A configurable, editor-agnostic, format-agnostic 1 Language Server that brings bibliographies into your notes.
LSP Features | Behavior |
textDocument/definition | Go to the first definition found in the .bib files. |
textDocument/references | Find appearance of prefix + ID with ripgrep. |
textDocument/hover | Show metadata from .bib files based on configurations. |
textDocument/completion | Triggered by the cite_prefix configuration. Show completion of citation ID for bibtex entries and their documentation. |
textDocument/diagnoistic | Find citations without a proper entry in the bibfile. |
textDocument/implementation | (Non-standard) Open the bibtex url/attachment. |
Create a configuration file .bibli.toml
at the root of your note directory. Here is a sample configuration. For the complete list of configurations, refer to the documentation and the default config.
[backends] # Specifying backends for bibtex libraries
# Backends can be of any names, e.g.,
backend_type = "bibfile" # Available backends: "bibfile", "zotero_api"
bibfiles = ["references.bib"]
backend_type = "zotero_api"
library_id = "5123456" # Your library ID
library_type = "user" # "user"" or "group"
[cite] # How to cite bibtex entires, e.g., "[@john2024paper]"
trigger = "@"
[view] # How to display your document externally
viewer = "browser" # Available viewer: `zotero`, `zotero_bbt` and `browser`
[hover.doc_format] # How to display hover documentation
show_fields = ["abstract", "year", "booktitle", "url"]
format = "table" # Available formats: "table" and "list" (markdown)
[completion.doc_format] # How to display hover documentation
show_fields = ["abstract", "year", "booktitle"]
format = "list"
Currently, Bibli supports bibfile
and zotero_api
backend loads the library from a local bibtex file.zotero_api
backend connects directly to your Zotero web library, removing the need for maintaining separated bibfiles. It cache the results in a bibfile named.{backend name}_{library type}_{library id}.bib
. Run the command LSPlibrary.reload_all
to refetch the online content.
We support openning the url
in browser, or openning PDF attachment (for zotero-based backends). TODO: support custom PDF viewer. The current viewers are:
: opens theurl
field in the bibtx entry in your default browserzotero_bbt
shows the document in Zotero's PDF viewer (require better bibtex to be installed and Zotero to be running)zotero
shows the entry in Zotero.
Automatic configuration through lspconfig has yet to be supported. To enable bibli-ls, put the following code in your Neovim config.
local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
local configs = require("lspconfig.configs")
if not configs.bibli_ls then
configs.bibli_ls = {
default_config = {
cmd = { "bibli_ls" },
filetypes = { "markdown" },
root_dir = lspconfig.util.root_pattern(".bibli.toml"),
-- Optional: visit the URL of the citation with LSP DocumentImplementation
on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
vim.keymap.set({ "n" }, "<cr>", function()
To enable bibli-ls, put the following code in your Helix config (.config/helix/languages.toml
command = "bibli_ls"
required-root-patterns = [".bibli.toml"]
name = "markdown"
language-servers = ["bibli-ls"] # Add other md lsps like zk, marksman, ...
roots = [".bibli.toml"]
Install the latest release of bibli-ls
through pip
pip install bibli-ls
# Alternatively, on Arch:
pipx install bibli-ls
In your flake.nix
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
bibli-ls = {
url = "github:kha-dinh/bibli-ls";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# ...
outputs =
pkgs-flake = {
bibli-ls = bibli-ls.packages.${system}.default;
customOverlays = [
(final: prev: {
flake = pkgs-flake;
nixosConfigurations = {
yourMachine = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
inherit system;
modules = [
{ nixpkgs.overlays = customOverlays; }
# ...
Then you can use it in your configuration:
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.flake.bibli-ls ];
Add bibli-ls to your home-manager configuration:
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
home.packages = [ pkgs.flake.bibli-ls ];
home.file."Sync/Notes/zk/permanent/.bibli.toml".text = ''
backend_type = "bibfile"
bibfiles = ["${config.home.homeDirectory}/Sync/Bibliography/library.bib"]
From the root directory:
pip install . # --force-reinstall if needed
# Or for Arch
pipx install . # --force-reinstall if needed
# And Nix
nix build # The built package will be available in `./result`. You can also use `nix run`
This is a work-in-progress. ↩