A Columbus, OH based software engineer coding full-stack Javascript applications AND a UX designer!
🔭 I’m currently working on a Social Media App for Books!
🌱 I’m currently learning SQL
💼 Accepting new clients. Check out my portfolio!
📫 How to reach me celia.bruner12@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I am a yoga instructor & read 100+ books a year
Full stack dog groomiing website with the ability to view and schedule services and learn more about the groomers. |
Full stack hair salon website with the ability to view and schedule services and learn more about the stylists. |
Full stack yoga studio website with the ability to view and schedule classes and learn more about the teachers and the studio. |
Api that allows you to view a Nasa picture of the day. You can select a date or click 'Get random APOD'. |
A clone of the popular game, Wordle. Wordle is a daily word game, that gives players six chances to correctly guess a five letter word. Correct letters will turn green, correct letter in the wrong spot will turn yellow, and incorrect letters will turn grey. Happy guessing! |
Stacks is a website that allows you to create an account, add your favorite books and include the title, the country the author is from, the book genre, a headline, a review, recommendations, and an image. Users can also see posts from other users, like posts from other users and add bookmarks. (SITE IS NOT LIVE YET) |
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