Helper & wrapper scripts for using Singularity images locally and remotely on graham (compute canada) - or any other SLURM system
- wrapper scripts for submitting single and batch jobs using SLURM arrays
- variants of scripts that use (neuroglia*) and do not use (regular*) singularity
- scripts for interactive job submission
- BIDS-App support with parallelization over subjects with SLURM arrays
- Deployment via Singularity (pulling containers from shub://, docker://, or file://)
To set-up neuroglia-helpers on graham, run the following:
git clone ~/neuroglia-helpers
If you want to use a different configuration profile, e.g. khanlab
, add it as an argument to
~/neuroglia-helpers/ khanlab
NOTE: You should remove any lines that source
variables in your .bashrc
file. If the above lines are in your .bashrc file, then you will have problems using sftp or scp clients. If you need to use your .bashrc file, use the following:
echo "source ~/neuroglia-helpers/" >> ~/.bashrc
The cfg/graham_default.cfg
file contains environment variables defining Compute Canada resource allocation accounts for compute jobs, and for defining where your Singularity container folder is placed.
The wrappers make use of the job templates to define resources for submitted jobs, e.g. the number of CPUs, size of memory, and length of time. The predefined job templates are designed based on the size of Compute Canada (graham cluster) nodes and queues to make optimal use of the resources. You should use the template that best fits your job type. The Regular
job type is default in most cases (8core, 32gb, 24hrs), but the full list of job templates can be found by using the -J
option with any wrapper.
The bidsBatch wrapper uses SLURM to parallelize over subjects, and by default will run a job for every subject in your participants.tsv file.
bidsBatch uses SLURM Arrays, so it groups all the different jobs under a single job ID, with each array job indicated as <jobid>_<index>
Each deployed BIDS app has a name (unique identifier), a URI (location of the container), default options, and default job template. These are all stored in the bids-apps.tsv
file. Each line is a different deployment, which may use the same container (URI) as another deployement, but e.g. with different default options and/or job templates.
The list of BIDS app names is given when you run bidsBatch
To get a list of names for all BIDS apps deployed, along with URI and default job template, use bidsBatch -B
To get usage information for a particular BIDS app, use bidsBatch <app_name>
. This will also display the default options for that deployment.
Note: when you run bidsBatch to process a dataset located at BIDS_DIR
, a BIDS_DIR/code/jobs
folder is created containing the SLURM log files.
bidsBatch fmriprep_1.0.4 ~/my-bids-dataset ~/my-bids-dataset/derivatives/fmriprep-v1.0.4 participant
To get usage/options for a particular bids app, leave out the bids-app required arguments, e.g.:
bidsBatch fmriprep_1.0.4
Wrappers for singularity and job submission that make use of the neuroglia configuration.
- neuroglia
Simple wrapper for singularity exec (does not submit a job)
- neurogliaShell
Simple wrapper for singularity shell (does not submit a job)
- neurogliaSubmit
Creates and submits a singularity exec job, e.g.: neurogliaSubmit bet t1.nii
will submit a job to perform bet skull stripping.
Enter neurogliaSubmit
for more details.
- neurogliaBatch
Wrapper for submitting batch cluster jobs, using a singularity container, looping through a subject list. User provides the command to run, and the arguments that come before and after the subjid. Enter neurogliaBatch
for more details.
- regularSubmit, regularBatch
These are the analogous to neurogliaSubmit and neurogliaBatch, but run the commands directly and do not use singularity exec
- regularInteractive
Wrapper for submitting an interactive cluster job, this gives you command-line access to a compute node terminal for a short period of time (up to 3 hours), to run jobs directly. Remember that you are not supposed to run any jobs directly on the login nodes.
Note: interactive job default is 3hours, 8cores, 32GB memory
With regularInteractive
you can also run GUI applications from Compute Canada, if you use ssh -Y
when connecting to graham.