The boat is an "Albin Siesta", but named Elbin because of the electrification.
This repo contains everything running on the Raspberry Pies on the boat.
Every part runs in its own Docker container, and logs as json to files on a shared volume where necessary.
Electric motor info gets pulled via CANbus from the motor controller, a Curtis 1236, using an USB adapter.
Battery voltage reading: See separate documentation.
GPS coordinates from USB GPS antenna, uses gpsd.
Fjord temperature is measured with an USB temperature sensor.
Lounge tempereature is measured with an Aqara temperature sensor.
Motor temperature and bilge water presence is measured with an Aqara water sensor.
These two sensors are received by a Conbee 2 and managed by deCONZ
The bilge pump is controlled by a Wifi relay
Home Assistant is the GUI. Reads all the logs every second and visualizes the data and other sensors.
Portainer for graphical docker management. Mainly for remote log reading, command line access into containers and image management.
DuckDNS for dns. This runs on mobile data, IP changes often.
Internet is provided by a TP-Link TL-MR3020 for routing, wifi and ethernet, and a USB 3G modem with a data SIM in it.
- sudo apt install git -y
- git clone /home/pi/elbin
- sudo sh /home/pi/elbin/
- Read it first
- See separate documentation
- In the elbin folder, run:
- docker-compose up --build -d