Bridge ROS2 topic to UDP packets from grSim
- ubuntu 22.04
note : This package may work on ubuntu20.04 or 18.04, but they are not supported.
- Git (view installation)
- ROS2 humble (view installation)
- ROS2 rclcpp
- ROS2 geometry_msgs
- ROS2 pendulum_msgs
- ROS2 tf2_ros
- colcon (view installation)
- Qt6 or Qt5 (Network)
- Protocol Buffers (view installation)
- create work space and source directory
mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src && cd ~/ros2_ws/src
note : ros2_ws can be replaced with any name you like.
note : If you have an existing workspace you can use it.
- clone this repository
git clone --recursive kiks_gr_sim_bridge
note : If you forget --recursive when cloning, please run "git submodule update --init --recursive".
- install required packages
bash doc/scripts/ubuntu_apt_installer.bash
source ~/.bashrc
- move to work space directory
cd ..
- build
colcon build
- source setup
source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
- run
ros2 run kiks_gr_sim_bridge gr_sim_bridge
- email :
- GPLv3(view license file)