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Get Linked Issues

A utility that takes a PR and returns the issue object(s) returned by GH API that the PR is linked to. Github linking syntax.

Workflow Template

This is desinged to be used with other actions that process the returned issues. Below is an example workflow YML that moves the project cards for issues linked to the PR into the 'Ready for Review' column when the PR is opened for review.

name: Sync Review Status

  # Requires the event trigger to be of type pull_request or pull_request_target
    types: [review_requested]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Get Linked Issues
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Get Linked Issues Action
        uses: kin/gh-action-get-linked-issues@v1.0
        id: linked-issues
          # Required: personal access token with permissions to archive cards. This needs to be set in Settings -> Secrets with a token that has permissions for all repos the issues are linked in for cross-repo functionality
		  access-token: "${{ secrets.CROSS_REPO_TOKEN }}"

	  - name: Move Issues to Ready for Review Column
	    uses: kin/gh-action-move-issue-to-column@1.0
		  access-token: "${{ secrets.CROSS_REPO_TOKEN }}"
		  target-column: "Ready for Review"
		  issues: ${{ steps.linked-issues.outputs.issues }}


  • access-token: Access token for repository. Using "{{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" will work for same-repo use. For multi-repo use, this needs to be set in Settings -> Secrets with a token that has permissions for all repos the issues are linked to. Set it to a different variable name and use this variable instead of GITHUB_TOKEN (e.g. ${{ secrets.CROSS_REPO_TOKEN }}
  • It is important to note that this action requires that the workflow trigger event is of the pull_request or pull_request_target type.


  • issues: A stringified array of issue payloads with each issue payload formatted as { issue: { <payload> } }

Known Issues

This will not find issues that are linked through the UI. A future release is planned to find these too.


To cotnribute, please open an Issue on the action repo: to discuss bugs/modifications.