Text-VersionControl provides version and concurrency control for text editing based on OT(Operational Transformation) and CRDT(Conflict-free Replicated Data Type) ideas. It's for use in real-time, distributed collaborative document editing and history management for text contents.
Install the library by npm install text-versioncontrol --save
Text-VersionControl utilizes Quill's Delta representation in JSON. It supports Operational Transformation's basic representations(retain, delete, and insert). The delta format also provides attributes and embedded objects for expressing complex content besides simple text.
Content can be expressed using insert operations
{insert: "Hello"}, {insert: "World", attributes: {"color": "red"}}, {insert: {"video": "http://youtube.com/sOdLN"}}
{retain: 5} {delete: 2} {insert: "Hello World!"}
Embedded objects can hold a map of string->string.
{insert: {"img": "file:///img.gif"}}
Content with attributes
{insert: "Hello", attributes: {"link": "http://github.com"}}
Important Note: Since v0.9.10, adding and removing attributes using
is no longer supported, as it overly complicates the implementation and led to inconsistence in design. You can use combination ofdelete
for same effect, if base content is available.
new Delta(ops?:Op[])
Initialize with JSON
new Delta([{retain: 5}, {delete: 2}, {insert: "Hello World!"}])
Construct by chaining
new Delta().retain(5).delete(2).insert("Hello World!")
- Available method variants
delta.insert("hello") // simple text content delta.insert("world", {"color": "red"}) // text with attributes delta.insert({"img": "./ball.gif"}) // embedded content delta.insert({"video": "./ball.gif"}, {"w": "300", "h": "600"}) // embedded content with attributes delta.retain(5) delta.retain(3, {"bold": "true"}) // adding or modifying an attribute delta.retain(3, {"bold": null}) // removing an attribute delta.delete(2)
let delta = new Delta().insert("hello").insert(" world").retain(2).retain(3) // normalize delta = delta.normalize() // == new Delta().insert("hello world").retain(5) // slice delta.take(1,2) // == new Delta().insert("e") // apply or compose delta.apply(new Delta().retain(1).delete(4).insert("i")) // == new Delta().insert("hi world")
- Returns: a more compact and equivalent delta by removing redundant or effect-less operations
- Equivalent to
take(start:number, end:number):Delta
- Returns: new delta slicing the original delta by the given range
- Equivalent to
cropContent(delta, start, end)
apply or compose
apply(other:Delta):Delta compose(other:Delta):Delta
- Returns: Combination of two deltas into a single flattened delta.
- Applying a change on a content
- Combining two changes into one
- Equivalent to
flattenDeltas(delta, other)
transform(other:Delta, priority = false):Delta
- Returns transformed
as if this delta has preceded it priority
is used for insert tie-breaking- Equivalent to
transformDeltas(delta, other, priority)
- Returns transformed
- Returns: the inversion of a change when applied on
. - In other words, it returns
wherebaseContent.apply(D).apply(D') == baseContent
holds for contentbaseContent
and changeD
. - Useful for generating an undo change.
is required for correctly inverting addition/removal of attributes- equivalent to
invertChange(baseConent, delta)
- Returns: the inversion of a change when applied on
Text-VersionControl provides utility functions to manipulate deltas
- Flattens a sequence of multiple deltas into a single equivalent delta
filterChanges(baseContent:Delta, changes:Delta[], criteria:(idx:number, change:Delta):Delta[]
- Filters changes that are fulfilling criteria given a base content and sequence of changes. Useful to rule out certain changes while keeping (the effect of) rest of changes intact
SharedString forms the core of Text-VersionControl's OT and CRDT functionality. SharedString is a mutable object that can be edited by receiving changes as delta. It can consolidate concurrent, distributed edits by multiple users.
ss = SharedString.fromDelta({ops:[{insert:"Hello World"}]})
ss = SharedString.fromString("Hello World")
applyChange(change:Delta, branch:string):Delta
Edits the content by applying change. This mutates SharedString.
Returns transformed change as if the change was made in linear fashion
Multiple users with their own sequence of changes independently can be applied by alternating branch.
ss.applyChange(changeByAlice, "Alice") ss.applyChange(changeByBob, "Bob") // Bob is unaware of Alice's change ss.applyChange(changeByAlice2, "Alice") // second edit by Alice, while unaware of Bob's change ss.applyChange(changeByCharlie, "Charlie") // Charlie is unaware of Alice's or Bob's changes
- As long as you keep the order of changes within each branch, the result content will be the same no matter how you order the changes of different branches. This satisfies CRDT characteristics.
also takes a role as a tiebreaker for concurrent inserts.
Wildcard branch lets you simulate a checkpoint, where the change is applied as if it's aware of all other changes from different branches
The star wildcard branch sees the previous changes of all branches and can be seen by all branches later on
ss.applyChange(changeByStar, "*") ss.applyChange(changeByCharlie, "Charlie") // Charlie is aware of change by '*'
The underscore wildcard branch sees the previous changes of all branches but cannot be seen by other branches later on
ss.applyChange(changeByUnderScore, "_") ss.applyChange(changeByCharlie, "Charlie") // Charlie is unaware of change by '_'
ss.toDelta() // the content seen as if changes in all branches were consolidated
ss.toDelta(branch) // the content visible on specific branch
Clone current state
History utilizes SharedString to provide higher level functionalities such as snapshot access, append, merge, or rebase. It keeps the content and changes as Delta.
new History(name:string, initialContent: Delta | string)
here exists for tie-breaking concurrent inserts during merge or rebase.
By appending at current revision:
By merging forked sequence of changes diverged from a base revision:
history.merge({rev: baseRev, changes: deltasByAlice, branch: "Alice"})
{ rev: number, // latest revision after applying merge content: Delta, // result content reqChanges: Delta[], // request changes (passed changes transformed) resChanges: Delta[] } // response changes (base changes)
works as the insert tiebreaker by comparing with History'sname
By rebasing forked sequence of changes diverged from a base revision.
history.rebase({rev: baseRev, changes: deltasByAlice, branch: "Alice"})
{ rev: number, // latest revision after applying rebase content: Delta, // result content reqChanges: Delta[], // request changes (passed changes) resChanges: Delta[] } // response changes (base changes transformed)
Unlike merging, rebasing forces new set of changes to be first applied on the base revision, followed by existing changes (transformed) in the history since the base revision. Beware rebasing replaces changes already recorded in the history.
Getting the current revision
Getting the content
history.getContent() // content at current revision history.getContentAt(rev) // snapshot content at rev
Getting the changes
history.getChangeAt(rev) // change made on content at rev history.getChangesFrom(rev) history.getChangesFromTo(revFrom, revTo)
Text-VersionControl borrows Quill Delta's representation and many of its method names but does not behave the same in a few cases. For example, many of the methods of Quill's Delta reorder adjacent delete and insert (which in most cases does not change the effect), but Text-VersionControl's equivalent methods preserve it. See the following examples:
Result of
new Delta().retain(2).delete(2).insert('Hello')
[{retain: 2}, {insert: 'Hello'}, {delete: 2}] // Quill [{retain: 2}, {delete: 2}, {insert: 'Hello'}] // Text-VersionControl
Result of
new Delta([{insert: 'ab'}, {delete: 1}, {insert: 'cd'}]).compose([{retain: 4}]
[{insert: 'abcd'}, {delete: 1}] // Quill [{insert: 'ab'}, {delete: 1}, {insert: 'cd'}] // Text-VersionControl
Also, since v0.9.10, Text-VersionControl no longer supports Quill's retain
with attributes, which acts as modifying attributes with base content intact.
[{retain: 1, attributes: {"b": "true"}}] // Quill's retain with attributes. Base content is unspecified
[{delete: 1}, {insert: "<base content>", attributes: {"b" : "true"}}] // Equivalent delta with Text-VersionControl. Base content should be specified
This decision was made because concurrent modification
did not fit well with Text-VersionControl's CRDT model.
- Priority of application: If multiple users modify an attribute at the same time, which one should prevail? Modeling this increases the implementation complexity a lot while the benefit is small.
- Undoing a
with attributes is not a reversible operation