model/model.trained.pth -s 100 -- play game with speed 100
NN has three layers: input, hidden and output with (11, 256, 3) neurons respectively.
Input layer gets game state, and build prediction based on it.
Input later consists of 11 numbers:
- Does the snake has danger straight, right or left from her (3 numbers)
- Direction of snake movement, right, down, left or up (4 numbers)
- Place of food, left, right, down and up from snake (4 numbers)