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The Walmart Marketplace APIs help generate applications for managing items, orders, prices, promotions, inventory, and reports on

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The Walmart Marketplace APIs help generate applications for managing items, orders, prices, promotions, inventory, and reports on

The Walmart Developer Center provides all the information required to directly integrate with the Walmart Marketplace APIs. To use the Marketplace APIs, you need to upload the XML or Excel file that contains information about your request. You can upload the Excel file from the Seller Center or extract the XML file from the XSD.

For help with other items, go to . This Knowledge Base helps with a wide variety of topics ranging from Variant Setup to Swatches.

Each XML file may contain the namespace and other parameters. The real value of the namespace could be wm, ns2, ns3 or any other random value and the XML structure should be compliant with the XSDs schema.

The actual specification of the XML format is defined in the XSD files, which you can download from the respective API documentation sections. We have included a few examples of the relevant XMLs for each of our APIs. The general structure of the responses can be found in the examples on the right panel.

Walmart validates XML requests against the XSDs prior to processing. Validate your Feeds before sending them to Walmart. Requests that do not validate successfully will return a parsing error in Response, either in the Feed status or in the Item status:

If the Feed is not valid, the feedStatus will show "ERROR."
If an Item is not valid, ingestionStatus will show "DATA ERROR."
There are third-party tools available that are designed specifically for XML validation (debugging). You can find these tools by searching "XML Validator."

The Walmart APIs are case-sensitive; this applies to the URLs, elements and parameters.

The supported character set is UTF-8. Only use this character set or subsets thereof.

Getting Started Prerequisites
Before you start using Marketplace APIs, you need to:

Go to SellerHelp Walmart.
Scroll to Browse Guides by Topics.
Click on Getting Started and review the the onboarding and registration steps.
Make sure you have been approved to sell your items on Walmart Marketplace.

Token-based Authentication
The Walmart Marketplace APIs use OAuth for token-based authentication and authorization. This is the new standard method which should be used moving forward. The benefits of using of token-based authentication include:

Current standards for API Authentication
Reduced overhead of creating and signing the digital signature
Easier integration with Walmart APIs
Reduced number of headers per API call
Integration Steps
Log into the Developer Center.
Retrieve Client ID/Client Secret from the API keys page. The Client ID/Client Secret is not the same as Consumer ID/Private Key used in the old authentication method.
Your software uses the keys to generate a short-lived token, (which expires after 15 minute), using the Token API.
Use the headers listed in the table below to authenticate your API call. These headers are mandatory for all API calls for authentication. Individual APIs may require additional headers.
Note: You must contact your Solution Providers to provide the Client ID/Client Secret.
Common Header Parameters
The common headers are required and shared among all of the APIs. These headers are included to implement standards across APIs and provide the function of tracking and debugging issues.

Name	Description	Required	Example
WM_SVC.NAME	Walmart Service Name	Yes	Walmart Marketplace
WM_QOS.CORRELATION_ID	A unique ID which identifies each API call and used to track and debug issues; use a random generated GUID for this ID	Yes	1234hfvgtr
WM_CONSUMER.CHANNEL.TYPE	A unique ID to track the consumer request by channel	No	0f3e4dd4-0514-4346-b39d-... use the Consumer Channel Type received during onboarding
Authorization	Basic authorization header. Base 64 encodes the Client ID and Client Secret retrieved in step two of the integration steps.	Yes	Basic YzcyOTFjNmItNzI5MC00....
WM_SEC.ACCESS_TOKEN	The token retrieved in step three of integration	Yes	eyJraWQiOiIzZjVhYTFmNS1hYWE5LTQzM.....
Common Header Sample
Authorization: Basic Base64Encode(clientId:clientSecret)
WM_SVC.NAME: Walmart Marketplace
WM_QOS.CORRELATION_ID: b3261d2d-028a-4ef7-8602-633c23200af6
WM_CONSUMER.CHANNEL.TYPE: 0f3e4dd4-0514-4346-b39d-...

Token API
Get access token by providing Client ID and Client Secret


Production URL

Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
Name	Description	Required	Example
WM_SVC.NAME	Walmart Service Name	Yes	Walmart Marketplace
WM_QOS.CORRELATION_ID	A unique ID which identifies each API call and used to track and debug issues; use a random generated GUID for this ID	Yes	1234hfvgtr
Authorization	Basic authorization header. Base 64 encodes the Client ID and Client Secret retrieved in step two of the integration steps. Base64Encode(clientId:clientSecret)	Yes	Basic YzcyOTFjNmItNzI5MC00....
Content-Type	The data format in the request body	Yes	application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept	application/xml or application/json	Yes	application/xml
Sample Request Header
POST /v3/token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Base64Encode(clientId:clientSecret)
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: application/json
WM_SVC.NAME: Walmart Marketplace
WM_QOS.CORRELATION_ID: b3261d2d-028a-4ef7-8602-633c23200af6
Request Body
Name	Description	Required	Default
grant_type	The type of access token to be issued	Yes	client_credentials
** Note: The value of the grant_type should always be 'client_credentials' to get the correct access token **

Sample Request
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
access_token	Unique token string generated by the API call	String
token_type	Type of token according to user. (e.g., 'BEARER')	String
expires_in	Seconds until expiration of token	Integer
Sample Response
    "access_token": "eyJraWQiOiIzN2JmOWQ5MS04ZDRkLTQwYjEtODU4NS1mNzhlZDc3MjM4MDQiLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiYWxnIjoiZGlyIn0..bKkYKqJ5CP0Qb2Qz.wQ4TTa2nwL1rbT98BBdbTi_MRNMM0gW_5q8im6uX4olRwYiuOXjaG6TbnnFOK5fT0UzMEJUf-uybalogMH78cHP0ZyL6hONKJOMJ8VK3ThcZ4AUcqrMRBNIMFiAWSTvHJg1y5g-t-WwmZbaD589dMll7-aXG6PPncpeQA1zOyOTaELjDA4O4jimc2_7PnEdc6ETv89AKcnw1J1cPz6BPG9jpyLVX_zEZcQnxbAHYZiSFscFCzdMtpFDrPWIwWuRcV5qRlH4DghHMqKG7V2wqX1VYV_gUvLH5b2y8O6Y0u9nmkBpqTGNiMpWzNE7amFyqKExGk4Jc_ziJdsrj38cSz9a4KtZOrV6E3mN5gFFEQSNAGzrdEv2IdTfWdNgTnHopQecgrlP7EcsrmGh1ARGTWr-e7RaiL8m2Sx5i9odGj5FDJKXiDeohX-KEB-Vc2KJeLxvYAHA7nPT1_pkZDBCfpqq_6GAUBDEbDZ6mJH93TAE1YhFeR_jcdl_23lND9sHKlvHA97-fHAjEVTqu-4wVmFFelGyJD4VIBkieWn94jq_opMiz-RjyYn8Vj-tfdJy8azBNt5NkjjW7Rsque04LsfujrqHDcJHio3ukT5JKwxNv9PoHMxoHnQ5fUdF4pOzt6ZShkki-jSbhileDlClh0ufLSNYgBmy6Fz4wTZWgL-DhJOcv-7Cup95Rx35Wh7XDYTbdz_z_avtfF-f-JS5XyN20Hn-gioWdNA7DNhI1O6s7zKZ2s2iD9eFkprOLGtcJzvNVjrxKZKD6R0hrUUzDXRn95oWlJXfan-OsTNdRypfGWFqIes-n8cBhzVF69LEWIDMr6YfdkRkmCq_p_A.Bvyf-k_rnsiiuf0jGGVXvw",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 900

The Walmart Developer Center provides a Delegated Access authorization feature which allows the creation of separate, delegated access for each Solution Provider. Delegated Access allows management of Solution Providers’ API keys and gives them access to specific services (content, items setup, order management, etc.). It is recommended to implement this feature.

Note: Only Partners (Sellers) have login access to the Developer Portal and Solution Providers need to contact their Sellers to get their set of keys.
The benefits of Delegated Access include:

Ability to define which endpoints the Solution Providers can access.
Monitor the status of all Solution Providers.
Option to revoke access of a specific Solution Provider.
Ability to reset the API secret of a Solution Provider. Resetting the secret will only affect that user’s integrations.
Delegated Access
Select "API Keys" option from the dropdown provided on the Developer Center. 
Add a new Solution Provider from the dropdown and set permissions for the provider. Each Solution Provider will be assigned a different Client ID/Client Secret. 
Share the corresponding Client ID/Client Secret information with your Solution Provider.
Solution Provider uses the Client ID/Client Secret to call the Token API to get the access token.
Contract Requirements
You and your Solution Providers must have a contract with Walmart before obtaining delegated access. You cannot add new Solution Providers if they have not signed a contract using this method. If your Solution Provider is not listed in the dropdown, contact Walmart.

GET Token Details
Retrieves information on the access levels delegated by Sellers for their Solution Providers. The scope includes a range of API categories and their corresponding access levels, for example Reports: View Only, Item: Full Access, etc.

Delegated Access Levels
The Delegated Access Levels table provides the list of allowed API methods for each of the available access levels which the MP Seller can set for their Solution Provider.

Access Level	API Methods Allowed
view_only	GET
full_access	GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
no_access	no APIs allowed
For more information, go to Authorization (Delegated Access).


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/token/detail HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
expire_at	The timestamp when the token expires	Integer
issued_at	The timestamp when the token is issued	Integer
is_valid	Whether the token is valid; boolean value of true or false	Boolean
scopes	The API categories with their corresponding access levels	Object
Sample Response

    "expire_at": "1560973098000",
    "issued_at": "1560972198000",
    "is_valid": true,
    "scopes": {
        "reports": "view_only",
        "item": "full_access",
        "price": "no_access",
        "lagtime": "full_access",
        "feeds": "view_only",
        "returns": "full_access",
        "orders": "full_access",
        "inventory": "full_access",
        "content": "full_access"

Feed Management
Feeds are constructed to handle bulk functions. A feed consists of an HTTP request with an attached file. The attached file contains the XML representing the objects that need to be created or updated.

The Walmart APIs version 3.0 supports only Item and Feed types. Refer to the bulk endpoints in each section to see example Feeds for each feed type.

Once you upload the Feeds, you can use the Feed ID to track the status of the feeds and the status of the item within those Feeds.

Feed Statuses
A Feed can have one of the following statuses:

RECEIVED: The feed has been received by the Walmart gateway but the (asynchronous) processing has not yet started.
INPROGRESS: The element processing in the feed has begun and is not yet completed.
PROCESSED: The element processing in the feed is complete. Nothing is implied about the status of the individual elements.
ERROR: The feed, as a whole, has failed. No elements within the feed were processed.
Recommended Calling Interval
If a request returns a Feed status of INPROGRESS, you should continue calling until a different status is retrieved. The recommended calling intervals for Item is 15 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours and every 4 hours.

Ingestion Statuses
The ingestion statuses are set at a per-object level.

DATA_ERROR:This error means that there is either a malformed XML error or some system data is missing. If the XML passes validation against the relevant XSD, and the error persists, contact Walmart Partner Support.
SYSTEM_ERROR: This error is returned when a downstream Walmart system returns an error to an attempted operation during submission. If this error occurs, wait for at least an hour and then try again. If the error persists contact Walmart Partner Support.
TIMEOUT_ERROR: This error is returned when a downstream Walmart system is not available during ingestion. If this error occurs, wait for at least an hour and try again. If the error persists, contact Partner Support.
SUCCESS: The object has successfully been ingested.
INPROGRESS: The item ingestion has not been completed.
Get a feed status
This API returns the feed status for a specified Feed ID.

We recommend not to use this call with the includeDetails set to true, as discrepancies may appear between the header and the item details (the item details may be incorrect). Instead, use the call GET Feed Item Status.


Production URL

Sandbox URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
URL Parameters
Name	Description	Required	Type
feedId	A unique ID returned from the Bulk Upload API, used for tracking the Feed File. Special characters must be escaped. (e.g., feedId: '...3456@789...' must be entered in the URL as '...3456%40789)	Yes	String
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/C6123CC5F9324CCA9B9DC75848830A08@ASUBAQA?includeDetails=true&limit=20&offset=0
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Sample Response

    "feedId": "C6123CC5F9324CCA9B9DC75848830A08@ASUBAQA", 
    "feedStatus": "PROCESSED",
    "shipNode": null,
    "submittedBy": null,
    "feedSubmissionDate": 1548226452530,
    "ingestionErrors": null,
    "itemsReceived": 1,
    "itemsSucceeded": 0,
    "itemsFailed": 1,
    "itemsProcessing": 0,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 20,
    "itemDetails": {
       "itemIngestionStatus": [
            "martId": 0,
            "sku": "0",
            "wpid": null,
            "index": 0,
            "itemid": "", 
            "productIdentifiers": {
              "productIdentifier": [
                  "productIdType": "GTIN",
                  "productId": "00071691495901"
          "ingestionStatus": "DATA_ERROR",
          "ingestionErrors": {
            "ingestionError": [
                "type": "SYSTEM_ERROR",
                "code": "ERR_EXT_DATA_0801001",
                "field": "SKU",
                "description": "Missing walmartItemNumber in request"
        "additionalAttributes": null 
  "additionalAttributes": null 
Get all feed statuses
Returns the feed statuses for all the specified Feed IDs.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Default	Required	Type
feedId	A unique ID returned from the Bulk Upload API, used for tracking the Feed File. Special characters must be escaped. (e.g., feedId: '...3456@789...' must be entered in the URL as '...3456%40789)	N/A	No	String
limit	The number of items to be returned. Maximum 50 items. Use this parameter only when includeDetails is set to true.	50	No	Integer
offset	The object response to the starting number, where 0 is the first entity that can be requested. Only use when includeDetails is set to true.	0	No	Integer
Sample Request Header
GET v3/feeds?feedId={feedId}&limit={limit}&offset={offset} HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
Total number of feeds returned
The object response to the starting number, where 0 is the first available
The number of items to be returned. Cannot be greater than 50.
The feed status results
Sample Response

    "totalResults": 115,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 50,
    "results": {
      "feed": [
          "feedId": "882DAFBDCAA0480786D1E0435FBC86D7@AU8BAgA",
          "feedSource": "MARKETPLACE_PARTNER",
          "feedType": "item",
          "partnerId": "100009",
          "itemsReceived": 1,
          "itemsSucceeded": 1,
          "itemsFailed": 0,
          "itemsProcessing": 0,
          "feedStatus": "PROCESSED",
          "feedDate": 1568148230011,
          "modifiedDtm": 1568148252067,
          "fileName": "item.json",
          "itemDataErrorCount": 0,
          "itemSystemErrorCount": 0,
          "itemTimeoutErrorCount": 0,
          "channelType": "0f3e4dd4-0514-4346-b39d-af0e00ea066d",
          "orgId": "f5e3d40a-1267-46b9-a2f3-7811e4c0b2de"
          "feedId": "9398AC344EC44070A5B336D1E6D4EF27@AQYBAgA",
          "feedType": "MP_ITEM_PRICE_UPDATE",
          "partnerId": "100009",
          "itemsReceived": 0,
          "itemsSucceeded": 0,
          "itemsFailed": 0,
          "itemsProcessing": 0,
          "feedStatus": "ERROR",
          "feedDate": 1568138099492,
          "modifiedDtm": 1568138099615,
          "fileName": "Affiliate Template v2.xlsx",
          "itemDataErrorCount": 0,
          "itemSystemErrorCount": 0,
          "itemTimeoutErrorCount": 0,
          "channelType": "57c99571-b460-43e2-bcd6-7d12f3ddd5a9",
          "orgId": "f5e3d40a-1267-46b9-a2f3-7811e4c0b2de"
Get feed and item status
Returns the feed and item status for a specified Feed ID.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
URL Parameters
Name	Description	Required	Type
feedId	A unique ID returned from the Bulk Upload API, used for tracking the Feed File. Special characters must be escaped. (e.g., feedId: '...3456@789...' must be entered in the URL as '...3456%40789)	Yes	String
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Default	Required	Type
includeDetails	Allows return of more details from each entity included in the feed	false	No	Boolean
limit	The number of entities to be returned. Maximum 1000 entities. Use this parameter only when includeDetails is set to true.	50	No	Integer
offset	The object response to the starting number, where 0 is the first entity that can be requested. Only use when includeDetails is set to true.	0	No	Integer
Sample Request Header
GET v3/feeds/{feedId}?includeDetails={includeDetails}&limit={limit}&offset={offset} HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
A unique ID used for tracking the Feed File
Can be one of the following: RECEIVED, INPROGRESS, PROCESSED, or ERROR
Feed-level errors showing the reasons why the feed failed
The number of items received in the feed
The number of items in the feed that processed successfully
The number of items in the feed that failed due to a data or system error
The number of items in the feed that are still processing
The object response to the starting number, where 0 is the first entity available for request
The number of items returned. Cannot be greater than 1000.
List of ingestion status details for items in the feed
Sample Response

    "feedId": "F129C19240844B97A3C6AD8F1A2C4997@AU8BAQA",
    "feedStatus": "PROCESSED",
    "shipNode": null,
    "submittedBy": null,
    "feedSubmissionDate": 1568310803059,
    "ingestionErrors": null,
    "itemsReceived": 1,
    "itemsSucceeded": 1,
    "itemsFailed": 0,
    "itemsProcessing": 0,
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 20,
    "itemDetails": {
      "itemIngestionStatus": [
          "martId": 0,
          "sku": "0960B3B82687490FA5E51CB0801478A4@AU8BAgA",
          "wpid": "71ZLHHMKNS6G",
          "index": 0,
          "itemid": "51681142",
          "productIdentifiers": {
            "productIdentifier": [
                "productIdType": "GTIN",
                "productId": "00363824587165"
                "productIdType": "UPC",
                "productId": "363824587165"
          "ingestionStatus": "SUCCESS",
          "ingestionErrors": null,
          "additionalAttributes": null
    "additionalAttributes": null
Item Management
The Item Management APIs enable you to set up and manage items on Once you have completed Registration and have access to your Consumer ID and Private Key, you can get started with the integration process.

For Sellers and Partners looking for general help with item set up, go to SellerHelp Walmart. This Knowledge Base helps Partners and Sellers with a wide variety of topics ranging from Variant Setup to Swatches.

The item is the basic building block for all of your operations. An item includes the item you are trying to sell as well as the listing price for the item. To make your items available for customers to purchase on the items must have their prices adjusted (optional), have inventory assigned, submitted and published.

A submitted item is one that has been successfully parsed and classified. The amount of time this takes is typically a few hours.

A published item is one that has had all necessary attributes confirmed and has been back-flushed through all required Walmart systems. Publishing typically takes a few hours.

Submission and publishing are triggered by a single action on the part of the Seller, while adding or changing inventory is a separate action. A monitoring process should be set up to ensure your items are pushed to

To complete Item Setup, follow the steps below:

Send an item feed to Walmart by calling Bulk Create/Update Items with an attached XML file. The API call is the starting point of the ingestion/publishing process for each item in the XML file. This call returns a Feed ID. Use the Feed ID to monitor items that are being ingested.
You can monitor the status of the feed and the item submission. The API call Get feed and item status includes all details about the Feed status. Once the Feed has a status of PROCESSED (i.e., the Feed is complete), all of the items have either been submitted or have submission errors.

** Note: The first items may be successfully submitted days before the last items are successfully submitted. **

Monitor the published status of the submitted items by calling Get an item and checking the status. Once the status of an item is PUBLISHED, it can be edited further.
Steps 2 and 3 may return errors on individual items. Examine the errors that are returned, correct them and then mark them for reingestion. A typical strategy for fixing an error is to first check the XML against the XSDs and then create a case for Partner Support.
Optional: You can change the price of your items using Update a price or Update bulk prices. This step is not required, but is recommended, as the desired prices on your items may have changed since the ingestion process was initiated.
Add inventory using Update inventory or Bulk update inventory.
In an Item feed, if you send HTML content as a value to shortDescription you have to do character encoding to the HTML tags. If you send direct HTML tags, they will appear as is in the Description of an Item on
Item Object
The Marketplace API contains only one set of XSDs that represents an item object, i.e., MPitem object. The MPitem object may contain either item or listing/offer information, or both. Based on the type of information it can be used for the following operations:

To Set Up Full Item: If the MPitem object contains item information (i.e., item attributes) as well as the listing /offer information (i.e., price and shipping information); it will be used to set up the full item.
To Update Product Only: If the MPitem object contains only item information (i.e., item attributes); it will be used for only product information updates.
To Update Listing/Offer Only: If the MPitem object contains only listing /offer information; it will be used for only listing/offer information updates.
Extract the Item XSDs from the Zip directory below:

Extract the Item JSON schemas from the Zip directory below:

The recommended usage of the different operations mentioned above is as follows:

For initial insertion, use the MPItem object with item details and item listing/offer.
Once the item has been set up and the status is PUBLISHED, use the Offer Only object item for non-item edits, such as price changes.
Use the Product only item object for item edits.

** Note: You should not use an MPItem object because any price change included in the MPItem object is effective only when the entire object is processed.**

Published Status
The published status of an item describes where the item is in the submission process.

PUBLISHED: The item is visible on and available for sale.
READY_TO_PUBLISH: The item is in the final staging process and is ready to be published.
IN_PROGRESS: The item is processing. An error could still occur at this point.
UNPUBLISHED: The item has been made unavailable on because of backend rules, such as not having inventory for too long or problems with images.
STAGE: The item is in the final staging process but has not been published because the Seller has not gone live.
SYSTEM_PROBLEM: The item cannot be published. Contact Partner Support.
Lifecycle Status
The lifecycle status of an item describes where the item listing is in the overall lifecycle.

ACTIVE: The item’s offer is current.
RETIRED: The offer has moved past its expiration date (as set in the EndDate field). The item is not visible on It can be made ACTIVE again by extending the expiration date into the future.
ARCHIVED: The offer has been in RETIRED status for over a year. To return the listing to the ACTIVE status, contact Partner Support.
Sample Payload (Product)

  "MPItemFeedHeader": {
    "version": "3.2",
    "requestId": "requestId",
    "requestBatchId" : "batchId"

  "MPItem": [
      "processMode": "REPLACE_ALL",
      "feedDate": "2019-03-25T12:44:37-04:00",
      "sku": "0960B3B82687490FA5E51CB0801478A4@AU8BAgA",
      "productIdentifiers": [
          "productIdType": "UPC",
          "productId": "363824587165"
      "MPProduct" : {
        "SkuUpdate" : "No",
        "productName" : "Mucinex Fast-Max Severe Cold &amp; Sinus Liquid Gels 16 ea",
        "ProductIdUpdate": "Yes",
        "category" : {
          "Animal" : {
            "AnimalHealthAndGrooming" : {
              "shortDescription": "<![CDATA[<ul><li>Mucinex Fast-Max Severe Cold & Sinus - 16 Liquid Gels</li><li>Acetaminophen - Pain Reliever / Fever Reducer</li><li>Dextromethorphan HBr - Cough Suppressant</li><li>Phenylephrine - Nasal Decongestant</li><li>Liquid Gels</li></ul>]]>",
              "brand": "Mucinex",
              "manufacturer": "Mucinex Fast-Max",
              "manufacturerPartNumber": "MFMSCS16",
              "mainImageUrl": "",
              "isProp65WarningRequired": "No",
              "hasPricePerUnit": "No",
              "hasWarranty": "No",
              "hasIngredientList": "No",
              "isDrugFactsLabelRequired": "No"
      "MPOffer": {
        "price": 7.03,
        "ShippingWeight": {
          "measure": 0,
          "unit": "lb"
        "ProductTaxCode": 203871

Sample Payload (Offer)

<MPItemFeed xmlns:wal="">
  <!--1 to 10000 repetitions:-->
      <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
          <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
        <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
Item Maintenance
Process Mode
The process mode is used to identify what action a user needs to perform for a given item. The supported values for the process mode is listed in the table below.

The following table describes each process mode:

Process Mode	Description	Element Required	Notes
CREATE	Creates a new item.	MPProduct and MPOffer	An error will occur if the request is sent with only MPProduct element
REPLACE_ALL	Replaces MPProduct and MPOffer information	MPProduct or MPOffer	The default value is the MPProduct element
PARTIAL_UPDATE	Merges the contents of item	MPProduct	An error will occur if the request is sent with the MPOffer element
Product ID & SKU
Product ID and SKU are important identifiers for Walmart's systems. Walmart merges items with the same Product ID and shows them as one item sold by multiple Sellers. If you provide the wrong Product ID, your item will be merged incorrectly, which can increase your order cancellation rate, create bad customer experience, produce customer fraud complaints and result in a lower rating on your Seller Scorecard.

**Note: You can not update both a SKU and a product ID in the same spec. If you want to update the product ID, it must be done separately. For more details, please refer to Update an Item's Product ID.

How to Update an Item’s Product ID
To update the item’s Product Identifier, follow the steps below:

Provide the new productId for the item in the Feed File.
In the XML payload file, look for ProductIdUpdate attribute.
Set the ProductIdUpdate attribute to Yes.
Upload the Feed File.
When the Feed is successfully processed, the item will have the new Product ID.

How to Update an Item’s SKU
To update the item’s SKU, follow the steps below:

Provide the new SKU for the item in the Feed File.
In the XML payload file, look for SkuUpdate attribute
Set the SkuUpdate attribute to Yes.
Upload the Feed file.
When the feed is successfully processed, the item will have the new SKU.

Secondary Image Deletion
To delete old SECONDARY/SWATCH images, please send the value for processMode as REPLACE_ALL.

Shipping Override
Shipping overrides can be used for specifiying shipping attributes such as ShipMethod, ShipRegion, ShipPrice. For more information, please refer to Shipping Methods and Timing.

For ShippingOverrideAction, you can set up the following values:

REPLACE_ALL: This action value replaces all existing shipping overrides with the given shipping override.

DELETE_ALL: This action value deletes all the shipping orders and there will be NO shipping override.

** Note: If there is no action element, no action will be performed and the override will be kept as is. **

<xsd:enumeration value="REPLACE_ALL"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="DELETE_ALL"/>
Shipping Program Override
The program offers qualified sellers a way to offer free, two-day shipping to our customers with dynamic, location-based logic that will automatically display the "2-Day Shipping" banner on eligible items. Two-day shipping is made available through additions to the request body during Item setup. See the Post Bulk Upload Sample Request Body for the added section beginning with ShippingProgramOverrides.

For more information on Two-Day Shipping, go to SellerHelp Walmart.

For frequently asked questions, including integration details about our programs, access the FAQ.

To specify the regions and sub regions for twoDayShippingWestRegionStates, twoDayShippingNortheastRegionStates, twoDayShippingMidwestRegionStates, twoDayShippingSouthRegionStates, refer to Coverage Area

Bulk Item Setup
Updates items in bulk.

You can update 10,000 items at once; updates with more than 10,000 items are not supported. Keep feed sizes below 10 MB to ensure optimal feed processing time.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	multipart/form-data
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Required
feedType	The feed type	Yes
Request Body
The request body consists of a Feed file attached to the request.

You will receive acknowledgement when Feed File is received. Save the Feed ID so you can track your feed.

For more information about regions, please refer to the Coverage Area section.

Sample Request Header
POST /v3/feeds?feedType=item HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Sample Request Body

  "MPItemFeedHeader": {
    "feedDate": "2019-04-30T03:42:21.358+0000",
    "mart": "WALMART_US",
    "version": "3.2"
  "MPItem": [
      "productIdentifiers": [
          "productId": "00646822987060",
          "productIdType": "GTIN"
      "MPProduct": {
        "msrp": 1929,
        "category": {
          "JewelryCategory": {
            "Jewelry": {
              "isProp65WarningRequired": "No",
              "productSecondaryImageURL": [
              "color": "N/A",
              "shortDescription": "This Gorgeous Wedding Ring Set is of excellent quality workmanship Made in the USA in Solid 10 Karat Gold and set with Genuine Diamonds with a very nice finish to produce a nice look at very reasonable prices.  To order the set please order the Ladies size (available from 5 to 10 including Half Sizes) from the drop-down menu and complete the order.  then to order the Men's sizes (available from 8 to 14) contact us thru the æContact SellerÆ link and tell us your desired size after placing the order.  Smaller or Larger Sizes may also be available for a nominal fee. Each of these can be bought separately.  Please feel free to contact us Thru the æContact SellerÆ link with any concern or questions.",
              "brand": "WorldJewels",
              "mainImageUrl": "",
              "manufacturer": "WorldJewels"
        "productName": "10k White Gold Diamond Trio Engagement Wedding Ring Set for Him and Her 3-piece 4.5 mm & 3.5 mm wide 0.13 cttw Brilliant Cut, ladies sizes 5 û 10, mens sizes 8 - 14"
      "MPOffer": {
        "ShippingOverrides": {
          "ShippingOverrideAction": "REPLACE_ALL",
          "shippingOverride": [
              "ShippingOverrideShipMethod": "VALUE",
              "ShippingOverrideIsShippingAllowed": "No",
              "ShippingOverrideShipRegion": "STREET_48_STATES",
              "ShippingOverrideshipPrice": 0
              "ShippingOverrideShipMethod": "STANDARD",
              "ShippingOverrideIsShippingAllowed": "No",
              "ShippingOverrideShipRegion": "STREET_48_STATES",
              "ShippingOverrideshipPrice": 0
              "ShippingOverrideShipMethod": "EXPEDITED",
              "ShippingOverrideIsShippingAllowed": "Yes",
              "ShippingOverrideShipRegion": "STREET_48_STATES",
              "ShippingOverrideshipPrice": 0
              "ShippingOverrideShipMethod": "ONE_DAY",
              "ShippingOverrideIsShippingAllowed": "No",
              "ShippingOverrideShipRegion": "STREET_48_STATES",
              "ShippingOverrideshipPrice": 0
              "ShippingOverrideShipMethod": "FREIGHT",
              "ShippingOverrideIsShippingAllowed": "No",
              "ShippingOverrideShipRegion": "STREET_48_STATES",
              "ShippingOverrideshipPrice": 0
              "ShippingOverrideShipMethod": "FREIGHT_WITH_WHITE_GLOVE",
              "ShippingOverrideIsShippingAllowed": "No",
              "ShippingOverrideShipRegion": "STREET_48_STATES",
              "ShippingOverrideshipPrice": 0
        "price": 455.46,
        "ShippingProgramOverrides": [{
          "twoDayShippingOverride": "No",
          "twoDayShippingRegion": "STREET_48_STATES"
        "ProductTaxCode": 204027,
        "ShippingWeight": {
          "unit": "lb",
          "measure": 1
        "EndDate": "2049-12-31T08:00:00.000+0000"
      "processMode": "CREATE",
      "sku": "WJ_10W014W3-6"
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
feedId	A unique ID, returned from the Bulk Upload API, used for tracking the feed file	String
Sample Response

  "feedId": "F129C19240844B97A3C6AD8F1A2C4997@AU8BAQA",
  "additionalAttributes": null,
  "errors": null
Item Setup by Match
Provides a quick and convenient way to set up items by matching your items to existing item content on

Use the Item Setup by Match schema and update the basic information for each item. The items you submit will be processed and checked to see if they already exist in the Walmart Catalog. If a match is found, your item will be automatically set up and you won’t need to provide your own content. Once the feed has been processed, the GET Feed Item Status API will return whether a match is found or not. If a match is not found or you want to provide your own content, use the Bulk Item Setup API.

Download the Item Setup by Match API JSON schema from:


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	multipart/form-data or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Default	Required
feedType	The feed type	item	Yes
setupType	Query parameter to be sent when setting up item by match	byMatch	Yes
Request Body
The request body consists of a Feed file attached to the request.

You will receive acknowledgement when the Feed file is received. Save the Feed ID so you can track your feed.

Sample Request Header
POST v3/feeds?feedType=item HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data or application/json
Accept: application/json
Sample Request Body

    "MPItemFeedHeader": {
      "version": "3.2",
      "requestId": "requestId",
      "requestBatchId" : "batchId"
    "MPItem": [
        "processMode": "REPLACE_ALL",
        "feedDate": "2019-03-25T12:44:37-04:00",
        "sku": "0960B3B82687490FA5E51CB0801478A4@AU8BAgA",
        "productIdentifiers": [
            "productIdType": "UPC",
            "productId": "363824587165"
        "MPProduct" : {
          "SkuUpdate" : "No",
          "productName" : "Mucinex Fast-Max Severe Cold &amp; Sinus Liquid Gels 16 ea",
          "ProductIdUpdate": "Yes",
          "category" : {
            "Animal" : {
              "AnimalHealthAndGrooming" : {
                "shortDescription": "<![CDATA[<ul><li>Mucinex Fast-Max Severe Cold & Sinus - 16 Liquid Gels</li><li>Acetaminophen - Pain Reliever / Fever Reducer</li><li>Dextromethorphan HBr - Cough Suppressant</li><li>Phenylephrine - Nasal Decongestant</li><li>Liquid Gels</li></ul>]]>",
                "brand": "Mucinex",
                "manufacturer": "Mucinex Fast-Max",
                "manufacturerPartNumber": "MFMSCS16",
                "mainImageUrl": "",
                "isProp65WarningRequired": "No",
                "hasPricePerUnit": "No",
                "hasWarranty": "No",
                "hasIngredientList": "No",
                "isDrugFactsLabelRequired": "No"
        "MPOffer": {
          "price": 7.03,
          "ShippingWeight": {
            "measure": 0,
            "unit": "lb"
          "ProductTaxCode": 203871
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
feedId	A unique ID, returned from the Bulk Upload API, used for tracking the feed file	String
Sample Response

    "feedId": "831B61EA5BDE48F495139FE2CE359252@AU8BAQA",
    "additionalAttributes": null,
    "errors": null
Get all items
Displays a list of all items.

Items List Pagination
There are two ways of pagination for this API

Using nextCursor query parameter
First call will have the value of nextCursor as '*'. If a call to the endpoint results in a large number of items being returned, the results are sent back in pages. The element nextCursor which is returned in the response is required for pagination.

The nextCursor element contains the string that should be send as a query parameter to the subsequent GET call to get the next page of results.

A missing or empty nextCursor element in the response means that there are no more items left to retrieve.
The totalCount returns the total number of available items. Therefore, analysis of the totalCount provides the number of pages to be retrieved to get the whole list of items.

Using offset and limit query parameter
First call to the API using offset=0 will return the first page of the list of items. The full list can be retrieved by subsequent requests to the same API with successively larger values of offset.

If a SKU is included, this request is semantically identical to Get an Item request. It will return only one item and hence pagination is not required.


Production URL
Sandbox URL


Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Default	Required
nextCursor	Used for pagination when more than 200 items are retrieved. The nextCursor value of the response includes a link to another GET call which retrieves the next page of results.	N/A	Yes, when offset is not used
sku	An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item. This will be used by the seller in the XSD file to refer to each item. Special characters hyphen (-), space ( ), and period (.) are not allowed.	N/A	No
limit	The number of entities to be returned. Cannot be more than 20.	20	No
offset	The object response to the starting number, where 0 is the first entity available for request. Maximum 1000.	0	Yes, when nextCursor is not used
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/items?nextCursor=*&sku={SKU}&offset=2000&limit=20 HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
Items included in the response list
Sample Response

  "ItemResponse": [
          "mart": "WALMART_US",
          "sku": "30348_KFTest",
          "wpid": "0RCPILAXM0C1",
          "upc": "",
          "gtin": "06932096330348",
          "productName": "Kidsform Adjustable Infant Baby Carrier Sling Wrap Rider Carrier Backpack Front/Back Pack Khaki, Blue, Pink 4 Carrying Position Modes With Storage Bag",
          "shelf": "[\"Home Page\",\"Baby\",\"Baby Activities & Gear\",\"Baby Carriers\"]",
          "productType": "Baby Carriers",
          "price": {
              "currency": "USD",
              "amount": 3.0
          "publishedStatus": "PUBLISHED"
          "mart": "WALMART_US",
          "sku": "97964_KFTest",
          "wpid": "0RCQ2IA08HZL",
          "upc": "638508797964",
          "gtin": "00638508797964",
          "productName": "Fall Leaf on Gingham Baby Bib BB7110BIB",
          "shelf": "[\"Home Page\",\"Baby\",\"Feeding\",\"Bibs and Burp Cloths\"]",
          "productType": "Baby Bibs",
          "price": {
              "currency": "USD",
              "amount": 4.0
          "publishedStatus": "UNPUBLISHED"
          "mart": "WALMART_US",
          "sku": "NOT214074-B007JL4N7Y",
          "wpid": "0RCSORH5WPJC",
          "upc": "879216016255",
          "gtin": "00879216016255",
          "productName": "Spellbinders M-Bossabilities A2 Card Embossing Folder-Enchanted",
          "shelf": "[\"Home Page\",\"Arts Crafts & Sewing\",\"Crafting\",\"Paper Crafting\",\"Embossing\"]",
          "productType": "Embossing Plates",
          "price": {
              "currency": "USD",
              "amount": 9.99
          "publishedStatus": "UNPUBLISHED"
    "totalItems": 8577,

Get an item
Retrieves an item and displays the item details shown in the response sample.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
URL Parameters
Name	Description	Required
sku	An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item. This will be used by the seller in the XSD file to refer to each item. Special characters hyphen (-), space ( ), and period (.) are not allowed.	Yes
Query Parameter

Sample Request Header
GET /v3/items/{SKU} HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Required	Example
Items included in the response list
Sample Response

  "ItemResponse": [
          "mart": "WALMART_US",
          "sku": "30348_KFTest",
          "wpid": "0RCPILAXM0C1",
          "upc": "",
          "gtin": "06932096330348",
          "productName": "Kidsform Adjustable Infant Baby Carrier Sling Wrap Rider Carrier Backpack Front/Back Pack Khaki, Blue, Pink 4 Carrying Position Modes With Storage Bag",
          "shelf": "[\"Home Page\",\"Baby\",\"Baby Activities & Gear\",\"Baby Carriers\"]",
          "productType": "Baby Carriers",
          "price": {
              "currency": "USD",
              "amount": 3.0
          "publishedStatus": "PUBLISHED"
  "totalItems": 1
Taxonomy API exposes the category taxonomy used by to categorize items. It describes three available levels: Departments, Categories, and Sub-categories on You can specify the exact category as a parameter when using any of the following APIs:

Data feeds
Special feeds - [Pre-order, Best sellers, Rollbacks, Clearance, and Special Buys]
For example, you can restrict Search API to search within a category by supplying id as per the taxonomy. Similarly, you can use Feed API to download category specific feeds by specifying a category id.


Production URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/taxonomy HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Required
category	Type of item	Yes
subcategory	Specific kind of category	No
subcategoryName	Name of specific kind of category	No
subcategoryId	ID of specific kind of category	No
Sample Response

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "payload": [
            "category": "Animal",
            "subcategory": [
                    "subCategoryName": "Animal Accessories",
                    "subCategoryId": "559c5d924fff3d64de18bf45"
                    "subCategoryName": "Animal Food",
                    "subCategoryId": "559c5d8f4fff3d64de18bf3d"
                    "subCategoryName": "Animal Health & Grooming",
                    "subCategoryId": "559c5d90ed25b136f13a05df"
                    "subCategoryName": "Animal Other",
                    "subCategoryId": "56f2eb66208f9a06158f1748"
            "category": "Art & Craft",
            "subcategory": [
                    "subCategoryName": "Art & Craft",
                    "subCategoryId": "571fdff7208f9a0cdb760a7f"
Retire an item
Completely deactivates and unpublishes an item from the site.

Retired items are not displayed on, but their content stays intact in our system. You can republish an item by providing future discontinue date for the item.

** Note: You can't reuse the SKU or Product ID from a retired item. If you need to change the SKU or Product ID, see Product ID & SKU section.**


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
URL Parameters
Name	Description	Required
sku	An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item. This will be used by the seller in the XSD file to refer to each item.	Yes
Sample Request Header
DELETE /v3/items/{SKU} HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
sku	An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item. This will be used by the seller in the XSD file to refer to each item.	String
message	Message confiring the deletion or retirement of an item from the Walmart Catalog	String
Sample Response

  "sku": "97964_KFTest",
  "message": "Thank you.  Your item has been submitted for retirement from Walmart Catalog.  Please note that it can take up to 48 hours for items to be retired from our catalog.",
  "additionalAttributes": null,
  "errors": null
Bulk Item Retire
Completely deactivates and unpublishes items in bulk from the site.


Production URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	multipart/form-data
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Required
feedType	The feed type.	Yes
Request Body
The request body consists of a Feed file attached to the request.

You will receive acknowledgement when Feed File is received. Save the Feed ID so you can track your feed.

Sample Request Header
POST /v3/feeds?feedType=RETIRE_ITEM HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Accept: application/json
Sample Request Body

    "RetireItemHeader": {
      "feedDate": "2020-01-22T00:59:14.000Z",
      "version": "1.0"
    "RetireItem": [
        "sku": "0960B3B82687490FA5E51CB0801478A4@AU8BAgA"
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
feedId	A unique ID, returned from the Bulk Upload API, used for tracking the feed file	String
Sample Response

  "feedId": "F129C19240844B97A3C6AD8F1A2C4997@AU8BAQA",
  "additionalAttributes": null,
  "errors": null
Implementation Plan
This section outlines a possible implementation plan as described in the Overview. The sub-sections in the proposed implementation are:

Client-side statuses of Walmart items
Sending items for ingestion
Checking ingestion status
Checking published status
Correcting item errors
Client-side Statuses of Walmart Items
For this implementation, we assume that you will use your own client-side database to store the status of your items and feeds on A possible set of statuses could be:

Status	Description	Comment
transmit	To be transmitted to Walmart	Can be set to this state by seller deciding to include SKU on, or by system requesting a re-transmission because data errors were detected and fixed
data fix	Schema or content is incompatible with	Check the item XML file against the XSD file
ingestion in progress	Item is in the ingestion process	No updates allowed at this time
publish in progress	Item is in publishing process	Ingestion is completed, but publishing must be completed before you can add inventory
published	Item is published on	Inventory can be added and the item can be sold to customers
system error	An error was encountered during publishing	Contact Walmart Marketplace Support
unpublished	Not available on	Usually caused by the removal of an item
data fix - ticket	Support ticket submitted	Underlying error status is data fix
system error - ticket	Support ticket submitted	Underlying error status is a system error
Feed Status	Description	Comment
active	Has items that still need ingestion status checked	Do not archive or delete
archive	All items in the feed have finished processing	Archive the feed ID's or delete them
Sending Items for Ingestion
This flow describes how you may want to send your items to Walmart and process immediate errors. On an initial ingestion, the object used must be the MPItem object; thereafter, you may use the OfferEnvelope or the ProductEnvelope object.

Checking Ingestion Status
The flow below describes how you may monitor the status of your items as they are ingested.

Checking Published Status
The flow below describes how you may monitor the status of your items as they move through the publishing process.

Correcting Item Errors
The flow below describes how you may implement a process for correcting item errors. In addition to the flow below, you may want to build your own process for correcting items and their statuses as Walmart Marketplace Support responds to support tickets.

Price Management
The price is a fundamental building block for your listing on You can use the price management APIs to set up and manage the price for a given item.

Promotional pricing allows to add additional pricing information to increase customer interest. Those promotional types are:

Clearance - Adds a Clearance badge, the price (the actual sale price), and a comparison price on the item page.
Reduced - Functions the same as clearance, but with a Reduced badge on the item page.
SubMAP Cart - Displays the price on the checkout page only.
SubMAP Checkout - Functions like SubMAP cart, except that the price only displays for a customer who is logged in and is in the checkout.
For details about the promotional pricing, refer to the article:

Extract the Price Management XSDs from the below directory:

Update a price
Updates the regular price for a given item.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Name	Description	Required	Example
The data format in the API payload
application/xml or application/json
The returned data format in the response
application/xml or application/json
Query Parameters

Sample Request Header
PUT /v3/price HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Request Body for Promotional Pricing

    "sku": "97964_KFTest",
    "pricing": [
        "currentPrice": {
          "currency": "USD",
          "amount": 10
        "currentPriceType": "REDUCED",
        "comparisonPrice": {
          "currency": "USD",
          "amount": 12
         "comparisonPriceType": "BASE"
Request body for a Regular Price Update

    "sku": "97964_KFTest",
    "pricing": [
        "currentPriceType": "BASE",
        "currentPrice": {
          "currency": "USD",
          "amount": 10
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
mart	Marketplace name. Example: Walmart-US	String
sku	An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, which identifies each item. This will be used by the seller in the XSD file to refer to each item. Special characters hyphen (-), space ( ), and period (.) are not allowed.	String
currency	The currency type. Example: USD for US Dollars	String
amount	The numerical amount of the price. Example: 9.99	Decimal
message	A message of acknowledgement for a price update	String
Sample Response

    "ItemPriceResponse": {
      "mart": "WALMART_US",
      "message": "Thank you. Your price has been updated. Please allow up to five minutes for this change to be reflected on the site.",
      "sku": "97964_KFTest"
Update bulk prices
Updates prices in bulk.

In one Feed you can update up to 10,000 items in bulk. To ensure optimal Feed processing time, we recommend sending no more than 1000 items in one Feed and keeping the Feed sizes below 10 MB.

The price sequence guarantee is observed by the bulk price update functionality, subject to the following rules:

The timestamp used to determine precedence is passed in the request headers. All price updates in the feed are considered to have the same timestamp. The timestamp in the XML file is used only for auditing.
You can send a single SKU multiple times in one Feed. If a SKU is repeated in a Feed, the price will be set for that SKU on, but there is no guarantee as to which SKU's price within that feed will be used.
This API should be used in preference to the update a price. It should be called no sooner than 24 hours after a new item is set up and a wpid (Walmart Part ID) is available. Thereafter, the bulk price update has an service level agreement (SLA) of 15 minutes.

After the update is submitted, wait for at least five minutes before verifying whether the bulk price update was successful. Individual SKU price update success or failure is only available after the entire feed is processed.

If a SKU's price update fails (for example, multiple price updates were sent for the same SKU in a single feed), an error will be returned.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	multipart/form-data
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Required
feedType	The feed type should be 'price'	Yes
Request Body
The request body consists of a Feed file that is attached to the request. See the Feeds section for more details on how to construct Feed files.

Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
feedId	A unique ID, returned with feed acknowledgement, used for tracking the feed file	String
Sample Request Header
POST /v3/feeds?feedType=price HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Regular price update using bulk

    "PriceHeader": {
      "version": "1.7"
    "Price": [
        "sku": "30348_KFTest",
        "pricing": [
            "currentPrice": {
              "currency": "USD",
              "amount": 3
            "currentPriceType": "REDUCED",
            "currentPriceType": "REDUCED",
            "comparisonPrice": {
              "currency": "USD",
              "amount": 4.99
        "sku": "OT-PP7F-QGUG",
        "pricing": [
            "currentPrice": {
              "currency": "USD",
              "amount": 3
            "currentPriceType": "REDUCED",
            "comparisonPrice": {
              "currency": "USD",
              "amount": 4.99
The above command returns XML structured like this:

    "feedId": "14066B6642344B76A8B77AC094F8C63B@AVMBAgA"
Commission Adjustment Program
Commission Adjustment Program (CAP) API allows Walmart to adjust seller's offers. Seller can completely opt-in or opt-out of the Commission Adjustment Program. Sellers also have an option to opt-in or opt-out at a SKU level. For example, Sellers can individually opt items in or out by uploading the Item Opt-in file.

Items eligible for this service appear in the Item Opt-in CSV file. See Table 1 – The CSV file.

Set up the SKU opt-in/opt-out for an individual item
Helps Sellers to set up their SKU for an individual item’s competitive price adjustment listed in the CSV file.

Sellers can simply change the SKU OPT IN column value to "Y" or "N" in the CSV file (Item Opt-in file) to opt-in or opt-out for individual items.

For details, refer to Item Opt-in file.


Production URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Required
feedType	Type of spec, the Excel or CSV file. Value should be 'CPT_SELLER_ELIGIBILITY'	Yes
Sample Request Header
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Sample Request Body
The CSV file gets uploaded for CAP report.

Response Parameters
You will receive the acknowledgement of CAP report.

Name	Description	Type
feedId	A unique ID, returned after uploading the updated CAP report	String
Sample Response

    "feedId": "65AC15E79EA14A5197C4FAED48586276@ARUBAgA"
Global opt-in/opt-out for all items
This API helps Sellers to completely opt-in or opt-out from CAP program.

If the subsidyEnrolled value = "true", the Seller enrolls in the CAP program. All eligible SKUs (current and future) are by default opt-in. Seller should use the SKU opt-in/opt-out API to opt-out individual items.

If the subsidyEnrolled value = "false", the Seller stops participating in the CAP program and all eligible SKUs (current and future) are opt-out of the CAP program.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
URL Parameters

Sample Request Header
POST /v3/cppreference HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Accept: application/json
Sample Request Body

  "statusInfo": {
    "subsidyEnrolled": {
      "value": true
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
subsidyEnrolled	A Boolean parameter that allows all sellers to completely enroll in or out of the Competitive Price Adjustment program	Boolean
martId	A unique ID that a user or seller uses for a marketplace	String
Sample Response

  "martId": "0",
  "statusInfo": {
    "subsidyEnrolled": {
      "value": true
    "subsidyPreference": {
      "value": true
Price Sequence Guarantee
The price sequence guarantee is enforced for both synchronous (individual) and asynchronous (bulk or feed) updates. These different methods have different SLAs; there is no guarantee that price updates will be received in any particular order.

The price sequence guarantee ensures that the latest price update, based on its creation timestamp, is the one that changes the price of the item, overwriting the previous version. Price updates received with an earlier timestamp are ignored. As a result, we recommend all feed-based bulk updates base the value of feedDate on UTC.

Promotion Management
Sellers can set regular or promotional prices for their items. Setting the Promotional prices is an option to create unique pricing for events such as clearance sales or to call out a comparison price.

The following rules apply to set the promotions:

The maximum number of promotions for a given item should not be more than 10.
The effective start date for a given promotion should be more than four hours from the current date and time.
You cannot cancel a promotion within four hours of the start time. If you want to cancel a promotion that is about to start, you should let it begin and then use the delete an item call.
You must provide SKU, startDate and endDate.
A promotion end date cannot be before or equal to the promotion start date.
The end date of a given promotion should be within 365 days from the current date and time. Any promotions beyond 365 days will result in an error.
If a promotion schedule is overlapping or the same as other promotions for the same item, it will result in an error.
The promotional price types are:

Clearance - Adds a Clearance badge, the price (the actual sale price) and a comparison price on the Item page.
Reduced - The same as Clearance, but with a Reduced badge on the Item page.
SubMAP Cart - Displays the price on the checkout page only.
SubMAP Checkout - Similar to SubMAP cart, except that the price only displays for a customer who is logged in and is in the checkout.
XSD Attributes for Setting Up a Promotion
Name	Description	Type	Required	Default
replaceAll	Replaces all previously set promotions for a SKU. To delete all promotions for a SKU, set replaceAll to an empty payload. Set replaceAll to false when using the processMode UPSERT or DELETE.	Boolean	Yes	true
effectiveDate	The effective start date for a given promotion	String	Yes	N/A
expirationDate	The end date for a given promotion. It should be no more than 365 days from the current date and time.	String	Yes	N/A
currentPrice	The current price for the item. If setting a promotion, set this value to the promotional price.	String	No	N/A
currentPriceType	The current price Type to indicate a promotion, such as REDUCED or CLEARANCE	String	No	N/A
comparisonPrice	The regular (BASE) or list price of the item. If a promotion is set up, this price may display as the 'was' price.	String	Yes	N/A
promoId	A system-generated ID for each promotion. Can be used to update or delete an existing promotion.	String	No	N/A
processMode	Use the processMode attribute to update or delete a promotion. To update a promotion for a SKU that includes multiple promotions, set the processMode to UPSERT and include a promoId. To delete a SKU, set the processMode to DELETE and include the promoId to be deleted. Additionally, a promotion can be updated or deleted by sending in a startDate and endDate for an SKU.	String	Yes	N/A
processModeType	Valid values are UPSERT or DELETE	String	No	N/A
For more information about promotions, refer to the article:

For details on how to use Excel bulk upload, refer to the article:

Get promotional prices
Retrieves a list of promotional prices for a single SKU.


Production URL

Sandbox URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.
Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml

URL Parameters
Name	Description	Required
sku	An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the Seller, which identifies each item. This will be used by the Seller in the XSD file to refer to each item. Special characters hyphen (-), space ( ), and period (.) are not allowed.	Yes
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/promo/sku/Promo7 HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml
Sample Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ServiceResponse xmlns:ns2="">
<payload xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns2:itemPriceType">
    <ns2:sku>WGU-002 Standalone</ns2:sku>
    <ns2:pricing effectiveDate="2016-09-04T01:26:44.296Z" expirationDate="2016-09-05T01:26:44.296Z" promoId="889b4d96-2e00-4a4a-8152-42d101b99192">
        <ns2:value amount="24"></ns2:value>
        <ns2:value amount="86"></ns2:value>
Update a promotional price
Updates the promotional price.

Sellers can update or delete an existing promotional price as well as set up a new promotional price.

To set a new promotional price or update an existing one, set the XML pricing attribute processMode to UPSERT.
To delete a promotional price, set the XML pricing attribute processMode to DELETE.
To delete all promotions for a SKU, set replaceAll to an empty payload.

Production URL

Sandbox URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.
Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/xml
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml

Query Parameters
Name	Description	Required	Type
promo	The promotional price. Set to 'true' in order to retrieve promotional prices	Yes	Boolean
Sample Request Header
PUT /v3/price?promo=true HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml
Sample Request Body for Promotional Pricing, Update

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Price xmlns="">
    <pricing effectiveDate="2016-09-09T21:29:39.420Z" expirationDate="2016-09-10T21:29:39.420Z" processMode="UPSERT">
        <value amount="35.00"/>
        <value amount="97.00"/>
    <pricing effectiveDate="2016-09-11T21:29:39.420Z" expirationDate="2016-09-12T21:29:39.420Z" processMode="UPSERT">
        <value amount="44.00"/>
Sample Request Body for Promotional Pricing, Delete

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Price xmlns="">
  <pricing effectiveDate="2016-09-09T21:29:39.420Z" expirationDate="2016-09-10T21:29:39.420Z" processMode="DELETE">
      <value amount="35.00"/>
      <value amount="97.00"/>
  <pricing effectiveDate="2016-09-11T21:29:39.420Z" expirationDate="2016-09-12T21:29:39.420Z" processMode="DELETE">
      <value amount="44.00"/>
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
feedId	A unique ID, returned with feed acknowledgement, used for tracking the feed file	String
Sample Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ItemPriceResponse xmlns:ns2="">
  <message>Thank you. Your price has been updated. Please allow up to five minutes for this change to be reflected on the site.</message>
Update bulk promotional prices
Updates or creates promotional prices for multiple specified SKUs.

You can update the price up to 10,000 items in bulk in one Feed. To ensure optimal Feed processing time, we recommend sending no more than 1000 items in one Feed and keeping Feed sizes below 10 MB.

To create a new promotional price or update an existing one, set the XML pricing attribute processMode to UPSERT.
To delete a promotional price, set the XML pricing attribute processMode to DELETE.
To delete all promotions for a SKU, set replaceAll to an empty payload.

Production URL

Sandbox URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	multipart/form-data
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Required
feedType	The feed type should be 'promo'	Yes
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
feedId	A unique ID, returned with feed acknowledgement, used for tracking the feed file	String
Sample Request Header
POST /v3/feeds?feedType=promo HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Accept: application/xml
Sample Request Body for Promotional Pricing, Update

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<PriceFeed xmlns="">
  <pricingList replaceAll='true'>
    <pricing effectiveDate="2016-11-03T09:49:57.943Z" expirationDate="2016-11-04T09:49:57.943Z" processMode="UPSERT">
        <value amount="30.00"/>
        <value amount="69.00"/>
    <pricing effectiveDate="2016-11-07T16:02:58.762Z" expirationDate="2016-11-08T16:02:58.762Z" processMode="UPSERT">
        <value amount="32.00"/>
        <value amount="55.00"/>
Sample Request Body for Promotional Pricing, Delete

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<PriceFeed xmlns="">
    <pricingList replaceAll='false'>
      <pricing effectiveDate="2016-11-03T09:49:57.943Z" expirationDate="2016-11-04T09:49:57.943Z" processMode="DELETE">
          <value amount="44.00"/>
          <value amount="62.00"/>
      <pricing effectiveDate="2016-11-07T16:02:58.762Z" expirationDate="2016-11-08T16:02:58.762Z" processMode="DELETE">
          <value amount="32.00"/>
          <value amount="55.00"/>
Sample Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<FeedAcknowledgement xmlns:ns2="">
Promotional Price Error Codes
The table below shows the error codes that may occur when updating promotional prices.

The first field shows a data or system code concatenated with the API that was being invoked at the time of the error.
The second field shows the error type.
The third field provides the error description.
Code	Description	Type
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101130	The request payload is empty or missing	Data Error
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101131	Invalid or missing a promoId	Data Error
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101132	Promotions cannot be modified or set before 24 hours of the effective date and time	Data Error
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101133	Future promotions should be with 365 days	Data Error
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101134	A promotion start date cannot be later than the promotion end date	Data Error
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101135	A promotion already exists for the given promoId	Data Error
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101136	A promotion already exists with this date range	Data Error
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101137	Exceeded the maximum number of pormotions set for a given promoId	Data Error
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101138	The promotion does not exist for the given promoId	Data Error
ERR_INT_SYS_0101139	Missing required parameters: offerId, startDate and endDate	Data Error
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101140	The partnerId is missing	Data Error
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101142	Invalid or missing SKU or offerId	Data Error
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101143	The promotion does not exist for the given SKU	Data Error
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101144	Invalid or missing SKU or partnerId	Data Error
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101145	The entered promotion dates range is overlapping	Data Error
ERR_EXT_DATA_0101146	The system is busy or not responding, try again shortly. Contact Walmart Marketplace Support if the issue continues to occur.	System Error
If any of these errors occur, an error message will be displayed: "Unable to process this request"

Order Management
The Walmart Order Management APIs help Sellers to manage customer’s Sales Orders and to stay up-to-date on orders fulfillment, which orders to fulfill, and when to fulfill them.

When a customer places an on-line order with Walmart, it creates a Sales Order and this Sales Order is used to generate the Purchase Order. The Sales Order may contain one or more Purchase Orders that may be assigned to different Sellers. Every unique item that is ordered in a Purchase Order has a line number.

The Order Object
Extract the Order Management XSDs from the below directory:

A Walmart order object represents a purchase order and consists of a group of one or more line items that a customer ordered.

** Note: The order has no inherit status, but the line items do. **

The valid statuses for a line item are:

Created: The Purchase Orders for the line items are created and have been released from the Walmart Order Management System to the Seller for processing. You will need to acknowledge this order before shipping.
Acknowledged: The Purchase Order has been acknowledged by the assigned Sellers, including all of its order line items. If it is in this state by default, it already has been acknowledged.
Shipped: The items included in the purchase order has been shipped.
Cancelled: The line order has been cancelled. Sellers cannot fulfill the Purchase Order.
The values that supports Walmart Charge Types are:

PRODUCT: The product charges for the specified line item in Purchase Order.
SHIPPING: The shipping charges for the specified Purchase Order line item. Walmart only support UTC shipDateTime.
To successfully fulfill and /or refund orders properly, Walmart follows a workflow. See the figure below:

Walmart Order Management Workflow
Sample order object

    "order": {
        "purchaseOrderId": "1796330120075",
        "customerOrderId": "1568964842632",
        "customerEmailId": "",
        "orderDate": 1568878435000,
        "shippingInfo": {
            "phone": "5106793150",
            "estimatedDeliveryDate": 1570129200000,
            "estimatedShipDate": 1569990600000,
            "methodCode": "OneDay",
            "postalAddress": {
                "name": "Shai Kodela",
                "address1": "640 West California Avenue",
                "address2": "asdasd",
                "city": "Sunnyvale",
                "postalCode": "94043",
                "country": "USA",
                "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL"
        "orderLines": {
            "orderLine": [
                    "lineNumber": "1",
                    "item": {
                        "productName": "Item 1"
                    "charges": {
                        "charge": [
                                "chargeType": "PRODUCT",
                                "chargeName": "ItemPrice",
                                "chargeAmount": {
                                    "currency": "USD",
                                    "amount": 0
                                "tax": null
                                "chargeType": "SHIPPING",
                                "chargeName": "Shipping",
                                "chargeAmount": {
                                    "currency": "USD",
                                    "amount": 0
                                "tax": null
                    "orderLineQuantity": {
                        "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                        "amount": "1"
                    "statusDate": 1569908220727,
                    "orderLineStatuses": {
                        "orderLineStatus": [
                                "status": "Created",
                                "statusQuantity": {
                                    "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                                    "amount": "1"
                                "cancellationReason": null,
                                "trackingInfo": null,
                                "returnCenterAddress": null
                    "refund": null,
                    "originalCarrierMethod": "67",
                    "fulfillment": {
                        "fulfillmentOption": "S2H",
                        "shipMethod": "RUSH",
                        "storeId": null,
                        "pickUpDateTime": 1569828835000,
                        "pickUpBy": "Raj Accept Kumar",
                        "shippingProgramType": "TWO_DAY"
        "shipNode": {
            "type": "3PLFulfilled"
Get all released orders
Retrieves all the orders with line items that are in the "created" status, that is, these orders have been released from the Walmart Order Management System to the seller for processing. The released orders are the orders that are ready for a seller to fulfill.

** Note: There is a maximum limit of 2000 orders that can be downloaded at a time. Attempting to download more than 2000 orders will return an error. **


Production URL

Sandbox URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
URL Parameters
Name	Description	Required
nextCursor	String returned from a call to Get All Released Orders. Used for pagination when more than 200 orders are retrieved.	No. If specified, no other parameters should be specified
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Default	Required
createdStartDate	Start Date for querying all purchase orders after that date. Use one of the following formats, based on UTC, ISO 8601. Date example: '2013-08-16' Timestamp example: '2013-08-16T10:30:15Z'	N/A	Yes
createdEndDate	End date for querying all purchase orders prior to the date. Use one of the following formats, based on UTC, ISO 8601. Date example: '2013-08-16' Timestamp example: '2013-08-16T10:30:15Z'	N/A	Yes
limit	The number of orders to be returned. Cannot be larger than 200.	10	No
productinfo	Provides the image URL and product weight in response, if available. This parameter must be boolean, e.g.: productinfo=true.	N/A	No
shipNodeType	Specifies the type of shipNode. Allowed values are 3PLFulfilled, SellerFulfilled.	N/A	No
shippingProgramType	Specifies the type of program . Allowed values are TWO_DAY.	N/A	No
Released Orders List Pagination
If a call to an API results in a large number of orders being returned, the results are sent back in pages. The response element that is required for pagination is nextCursor. The nextCursor element contains the string that should be appended to the basic GET call to get the next page of results.

A missing or empty nextCursor element means that there are no more orders left to retrieve.
The totalCount returns the total number of available orders. Therefore, analysis of the totalCount provides the number of pages to be retrieved to get the whole list of orders.

Sample Request Header
GET /v3/orders/released?createdStartDate={createdStartDate}&limit={limit}&shippingProgramType={shippingProgramType}&shipNodeType={shipNodeType} HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
Information about the purchase order
Sample Response

    "list": {
      "meta": {
        "totalCount": 25228,
        "limit": 10,
        "nextCursor": "?limit=10&hasMoreElements=true&soIndex=25228&poIndex=10&sellerId=152&createdStartDate=2019-04-02T00:00:00.000Z&createdEndDate=2019-09-26T16:05:49.648Z"
      "elements": {
        "order": [
            "purchaseOrderId": "4792701510371",
            "customerOrderId": "5401973367419",
            "customerEmailId": "",
            "orderDate": 1569513584000,
            "shippingInfo": {
              "phone": "2134488377",
              "estimatedDeliveryDate": 1569870000000,
              "estimatedShipDate": 1569553200000,
              "methodCode": "Express",
              "postalAddress": {
                "name": "Julio Hernandez",
                "address1": "9713 pleasant view dr",
                "address2": null,
                "city": "Rancho Cucamonga",
                "state": "CA",
                "postalCode": "91701",
                "country": "USA",
                "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL"
            "orderLines": {
              "orderLine": [
                  "lineNumber": "1",
                  "item": {
                    "productName": "Refurbished Lenovo YB1-X90F Grey Yoga Book with WiFi 10.1\" Touchscreen Tablet Android 6.0.1",
                    "sku": "VO190403007727R"
                  "charges": {
                    "charge": [
                        "chargeType": "PRODUCT",
                        "chargeName": "ItemPrice",
                        "chargeAmount": {
                          "currency": "USD",
                          "amount": 259
                        "tax": {
                          "taxName": "Tax1",
                          "taxAmount": {
                            "currency": "USD",
                            "amount": 20.07
                        "chargeType": "FEE",
                        "chargeName": "Fee",
                        "chargeAmount": {
                          "currency": "USD",
                          "amount": 0
                        "tax": {
                          "taxName": "Electronic Waste Recycling Fee",
                          "taxAmount": {
                            "currency": "USD",
                            "amount": 5
                  "orderLineQuantity": {
                    "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                    "amount": "1"
                  "statusDate": 1569513724000,
                  "orderLineStatuses": {
                    "orderLineStatus": [
                        "status": "Acknowledged",
                        "statusQuantity": {
                          "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                          "amount": "1"
                        "cancellationReason": null,
                        "trackingInfo": null,
                        "returnCenterAddress": null
                  "refund": null,
                  "fulfillment": {
                    "fulfillmentOption": "S2H",
                    "shipMethod": "EXPEDITED",
                    "storeId": null,
                    "pickUpDateTime": 1569870000000,
                    "pickUpBy": null,
                    "shippingProgramType": "TWO_DAY"
            "shipNode": {
              "type": "3PLFulfilled"
Get all orders
Retrieves the details of all the orders for specified search criteria.


Production URL

Sandbox URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/orders?sku={sku}&customerOrderId={customerOrderId}&purchaseOrderId={purchaseOrderId}&status={status}&createdStartDate={createdStartDate}&createdEndDate={createdEndDate}&fromExpectedShipDate={fromExpectedShipDate}&toExpectedShipDate={toExpectedShipDate}&limit={limit}&shippingProgramType={shippingProgramType}&shipNodeType={shipNodeType} HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
URL Parameters
Name	Description	Required
nextCursor	String returned from a call to Get All Released Orders. Used for pagination when more than 200 orders are retrieved	No. If specified, no other parameters should be specified
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Default	Required
sku	A seller-provided Product ID	N/A	No
customerOrderId	The customer order ID	N/A	No
purchaseOrderId	The purchase order ID. One customer may have multiple purchase orders.	N/A	No
status	Status may be specified to return orders of that type. Valid statuses are: Created, Acknowledged, Shipped, and Cancelled.	N/A	No
createdStartDate	Start Date for querying all purchase orders after that date. Use one of the following formats, based on UTC, ISO 8601. Date example: '2013-08-16' Timestamp example: '2013-08-16T10:30:15Z'	N/A	Yes
createdEndDate	Limits orders returned to those created before this createdEndDate. Two formats, based on ISO 8601, are allowed: UTC date or timestamp. Examples: '2016-08-16T10:30:30.155Z' or '2016-08-16'	N/A	Required when toExpectedShipDate is specified
fromExpectedShipDate	Limits orders returned to those that have orderLines with an expected ship date after this fromExpectedShipDate. Format: YYYY-MM-DD	N/A	No
toExpectedShipDate	Limits orders returned to those that have orderLines with an expected ship date before this toExpectedShipDate. Format: YYYY-MM-DD	N/A	No
limit	The number of orders to be returned. Cannot be larger than 200.	10	No
nextCursor	Used for pagination when more than 200 orders are retrieved. The nextCursor value of the response includes a link to another GET call which retrieves the next page of results.	N/A	No. If specified, no other parameter should be specified
productinfo	Provides the image URL and product weight in response, if available. This parameter must be boolean, e.g.: productinfo=true.	N/A	No
shipNodeType	Specifies the type of shipNode. Allowed values are 3PLFulfilled, SellerFulfilled.	N/A	No
shippingProgramType	Specifies the type of program . Allowed values are TWO_DAY.	N/A	No
In general, if more than one query parameter is included, they will be combined with each other using a logical sequence and with the following exceptions:

If the customerOrderID and/or the purchaseOrderID is provided, the createdStartDate is not mandatory. If the createdStartDate and a timestamp are provided after the order creation, an empty set is returned.
If the customerOrderID and/or the purchaseOrderID is specified as well as some other parameter that can vary between line items (such as status), then any orders that have at least one line item in the relevant status are returned in their entirety.
Orders List Pagination
If a call to the endpoint results in a large number of orders being returned, the results are sent back in pages. The response element that is required for pagination is nextCursor.

The nextCursor element contains the string that should be appended to the basic GET call to get the next page of results.

A missing or empty nextCursor element means that there are no more orders left to retrieve.
The totalCount returns the total number of available orders. Therefore, analysis of the totalCount provides the number of pages to be retrieved to get the whole list of orders.

Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
Information about the purchase order
Sample Response

    "list": {
      "meta": {
        "totalCount": 25228,
        "limit": 10,
        "nextCursor": "?limit=10&hasMoreElements=true&soIndex=25228&poIndex=10&sellerId=152&createdStartDate=2019-04-02T00:00:00.000Z&createdEndDate=2019-09-26T16:05:49.648Z"
      "elements": {
        "order": [
            "purchaseOrderId": "4792701510371",
            "customerOrderId": "5401973367419",
            "customerEmailId": "",
            "orderDate": 1569513584000,
            "shippingInfo": {
              "phone": "2134488377",
              "estimatedDeliveryDate": 1569870000000,
              "estimatedShipDate": 1569553200000,
              "methodCode": "Express",
              "postalAddress": {
                "name": "Julio Hernandez",
                "address1": "9713 pleasant view dr",
                "address2": null,
                "city": "Rancho Cucamonga",
                "state": "CA",
                "postalCode": "91701",
                "country": "USA",
                "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL"
            "orderLines": {
              "orderLine": [
                  "lineNumber": "1",
                  "item": {
                    "productName": "Refurbished Lenovo YB1-X90F Grey Yoga Book with WiFi 10.1\" Touchscreen Tablet Android 6.0.1",
                    "sku": "VO190403007727R"
                  "charges": {
                    "charge": [
                        "chargeType": "PRODUCT",
                        "chargeName": "ItemPrice",
                        "chargeAmount": {
                          "currency": "USD",
                          "amount": 259
                        "tax": {
                          "taxName": "Tax1",
                          "taxAmount": {
                            "currency": "USD",
                            "amount": 20.07
                        "chargeType": "FEE",
                        "chargeName": "Fee",
                        "chargeAmount": {
                          "currency": "USD",
                          "amount": 0
                        "tax": {
                          "taxName": "Electronic Waste Recycling Fee",
                          "taxAmount": {
                            "currency": "USD",
                            "amount": 5
                  "orderLineQuantity": {
                    "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                    "amount": "1"
                  "statusDate": 1569513724000,
                  "orderLineStatuses": {
                    "orderLineStatus": [
                        "status": "Acknowledged",
                        "statusQuantity": {
                          "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                          "amount": "1"
                        "cancellationReason": null,
                        "trackingInfo": null,
                        "returnCenterAddress": null
                  "refund": null,
                  "fulfillment": {
                    "fulfillmentOption": "S2H",
                    "shipMethod": "EXPEDITED",
                    "storeId": null,
                    "pickUpDateTime": 1569870000000,
                    "pickUpBy": null,
                    "shippingProgramType": "TWO_DAY"
            "shipNode": {
              "type": "3PLFulfilled"
Get an order
Retrieves an order detail for a specific purchaseOrderId.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
URL Parameters
Name	Description	Required
purchaseOrderId	The purchase order ID	Yes
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Default	Required
productinfo	Provides the image URL and product weight in response, if available. This parameter must be boolean, e.g.: productinfo=true.	N/A	No
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/orders/2575193093776 HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
Information about the purchase order
Sample Response

    "order": {
       "purchaseOrderId": "1792410114462",
       "customerOrderId": "5101900976745",
       "customerEmailId": "",
       "orderDate": 1241715945678,
       "buyerId": "52e3962d-90e4-46e1-ab1c-ba579fac5a39",
       "mart": "xyz",
       "isGuest": true,
       "shippingInfo": {
           "phone": "7777777777",
           "estimatedDeliveryDate": 1241715945678,
           "estimatedShipDate": 1241715945678,
           "methodCode": "Express",
           "postalAddress": {
               "name": "Suresh R",
               "address1": "860 W California Ave",
               "address2": "xyz",
               "city": "Sunnyvale",
               "state": "CA",
               "postalCode": "94086",
               "country": "USA",
               "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL"
       "orderLines": {
           "orderLine": [
                   "lineNumber": "2",
                   "item": {
                       "productName": "4 Naturals Next Day Cycle",
                       "sku": "567259563",
                       "imageUrl": "",
                       "weight": {
                           "value": "xyz",
                           "unit": "10"
                   "charges": {
                       "charge": [
                               "chargeType": "PRODUCT",
                               "chargeName": "ItemPrice",
                               "chargeAmount": {
                                   "currency": "USD",
                                   "amount": 798.0
                               "tax": {
                                   "taxName": "Tax1",
                                   "taxAmount": {
                                       "currency": "USD",
                                       "amount": 798.0
                   "orderLineQuantity": {
                       "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                       "amount": "1"
                   "statusDate": 1241715945678,
                   "orderLineStatuses": {
                       "orderLineStatus": [
                               "status": "Created",
                               "statusQuantity": {
                                   "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                                   "amount": "1"
                               "cancellationReason": "xyz",
                               "trackingInfo": {
                                   "shipDateTime": 1241715945678,
                                   "carrierName": {
                                       "otherCarrier": "xyz",
                                       "carrier": "FED_EX"
                                   "methodCode": "Standard",
                                   "carrierMethodCode": 19,
                                   "trackingNumber": "001792410114462199",
                                   "trackingURL": ""
                               "returnCenterAddress": {
                                   "name": "xyz",
                                   "address1": "xyz",
                                   "address2": "xyz",
                                   "city": "Sunnyvale",
                                   "state": "CA",
                                   "postalCode": "123",
                                   "country": "CA",
                                   "dayPhone": "9999999",
                                   "emailId": ""
                   "refund": {
                       "refundId": "123",
                       "refundComments": "xyz",
                       "refundCharges": {
                           "refundCharge": [
                                   "refundReason": "INCORRECT_ITEM_RECEIVED",
                                   "charge": {
                                       "chargeType": "PRODUCT",
                                       "chargeName": "ItemPrice",
                                       "chargeAmount": {
                                           "currency": "USD",
                                           "amount": 798.0
                                       "tax": {
                                           "taxName": "Tax1",
                                           "taxAmount": {
                                               "currency": "USD",
                                               "amount": 798.0
                   "originalCarrierMethod": "503",
                   "referenceLineId": "xyz",
                   "fulfillment": {
                       "fulfillmentOption": "S2H",
                       "shipMethod": "Standard",
                       "storeId": "xyz",
                       "pickUpDateTime": 1241715945678,
                       "pickUpBy": "xyz",
                       "shippingProgramType": "THREE_TO_FIVE_DAY"
                   "intentToCancel": "xyz",
                   "configId": "xyz",
                   "sellerOrderId": "xyz"
       "paymentTypes": [
       "orderSummary": {
           "totalAmount": {
               "currencyAmount": 123.0,
               "currencyUnit": "USD"
           "orderSubTotals": [
                   "subTotalType": "xyz",
                   "totalAmount": {
                       "currencyAmount": 123.0,
                       "currencyUnit": "USD"
       "pickupPersons": [
               "name": {
                   "completeName": "xyz",
                   "firstName": "xyz",
                   "middleName": "xyz",
                   "lastName": "xyz",
                   "generalSuffix": "xyz",
                   "maturitySuffix": "xyz",
                   "titleOfRespect": "xyz",
                   "empty": false
               "phone": {
                   "id": "ed475ea3-6a09-4c03-a95f-17871be5ceba",
                   "areaCode": "xyz",
                   "extension": "xyz",
                   "completeNumber": "xyz",
                   "type": "MOBILE",
                   "subscriberNumber": "xyz",
                   "countryCode": "xyz",
                   "phoneValidity": {
                       "validationType": "CALL",
                       "validationStatus": "SUCCESS",
                       "validatedDate": 1403685556000,
                       "validatedBy": "xyz"
       "shipNode": {
           "type": "3PLFulfilled",
           "name": "xyz",
           "id": "123"
Acknowledge orders
You can use this API to acknowledge an entire order, including all of its order lines. Walmart requires a seller to acknowledge orders within four hours of receipt of the order, except in extenuating circumstances.

The response to a successful call contains the acknowledged order.

In general, only orders that are in a Created state should be acknowledged. As a good practice, acknowledge your orders to avoid underselling. Orders that are in an Acknowledged state can be re-acknowledged, possibly in response to an error response from an earlier call to acknowledge order. Orders with line items that are shipped or canceled should not be re-acknowledged.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
URL Parameters
Name	Description	Required
purchaseOrderId	The purchase order ID	Yes
Sample Request Header
POST /v3/orders/2575193093772/acknowledge HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
Information about the purchase order
Sample Response

    "order": {
        "purchaseOrderId": "1796330120075",
        "customerOrderId": "1568964842632",
        "customerEmailId": "",
        "orderDate": 1568878435000,
        "shippingInfo": {
            "phone": "5106793150",
            "estimatedDeliveryDate": 1570129200000,
            "estimatedShipDate": 1569990600000,
            "methodCode": "OneDay",
            "postalAddress": {
                "name": "Shai Kodela",
                "address1": "640 West California Avenue",
                "address2": "asdasd",
                "city": "Sunnyvale",
                "postalCode": "94043",
                "country": "USA",
                "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL"
        "orderLines": {
            "orderLine": [
                    "lineNumber": "1",
                    "item": {
                        "productName": "Item 1"
                    "charges": {
                        "charge": [
                                "chargeType": "PRODUCT",
                                "chargeName": "ItemPrice",
                                "chargeAmount": {
                                    "currency": "USD",
                                    "amount": 0
                                "tax": null
                                "chargeType": "SHIPPING",
                                "chargeName": "Shipping",
                                "chargeAmount": {
                                    "currency": "USD",
                                    "amount": 0
                                "tax": null
                    "orderLineQuantity": {
                        "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                        "amount": "1"
                    "statusDate": 1569908220727,
                    "orderLineStatuses": {
                        "orderLineStatus": [
                                "status": "Created",
                                "statusQuantity": {
                                    "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                                    "amount": "1"
                                "cancellationReason": null,
                                "trackingInfo": null,
                                "returnCenterAddress": null
                    "refund": null,
                    "originalCarrierMethod": "67",
                    "fulfillment": {
                        "fulfillmentOption": "S2H",
                        "shipMethod": "RUSH",
                        "storeId": null,
                        "pickUpDateTime": 1569828835000,
                        "pickUpBy": "Raj Accept Kumar",
                        "shippingProgramType": "TWO_DAY"
        "shipNode": {
            "type": "3PLFulfilled"
Cancel order lines
You can cancel one or more order lines. You must include a purchaseOrderId when cancelling an order line. After cancelling your order, update the inventory for the cancelled order and send it in the next inventory feed.

The response to a successful call contains the order with the cancelled line item.

Cancellation Reasons supported:

Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Required
purchaseOrderId	The purchase order ID	Yes
Sample Request Header
POST /v3/orders/8692032942352/cancel HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Request body
Name	Description	Type
Container for the cancellation details
Sample Request Body

  "orderCancellation": {
    "orderLines": {
      "orderLine": [
          "lineNumber": "1",
          "orderLineStatuses": {
            "orderLineStatus": [
                "status": "Cancelled",
                "cancellationReason": "CUSTOMER_REQUESTED_SELLER_TO_CANCEL",
                "statusQuantity": {
                  "unitOfMeasurement": "EA",
                  "amount": "1"
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
Information about the purchase order
Sample Response

  "order": {
    "purchaseOrderId": "1577914061094",
    "customerOrderId": "5571600820432",
    "customerEmailId": "",
    "orderDate": 1476387173000,
    "shippingInfo": {
      "phone": "6502248603",
      "estimatedDeliveryDate": 1479798000000,
      "estimatedShipDate": 1476424800000,
      "methodCode": "Standard",
      "postalAddress": {
        "name": "Madhukara  PGOMS",
        "address1": "860 W Cal Ave",
        "address2": "Seat # 860C.2.176",
        "city": "Sunnyvale",
        "state": "CA",
        "postalCode": "94086",
        "country": "USA",
        "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL"
    "orderLines": {
      "orderLine": [
          "lineNumber": "1",
          "item": {
            "productName": "Ozark Trail 4-Person Dome Tent",
            "sku": "NJ_WITHOUT_RCA_003"
          "charges": {
            "charge": [
                "chargeType": "PRODUCT",
                "chargeName": "ItemPrice",
                "chargeAmount": {
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "amount": 0
                "tax": {
                  "taxName": "Tax1",
                  "taxAmount": {
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "amount": 0
                "chargeType": "SHIPPING",
                "chargeName": "Shipping",
                "chargeAmount": {
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "amount": 0
                "tax": {
                  "taxName": "Tax2",
                  "taxAmount": {
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "amount": 0
          "orderLineQuantity": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
            "amount": "1"
          "statusDate": 1481755720000,
          "orderLineStatuses": {
            "orderLineStatus": [
                "status": "Cancelled",
                "statusQuantity": {
                  "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                  "amount": "1"
                "cancellationReason": null,
                "trackingInfo": null
          "refund": null
Refund order lines
Refunds one or more order lines that have been shipped.

The response to a successful call contains the order with the refunded line item.

You can only refund an order line that has a status of Shipped.

The value for the amount element in the refund must be negative. The magnitude of the amount specified as the refund cannot be greater than the original amount that was charged for the line.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Required
purchaseOrderId	The purchase order ID	Yes
Sample Request Header
POST /v3/orders/8692032942352/refund HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Request Body
Refer to the XML sample request. All fields are required.

Request Body

  "orderRefund": {
    "purchaseOrderId": "2577453162650",
    "orderLines": {
      "orderLine": [
          "lineNumber": "4",
          "refunds": {
            "refund": [
                "refundComments": "test test",
                "refundCharges": {
                  "refundCharge": [
                      "refundReason": "Merchandise not received",
                      "charge": {
                        "chargeType": "PRODUCT",
                        "chargeName": "Item Price",
                        "chargeAmount": {
                          "currency": "USD",
                          "amount": -0.1
                        "tax": {
                          "taxName": "Item Price Tax",
                          "taxAmount": {
                            "currency": "USD",
                            "amount": -0.1
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
Information about the purchase order
Sample Response

  "order": {
    "purchaseOrderId": "2577573191435",
    "customerOrderId": "5571600820146",
    "customerEmailId": "",
    "orderDate": 1476392223000,
    "shippingInfo": {
      "phone": "6502248603",
      "estimatedDeliveryDate": 1479798000000,
      "estimatedShipDate": 1476424800000,
      "methodCode": "Standard",
      "postalAddress": {
        "name": "Madhukara  PGOMS",
        "address1": "860 W Cal Ave",
        "address2": "Seat # 860C.2.176",
        "city": "Sunnyvale",
        "state": "CA",
        "postalCode": "94086",
        "country": "USA",
        "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL"
    "orderLines": {
      "orderLine": [
          "lineNumber": "1",
          "item": {
            "productName": "Ozark Trail 4-Person Dome Tent",
            "sku": "NJ_WITHOUT_RCA_003"
          "charges": {
            "charge": [
                "chargeType": "PRODUCT",
                "chargeName": "ItemPrice",
                "chargeAmount": {
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "amount": 19.99
                "tax": {
                  "taxName": "Tax1",
                  "taxAmount": {
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "amount": 0
                "chargeType": "SHIPPING",
                "chargeName": "Shipping",
                "chargeAmount": {
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "amount": 2
                "tax": {
                  "taxName": "Tax2",
                  "taxAmount": {
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "amount": 0
          "orderLineQuantity": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
            "amount": "1"
          "statusDate": 1476470187000,
          "orderLineStatuses": {
            "orderLineStatus": [
                "status": "Shipped",
                "statusQuantity": {
                  "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                  "amount": "1"
                "cancellationReason": null,
                "trackingInfo": {
                  "shipDateTime": 1475008215000,
                  "carrierName": {
                    "otherCarrier": null,
                    "carrier": "FedEx"
                  "methodCode": "Standard",
                  "trackingNumber": "3445435443441221",
                  "trackingURL": ""
          "refund": {
            "refundId": null,
            "refundComments": null,
            "refundCharges": {
              "refundCharge": [
                  "refundReason": "BillingError",
                  "charge": {
                    "chargeType": "PRODUCT",
                    "chargeName": "Billing Error",
                    "chargeAmount": {
                      "currency": "USD",
                      "amount": -19.99
                    "tax": null
                  "refundReason": "BillingError",
                  "charge": {
                    "chargeType": "SHIPPING",
                    "chargeName": "Billing Error",
                    "chargeAmount": {
                      "currency": "USD",
                      "amount": -2
                    "tax": null
Ship Order Lines
Allows sellers to ship one or more order lines. Updates the status of order lines to Shipped and triggers the charge to the customer. Orders must be acknowledged before shipping to avoid underselling. An order line, once marked as shipped, can be updated using Process Mode .

**NOTE: shipDateTime must be in UTC. **

The response to a successful call contains the order with the shipped line item.

Process Mode
The processMode parameter allows the seller to track and update any shipment information after the order has already shipped. This parameter is used to differentiate between the first shipment and subsequent shipments, and track information updates post shipment. The seller can update the shipment within 4 hours of sending the first shipping information. The status of the order line should be 'Shipped'. This is an optional parameter, and if not passed it will be considered as a regular shipment update.

The supported value for processMode is listed in the table below :

processMode	Description	Required
PARTIAL_UPDATE	Allows tracking of order shipment information	Yes

Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
URL Parameters
Name	Description	Required
purchaseOrderId	The purchase order ID	Yes
Sample Request Header
POST /v3/orders/8692032942352/shipping HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Request Body
Name	Description	Type
Information about a shipment
Sample Request Body

  "orderShipment": {
    "orderLines": {
      "orderLine": [
          "lineNumber": "1",
          "sellerOrderId": "92344",
          "orderLineStatuses": {
            "orderLineStatus": [
                "status": "Shipped",
                "statusQuantity": {
                  "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                  "amount": "1"
                "trackingInfo": {
                  "shipDateTime": 1580821866000,
                  "carrierName": {
                    "otherCarrier": null,
                    "carrier": "UPS"
                  "methodCode": "Standard",
                  "trackingNumber": "22344",
                  "trackingURL": "http://walmart/tracking/ups?&type=MP&seller_id=12345&promise_date=03/02/2020&dzip=92840&tracking_numbers=92345"
                "returnCenterAddress": {
                  "name": "walmart",
                  "address1": "walmart store 2",
                  "address2": null,
                  "city": "Huntsville",
                  "state": "AL",
                  "postalCode": "35805",
                  "country": "USA",
                  "dayPhone": "12344",
                  "emailId": ""
          "lineNumber": "2",
          "sellerOrderId": "92344",
          "orderLineStatuses": {
            "orderLineStatus": [
                "status": "Shipped",
                "statusQuantity": {
                  "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                  "amount": "1"
                "trackingInfo": {
                  "shipDateTime": 1580821866000,
                  "carrierName": {
                    "otherCarrier": null,
                    "carrier": "FedEx"
                  "methodCode": "Express",
                  "trackingNumber": "22344",
                  "trackingURL": "http://walmart/tracking/fedEx?&type=MP&seller_id=12345&promise_date=03/02/2020&dzip=92840&tracking_numbers=92344"
                "returnCenterAddress": {
                  "name": "walmart",
                  "address1": "walmart store 2",
                  "address2": null,
                  "city": "Huntsville",
                  "state": "AL",
                  "postalCode": "35805",
                  "country": "USA",
                  "dayPhone": "12344",
                  "emailId": ""
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
Information about the purchase order
Sample Response

  "order": {
    "purchaseOrderId": "11582892579982",
    "customerOrderId": "9770000000000",
    "customerEmailId": "",
    "orderDate": 1582799405000,
    "shippingInfo": {
      "phone": "8888888888",
      "estimatedDeliveryDate": 1583141496000,
      "estimatedShipDate": 1583055096000,
      "methodCode": "Value",
      "postalAddress": {
        "name": "Peter test",
        "address1": "12332 oakwood st",
        "address2": null,
        "city": "Garden Grove",
        "state": "CA",
        "postalCode": "92840",
        "country": "USA",
        "addressType": "RESIDENTIAL"
    "orderLines": {
      "orderLine": [
          "lineNumber": "1",
          "item": {
            "productName": "Yosoo 1/4'' Flexible Shaft Connecting Link/ Flex Hex Shank Extension Socket Bit Holder for Electric Drill / Screwdriver Bit",
            "sku": "004634169",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "weight": {
              "value": "10",
              "unit": "Pound"
          "charges": {
            "charge": [
                "chargeType": "PRODUCT",
                "chargeName": "ItemPrice",
                "chargeAmount": {
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "amount": 12
                "tax": {
                  "taxName": "Tax1",
                  "taxAmount": {
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "amount": 1.17
                "chargeType": "SHIPPING",
                "chargeName": "Shipping",
                "chargeAmount": {
                  "currency": "USD",
                  "amount": 12
                "tax": null
          "orderLineQuantity": {
            "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
            "amount": "1"
          "statusDate": 1582898969000,
          "orderLineStatuses": {
            "orderLineStatus": [
                "status": "Shipped",
                "statusQuantity": {
                  "unitOfMeasurement": "EACH",
                  "amount": "1"
                "cancellationReason": null,
                "trackingInfo": {
                  "shipDateTime": 1582867815000,
                  "carrierName": {
                    "otherCarrier": null,
                    "carrier": "FedEx"
                  "methodCode": "Value",
                  "trackingNumber": "12333634122",
                  "trackingURL": "",
                  "carrierMethodCode": null
                "returnCenterAddress": {
                  "name": "walmart",
                  "address1": "walmart store 1 ",
                  "address2": "walmart store 2 ",
                  "city": "Huntsville",
                  "state": "AL",
                  "postalCode": "35805",
                  "country": "USA",
                  "dayPhone": "12344",
                  "emailId": ""
          "refund": null,
          "originalCarrierMethod": "24",
          "fulfillment": {
            "fulfillmentOption": "S2H",
            "shipMethod": "VALUE",
            "storeId": null,
            "pickUpDateTime": 1582799405000,
            "pickUpBy": "test user",
            "shippingProgramType": null
          "sellerOrderId": "23456"
    "shipNode": {
      "type": "3PLFulfilled"
    "buyerId": "52e3962d-90e4-46e1-ab1c-ba579fac5a39",
    "mart": "xyz",
    "isGuest": true
Returns Management
Returns can be initiated from, even for items purchased from marketplace sellers (Except for HAZMAT or FREIGHT items). Previously customers had to contact the sellers directly. For more details, see the announcement for Marketplace Returns Program.

Download the Returns APIs JSON Schema from:

Returns Status
The return status at the return order line are listed below including the "status" mapping to the more detailed "eventTag" in returnTrackingDetail object.

Return status	Event Tags	Description
INITIATED	RETURN_INITIATED	The return has been initiated by the customer.
RETURN_IN_TRANSIT	The initiated return is in transit.
DELIVERED	DELIVERED_AT_RETURN_CENTER	The return has been delivered to the Return Center.
COMPLETED	REFUND_INITIATED	The refund has been initiated.
REFUND_ISSUED	The return has been invoiced and customer notified.
RETURN_CANCELLED	The return has been cancelled before completion.
INTRANSIT_AFTER_INVOICE	The refund has been issued and the return is in Transit .
DELIVERED_AFTER_INVOICE	The refund has been issued and the return is delivered to the Return Center.
Get returns
Retrieves the details of return orders for the specified filter criteria.


Production URL

Sandbox URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Default	Required
returnOrderId	Return order identifier of the return order object as part of array. This is the same as RMA number.	N/A	No
customerOrderId	A unique ID associated with the sales order for specified customer	N/A	No
status	Status may be specified to query the returns with specific status. Valid statuses are: INITIATED, DELIVERED, COMPLETED	N/A	No
returnCreationStartDate	Start Date for querying all return orders that were created after that date. Use one of the following formats, based on UTC, ISO 8601. Date example: '2013-08-16' Timestamp example: '2013-08-16T10:30:15Z'	N/A	No
returnCreationEndDate	Limits the query to the return orders that were created before this returnCreationEndDate. Use one of the following formats, based on ISO 8601, are allowed: UTC date or timestamp. Examples: '2016-08-16T10:30:30.155Z' or '2016-08-16'	N/A	Required when returnCreationStartDate is specified
limit	The number of orders to be returned. Cannot be larger than 200	10	No
nextCursor	Used for pagination when more than 200 return orders are retrieved. The nextCursor value of the response includes a link to another GET call which retrieves the next page of results	N/A	No. If specified, no other parameter should be specified
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/returns HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
List of returns for the seller.
List of Objects
Sample Response

    "meta": {
      "totalCount": 32,
      "limit": 10,
      "nextCursor": "?sellerId=151&limit=10&offset=10"
    "returnOrders": [
        "returnOrderId": "103738048909818825",
        "customerEmailId": "",
        "customerName": {
          "firstName": "Jane",
          "lastName": "Doe"
        "customerOrderId": "1234567891234",
        "returnOrderDate": "2019-02-21T01:01:08.000Z",
        "returnByDate": "2019-03-23T01:01:06.000Z",
        "refundMode": "POST_DELIVERY",
        "totalRefundAmount": {
          "currencyAmount": 127.45,
          "currencyUnit": "USD"
        "returnLineGroups": [
            "groupNo": 1,
            "returnLines": [
                "returnOrderLineNumber": 1
            "labels": [
                "labelImageURL": "",
                "carrierInfoList": [
                    "carrierId": "11",
                    "carrierName": "FEDEX",
                    "serviceType": "FedEx Ground",
                    "trackingNo": "785611449666"
            "returnExpectedFlag": true
        "returnOrderLines": [
            "returnOrderLineNumber": 1,
            "salesOrderLineNumber": 1,
            "returnReason": "ARRIVED_LATE",
            "purchaseOrderId": "4790210558890",
            "sellerOrderId": "123",
            "purchaseOrderLineNumber": 1,
            "item": {
              "sku": "ANTL_GDL-0700",
              "productName": "Antlion Audio ModMic Wireless Attachable Boom Microphone",
              "itemWeight": {
                "unitOfMeasure": "POUND",
                "measurementValue": 5
            "charges": [
                "chargeCategory": "PRODUCT",
                "chargeName": "ItemPrice",
                "chargePerUnit": {
                  "currencyAmount": 119.95,
                  "currencyUnit": "USD"
                "isDiscount": false,
                "isBillable": true,
                "tax": [
                    "taxName": "Tax1",
                    "excessTax": {
                      "currencyAmount": 0,
                      "currencyUnit": "USD"
                    "taxPerUnit": {
                      "currencyAmount": 7.5,
                      "currencyUnit": "USD"
                "excessCharge": {
                  "currencyAmount": 0,
                  "currencyUnit": "USD"
                "references": [
                    "name": "isAdjustment",
                    "value": "false"
            "unitPrice": {
              "currencyAmount": 119.95,
              "currencyUnit": "USD"
            "chargeTotals": [
                "name": "lineUnitPrice",
                "value": {
                  "currencyAmount": 119.95,
                  "currencyUnit": "USD"
                "name": "lineProductTaxes",
                "value": {
                  "currencyAmount": 7.5,
                  "currencyUnit": "USD"
                "name": "lineTotalTaxes",
                "value": {
                  "currencyAmount": 7.5,
                  "currencyUnit": "USD"
                "name": "lineSubTotal",
                "value": {
                  "currencyAmount": 119.95,
                  "currencyUnit": "USD"
                "name": "lineTotal",
                "value": {
                  "currencyAmount": 127.45,
                  "currencyUnit": "USD"
            "cancellableQty": 0,
            "quantity": {
              "unitOfMeasure": "EACH",
              "measurementValue": 1
            "returnExpectedFlag": true,
            "isFastReplacement": false,
            "isKeepIt": false,
            "lastItem": false,
            "refundedQty": 1,
            "rechargeableQty": 0,
            "refundChannel": "SELLER_AUTO_REFUND",
            "returnTrackingDetail": [
                "sequenceNo": 1,
                "eventTag": "RETURN_IN_TRANSIT",
                "eventDescription": "A MARKET_PLACE Return in Transit",
                "eventTime": "2019-02-23T00:46:11.000Z",
                "references": [
                    "name": "ReturnDate",
                    "value": "2019-02-21T01:01:08.000Z"
                    "name": "SLA for Receiving Items",
                    "value": "7 Days"
                "sequenceNo": 0,
                "eventTag": "RETURN_INITIATED",
                "eventDescription": "Return initiated for MARKET_PLACE",
                "eventTime": "2019-02-21T01:01:08.000Z",
                "references": [
                    "name": "ReturnDate",
                    "value": "2019-02-21T01:01:08.000Z"
                    "name": "FedexTrackingLink",
                    "value": ""
            "status": "COMPLETED",
            "statusTime": "2019-03-02T05:45:45.000Z",
            "currentDeliveryStatus": "NOT_SHIPPED",
            "currentRefundStatus": "NOT_REFUNDED"
        "returnChannel": {
          "channelName": "IN_STORE"
Bulk item override feed
Sellers can specify global settings for returns in Seller Center, and they can override individual item level settings using this API.

Empty values for the settings will remove the existing overriden values and revert them to global settings.

For more details, see the announcement for Bulk Return Rules.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.
Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	multipart/form-data
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json

Query Parameters
Name	Description	Default	Required
feedType	The feed type	RETURNS_OVERRIDES	Yes
Sample Request Headers
POST /v3/feeds?feedType=RETURNS_OVERRIDES HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Accept: application/json
Request Body
The request body can contain different attributes depending on the type of request.

Sample 1 is an example of defining an override for a SKU.

Sample 2 is an example of setting "keep-it" override for a SKU.

Sample 3 is an example of removing restricting a return for a SKU..

Sample 4 is an example of deleting an existing override for a SKU.

Name	Description	Required	Type
Additional header information
The Feed containing the list of sku level settings
Sample Requests

    "header": {
      "feedDate": "2018-08-31T20:59:14.000Z"
    "overrideFeed": [
        "sku": "ABC001",
        "overrides": {
          "returnCenterAlias": "CAL1"
** Note: Certain parameters (i.e.: shippingFee) are being deprecated due to changes to the return policy. For more details on updates to policy, see Return Policy - Fee and Refund Changes.

Response Body
Name	Description	Type
feedId	A unique ID, returned with feed acknowledgement, used for tracking the feed file	String
Save the Feed ID so you can track your feed using the Feed Status API.

Sample Response

 "feedId": "C0771C26FF1A4282A73C6F3EB659D9BF@ATgBAQA"
Issue refund
This API allows sellers to issue refund against a return order. Shipping and restocking fees can be specified as part of this API.

** Note: That the existing order refund API will continue to work and can be used for adjustment workflows where the seller can determine the refund amount and can be used especially for items that will not be part of the Marketplace Returns Program like Hazmat and Freight items**

Refunds Errors
The table below shows the error codes that may occur when initiating returns.

The first field shows a data or system code concatenated with the API that was being invoked at the time of the error.
The second field provides the error description.
The third field indicates the error type.
Code	Description	Type
400	Invalid request. One or more mandatory fields are missing.	Data Error
400	Requested quantity is not available. Please check if there is refundable quantity.	Data Error
400	The return order number is not valid	Data Error
500	Unexpected error occurred. Please try again or contact support.	Data Error
500	We are not able to perform this operation at this time. Please try again or contact support.	Data Error
In general, if any "500" errors occur, retry. For '400' errors, try to fix the input data.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.
Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json

URL Parameters
Name	Description	Required
returnOrderId	The return order ID	Yes
Sample Request Header
POST /v3/returns/{returnOrderId}/refund HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Request Body
The sample displayed to the right shows an example of issuing a customer refund.

Name	Description	Required	Type
A unique ID associated with the sales order for specified customer
Array of refund lines
Sample Requests

    "customerOrderId": "1535274411287",
    "refundLines": [
      { "returnOrderLineNumber": 1}
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
The return order id
A unique ID associated with the sales order for specified customer
Array of refund lines
Sample Response
  "returnOrderId": "106152711271982880",
  "customerOrderId": "1535274411287",
  "refundLines": [
      "returnOrderLineNumber": 1
Inventory Management
Maintaining up-to-date inventory for your items on ensures a great experience for your customers and greater sales opportunities for you.

For details on how to calculate inventory, refer to the article:

Download the Inventory Management JSON schemas from the below directory:

Download the Inventory Management XSDs from the below directory:

Get inventory for an item
You can use this API to get the inventory for a given item.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers please refer Authentication section

Name	Description	Required	Example
The data format in the API payload
application/xml or application/json
The returned data format in the response
application/xml or application/json
Query parameters
Name	Description	Required
sku	A seller-provided Product ID	Yes
shipNode	The shipNode for which the inventory is requested	No
To get the shipnode refer to Get all fulfillment center.

Sample Request Header
GET /v3/inventory?sku=86678GHGHGKL&shipNode=91539778610008065 HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
A seller-provided Product ID
Information about the quantity in inventory
Get the fulfillmentLagTime value from Lagtime API
Sample Response

    "sku": "1068155",	
    "quantity": {	
        "unit": "EACH",	
        "amount": 2	
Update inventory for an item
Updates the inventory for a given item.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers please refer Authentication section

Name	Description	Required	Example
The data format in the API payload
application/xml or application/json
The returned data format in the response
application/xml or application/json
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Required
sku	An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, specified by the seller, identifying each item. This is used by the seller in the XSD file to refer to each item. Special characters hyphen (-), space ( ), and period (.) are not allowed.	Yes
shipNode	The shipNode for which the inventory is to be updated	No
To get the shipnode refer to Get all fulfillment center.

Sample Request Header
PUT /v3/inventory?sku=86678GHGHGKL&shipNode=91539778610008065 HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Sample Request Body

    "sku": "1068155",	
    "quantity": {	
      "unit": "EACH",	
      "amount": "10"	
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
A seller-provided Product ID
Information about the quantity in inventory
Sample Response

    "sku": "1068155",
    "quantity": {
        "unit": "EACH",
        "amount": 10
Update bulk inventory
Updates inventory for items in bulk. Refer to the throttling limits before uploading the Feed files.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
The data format in the API payload
The returned data format in the response
application/xml or application/json
Query Parameters
Name	Name	Description	Required
A seller-provided Product ID
The shipNode for which the inventory is to be updated
To get the shipnode refer to Get all fulfillment center.

Sample Request Header
POST /v3/feeds?feedType=inventory&shipNode=91539778610008065 HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Sample Request

  "InventoryHeader": { 
    "version": "1.4" 
    "Inventory": [
      "sku": "1068155",
      "quantity": {
        "unit": "EACH",
        "amount": "10"
      "sku": "10210321",
      "quantity": {
        "unit": "EACH",
        "amount": "20"

Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
A unique ID, returned from the Bulk Upload API, used for tracking a feed file
Sample Response

  "feedId": "FFE538D9B25A4000AD2A067ACEDCF4C4@AUoBAQA"
Get lag time
This API allows the retrieval of Lag Time for an item with a given SKU.

Lag Time is the number of days between when an item is ordered and when it is shipped. Lag time of two days or more requires approval at the item setup category level. Please refer to the Request Lag Time Exceptions article for more details on this process.

Download the Lag Time Exception XSDs from the below directory:


Download the Lag Time JSON schema from the below directory:



Production HTTP Request

Sandbox HTTP Request

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml or application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Default	Required
sku	A seller-provided Product ID.	N/A	Yes
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/lagtime?sku={SKU} HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml or application/json
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
sku	A seller-provided Product ID.	String
fulfillmentLagTime	The number of days between when the item is ordered and when it is shipped	Integer
Sample Response

  "sku": "183688",
  "fulfillmentLagTime": 0
Update lag time for items in bulk
This API allows the update of lag time for items in bulk.

Lag Time is the number of days between when an item is ordered and when it is shipped. Lag time of two days or more requires approval at the item setup category level. Please refer to the Request Lag Time Exceptions article for more details on this process.

Download the Lag Time Exception XSDs from the below directory:



Production HTTP Request

Sandbox HTTP Request

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	multipart/form-data
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml or application/json
Query Parameters
Name	Description	Default	Required
feedType	Use 'lagtime'	N/A	Yes
Request Body
The request body consists of a Feed file that is attached to the request. See the Feeds section for more details on how to construct and track feeds.

Name	Description	Type
sku	A seller-provided Product ID.	String
fulfillmentLagTime	The number of days between when the item is ordered and when it is shipped. Can be either 0, 1, or {blank}	Integer
Sample Request Header
POST /v3/feeds?feedType=lagtime HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Accept: application/xml or application/json
Sample Request Body


    "LagTimeHeader": {
       "version": "1.0",
       "feedDate": "2019-06-26T17:16:30.1144Z"
    "lagTime": [{
       "sku": "WJ_10W014W3-6",
       "fulfillmentLagTime": "2"
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
feedId	A unique ID, returned from the Bulk Upload API, used for tracking the Feed File.	String
Sample Response

  "feedId": "E7BB7DBAF3FF461AB63A2169F3BEAADE@AVQBAgA"
Item report
Returns all the information associated with Seller's items that are set up on Walmart’s platform.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.
Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml

Query Parameters
Name	Description	Required
Use this query parameter (version=2) to access the latest version of the item report that includes competitor price data.
The data will be streamed in a .CSV file in your folder.

The response to a successful call includes a header as an attachment called Content-Disposition.

The Content-Disposition header contains the name of the report. As an example, attachment: The title includes your partner ID (in this case, 10000000354) and the timestamp when the file was generated.
The attachment contains the report in a compressed zip format.
The java code example demonstrates the use of the header and the body when processing the response

The report is regenerated periodically. We recommend that you not retrieve the report more frequently than once every two hours.

Field List
Name	Description	Origin
Seller ID	The Seller ID on	Walmart
SKU	The Item SKU	Seller
OFFER START DATE	Date at which the item becomes visible on	Seller
OFFER END DATE	Date after which the item becomes invisible on	Seller
PRICE	The current price of the item	Seller
CURRENCY	The currency of the item price	Seller
PUBLISH STATUS	Whether the item is published on	Walmart
STATUS CHANGE REASON	Reason for status change	Walmart
LIFECYCLE STATUS	The offer lifecycle status	Walmart
INVENTORY COUNT	The number of items in stock	Seller
SHIP METHODS	Shipping methods available for each item	Seller
WPID	Unique item identifier	Walmart
ITEM ID	Unique Item ID	Walmart
PRODUCT NAME	The Name of this item	Seller
PRODUCT CATEGORY	The category of this item. This may differ from what was suggested when the item was ingested	Walmart
GTIN	The item's Global Trade Item Number. This may differ from what was suggested when the item was ingested.	Walmart
UPC	The item's Universal Product Code. This may differ from what was suggested when the item was ingested.	Walmart
PRIMARY IMAGE URL	The primary image URL	Walmart
SHELF NAME	Walmart assigned an item shelf Name	Walmart
PRIMARY CAT PATH	The primary item category path on	Walmart
ITEM CREATION DATE	The system timestamp date when an item was created	Walmart
ITEM LAST UPDATED	The system timestamp when an item was updated	Walmart
ITEM PAGE URL	The item page URL	Walmart
REVIEWS COUNT	The total number of customer reviews for the item	Walmart
AVERAGE RATING	An average rating number for an item from customers	Walmart
SEARCHABLE?	Signifies how easy it is to find an item on	Walmart
COMPETITOR URL	Competitor's website URL	Walmart
COMPETITOR PRICE	Competitor's item price	Walmart
COMPETITOR SHIP PRICE	Competitor's price to ship item	Walmart
COMPETITOR LAST DATE FETCHED	Date when the competitor's data was last fetched	Walmart
**For information regarding status change reasons, refer to the article:
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/getReport?type=item&version=2 HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml
Sample Response Parsing Code in Java

if (response.getStatus() == Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode() &amp;&amp; response.hasEntity()) {
  InputStream inputStream = (InputStream)response.getEntity();
  try {
    String header = response.getHeaderString("Content-Disposition");
    if(header != null &amp;&amp; !("").equals(header)) {
        //header value will be something like:
        int length = header.length();
        String fileName = header.substring(header.indexOf("filename="),length);
        System.out.println("filenameText " + fileName);
        String [] str = fileName.split("=");
        System.out.println("fileName: " + str[1]);
        //replace "/Users/anauti1/Documents/" below with your values
        File reportFile = new File("/Users/anauti1/Documents/" + str[1].toString());
        OutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(reportFile);
        byte[] buffer = new byte[8 * 1024];
        int bytesRead;
        while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
          outStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
  catch (Exception ex){
    System.out.print("Exception: " + ex.getMessage());
Get Buy Box report
Returns the Buy Box data for a given item.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.
Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml

Query Parameters
Name	Description	Required
feedType	Use 'buybox'	Yes
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/getReport?type=buybox HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml
The data will be streamed in a .CSV file in your folder.

The response to a successful call includes a header as an attachment called Content-Disposition.

The Content-Disposition header contains the name of the report. As an example, attachment: The title includes your partner ID (in this case, 10000000354) and the timestamp when the file was generated.
The attachment contains the report in a compressed zip format.
The java code example demonstrates the use of the header and the body when processing the response.

The report is regenerated periodically. We recommend that do not retrieve the report more than once every two hours.

Response Parameters
Name	Description	Origin
Seller ID	The seller ID on	Walmart
SKU	The Item SKU	Seller
Item ID	The item ID on	Seller
Product Name	The name of this item	Seller
Product Category	The category of this item.	Seller
Seller Name	Name of the seller	Seller
Seller Item Price	The price of the item	Seller
Seller Ship Price	The item price that includes shipping	Seller
isSellerBuyBoxWinner	Specifies if a Seller is the BuyBox winner	Walmart
BuyBox Seller ID	The BuyBox Seller ID	Walmart
BuyBox Item Price	The BuyBox item price	Walmart
BuyBox Ship price	The BuyBox price that includes shipping	Walmart
Offer2 Seller ID	The Seller ID for offer 2	Seller
Offer2 Item Price	The item price for offer 2	Seller
Offer2 Ship Price	The item price that includes shipping for offer 2	Seller
Offer3 Seller ID	The Seller ID for offer 2	Seller
Offer3 Item Price	The item price for offer 2	Seller
Offer3 Ship Price	The item price that includes shipping for offer 2	Seller
Offer4 Seller ID	The Seller ID for offer 2	Seller
Offer4 Item Price	The item price for offer 2	Seller
Offer4 Ship Price	The item price that includes shipping for offer 2	Seller
For each subsequent offer, such as Offer 3, add the Seller Name, Item Price and Ship Price.

** Note: For information regarding status change reasons, refer to the article: **

Sample Response Parsing Code in Java

if (response.getStatus() == Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode() && response.hasEntity()) {
  InputStream inputStream = (InputStream)response.getEntity();
  try {
    String header = response.getHeaderString("Content-Disposition");
    if(header != null && !("").equals(header)) {
        //header value will be something like:
        int length = header.length();
        String fileName = header.substring(header.indexOf("filename="),length);
        System.out.println("filenameText " + fileName);
        String [] str = fileName.split("=");
        System.out.println("fileName: " + str[1]);
        //replace "/Users/anauti1/Documents/" below with your values
        File reportFile = new File("/Users/anauti1/Documents/" + str[1].toString());
        OutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(reportFile);
        byte[] buffer = new byte[8 * 1024];
        int bytesRead;
        while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
          outStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
  catch (Exception ex){
    System.out.print("Exception: " + ex.getMessage());
Get a CAP Item Opt-in file
The CAP Item Opt-in file only lists SKUs that are eligible for a competitive price adjustment. If a SKU is not in this report, it is not eligible. If there are no SKUs and report is empty, then none of your items are eligible for price adjustment.

If the price displayed and charged to the customer is lower than the price submitted by the Seller for the item, the Seller receives the same payment for the item as if the item’s price was not adjusted.

For example, Seller sets the price of its eligible item at $50, with $5 shipping. The price displayed to the customer is $48 with $5 shipping, and the customer is charged $48, with $5 shipping. Seller receives payment for the sale as if the price charged and paid was $50 and $5 shipping.

Retrieves a copy of the CAP Item Opt-in file that helps Sellers to get information about all SKUs eligible for Competitive price adjustments.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.
Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/xml
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/xml

Query Parameters
Name	Description	Required
Type	Use 'cpa' to retrieve the competitive price adjustment report	Yes
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/getReport?type=cpa HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml
The data is streamed in a .CSV file in Seller’s folder, see an example below:

Figure 1- CAP report (CSV file)

The response to a successful call includes a header as an attachment called Content-Disposition.

The Content-Disposition header contains the name of the report. As an example, attachment: The title includes your partner ID (in this case, 10000000354) and the timestamp when the file was generated.
The attachment contains the report in a compressed zip format.
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Origin
Partner ID	Partner ID on	Walmart
SKU	An arbitrary alphanumeric unique ID, assigned by the Seller to each item in the XSD. The SKU is used to filter or retrieve an item. Cannot be more than 50 characters. Special Characters hyphen (-), space ( ) and period (.) are not allowed.	Seller
SKU OPT IN	The opt in status for the SKU	Seller
PRODUCT NAME	The product name on	Walmart
CURRENCY	The currency associated with price and shipment. (e.g., USD for US Dollars)	Seller
PRICE	The item's current price	Seller
SHIP PRICE	The shipping price of the specified item	Seller
** Note: All parameters except Partner ID and SKU listed in the above table are for information purpose only and will be ignored during the upload. **

Reconciliation Management
Partners can look up available Marketplace reconciliation reports dates by partner ID and download Marketplace reconciliation reports by partner ID and report date.

Get available reconciliation report dates
This API will list all the available Marketplace reconciliation report dates for the Seller.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.
Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json

Sample Request Header
GET /v3/report/reconreport/availableReconFiles HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
availableApReportDates	All available report dates are returned	List
Sample Response

    "availableApReportDates": [
Get reconciliation report to download
Seller can download the reconciliation report for a specific date using this API. Dates available to be downloaded can be found by using the Get available reconciliation report dates API.


Production URL
Sandbox URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.
Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/octetStream
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/octetStream

Query Parameters
Name	Description	Required
reportDate	The date for which the reconcilation file is available	Yes
Sample Request Header
GET v3/report/reconreport/reconFile?reportDate={reportDate} HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Accept: application/octet-stream
Response Parameters
The data will be streamed as a file in your folder.

Name	Description	Type
orderId	Customer order identifier	String
lineNumber	The line number associated with the details for each individual item in the purchase order	Integer
purchaseOrderId	A unique ID associated with the seller's purchase order	Integer
transactionType	The type of transaction (e.g., SALE or REFUNDED)	String
transactionDateTime	Date of the transaction	String
Error Handling
404 - File Not Found

This means that the cached report was not generated by Walmart. If this error is encountered, perform the following:

Verify that there are items in the account, either through a call to Get all items or by using a UI. If there are no items, the 404 response is a valid response.
If items do exist, repeat the call after two hours, the file may have been regenerated.
If the error persists, contact Walmart Marketplace Support.
500 - Internal Server Error

This means an internal error occured. Wait for at least 15 minutes and try again. If the error persists, contact Walmart Marketplace Support.

Settings Management
Shipnode Management
Walmart is making program enhancements to the existing free 2-Day Shipping Program, to enable US marketplace sellers to add multiple fulfillment centers along with capability to manage them and easily configure item assortment setup for 2-Day program.

The capability, Fulfillment center management and specification of inventory, will part of the enhancements .

These APIs can be integrated with directly or via channel partners that have adopted these changes. These changes can also be accessed via Walmart Seller Center. The APIs use the standard header parameters as with other APIs listed in Developer Portal: Marketplace Settings Program.

Download the Shipnode APIs JSON Schema from:

Create a fulfillment center
This API creates a fulfillment center.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Request Body
Name	Description	Type
shipNodeName	Name of the fulfillment center.	String
status	Status of fulfillment center. Allowed values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE..	String
timeZone	Time zone that the seller ships from.Allowed timezones are PST, EST, CST, MST.	String
distributorSupportedServices	The services supported by the defined physical ship node . The allowed values: TWO_DAY_DELIVERY.	String
customNodeId	Custom node identifier provided by seller. Allowed values are alphanumeric | String	String
postalAddress	Address of the fulfillment center.	Object
addressLine1	Street address of the fulfillment center.	String
city	City of the fulfillment center.	String
state	State of the fulfillment center.	String
country	Country of the fulfillment center.	String
postalCode	Postal code of the fulfillment center.	String
shippingDetails	Shipping Details.	List
twoDayShipping	Shipping type provided.	List
carrierMethodName	Name of the shipping carrier. Carrier names can be retrieved from the Get carrier methods API.	string
carrierMethodType	Shipping method.	String
Sample Request Header
POST /v3/settings/shipping/shipnodes HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Sample Request Body

  "shipNodeHeader": {
    "version": "1.2"
  "shipNode": [
      "shipNodeName": "my distrubutor786",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "timeZone": "PST",
      "distributorSupportedServices": [
      "customNodeId": "92hb1234",
      "postalAddress": {
        "addressLine1": "36 CALIFORNIA SAA233",
        "city": "SC GABRIEL22",
        "state": "CA",
        "country": "USA",
        "postalCode": "90100"
      "shippingDetails": [
          "twoDayShipping": [
              "carrierMethodName": "FEDEX",
              "carrierMethodType": "GROUND"
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
shipNode	The fulfillment center or ship node Id which uniquely identifies each facility and is autogenerated during the creation of fulfillment center. Every time a facility is added, a new ship node id is generated.	String
nodeType	Defines if the fulfillment center is virtual, seller owned or third party owned. Allowed values: PHYSICAL, VIRTUAL, 3PL.	String
shipNodeName	Name of the fulfillment center.	String
status	Status of fulfillment center. Allowed values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE.	String
timeZone	Time zone that the seller ships from.	String
distributorSupportedServices	The services supported by the defined physical ship node . The allowed values: TWO_DAY_DELIVERY.	String
customNodeId	Custom node identifier provided by seller. Allowed values are alphanumeric | String.	String
postalAddress	Address of the fulfillment center.	Object
addressLine1	Street address of the fulfillment center.	String
city	City of the fulfillment center.	String
state	State of the fulfillment center.	String
country	Country of the fulfillment center.	String
postalCode	Postal code of the fulfillment center.	String
shippingDetails	Shipping Details.	List
twoDayShipping	Shipping type provided.	List
carrierMethodName	Name of the shipping carrier.	string
carrierMethodType	Shipping method. Allowed Value is GROUND.	String
Sample Response

        "shipNode": "91539778610008065",
        "nodeType": "PHYSICAL",
        "shipNodeName": "my distrubutor786",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "timeZone": "PST",
        "distributorSupportedServices": [
        "customNodeId": "92hb1234",
        "postalAddress": {
            "addressLine1": "36 CALIFORNIA SAA233",
            "city": "SC GABRIEL22",
            "state": "CA",
            "country": "USA",
            "postalCode": "90100"
        "shippingDetails": [
                "twoDayShipping": [
                        "carrierMethodName": "FEDEX",
                        "carrierMethodType": "GROUND"
Get all third party fulfillment providers
Get a list of all third party fulfillment providers.


Production URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/settings/shipping/3plproviders HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
shipNode	The fulfillment center or ship node Id which uniquely identifies each facility and is autogenerated during the creation of fulfillment center. Every time a facility is added, a new ship node id is generated.	String
shipNodeName	Name of the fulfillment center.	String
Sample Response

        "shipNode": "99351656957153281",
        "shipNodeName": "MP_Deliverr"
Create third party fulfillment center
This API creates a third party fulfillment center.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Request Body
Name	Description	Type
shipNode	The fulfillment center or ship node which uniquely identifies each facility and is retrieved from the Get all third party fulfillment providers API.	String
status	Status of fulfillment center. Allowed values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE.	String
Sample Request Header
POST /v3/settings/shipping/3plshipnodes HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Sample Request Body

  "shipNodeHeader": {
    "version": "1.2"
  "shipNode":  [
            "shipNode": "99351656957153281",
            "status": "ACTIVE"
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
shipNode	The fulfillment center or ship node Id which uniquely identifies each facility and is autogenerated during the creation of fulfillment center. Every time a facility is added, a new ship node id is generated.	String
status	Status of fulfillment center. Allowed values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE.	String
Sample Response

      "shipNode": "99351656957153281",
      "status": "ACTIVE"
Get carrier methods
Gets the available carrier methods


Production URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
The data format in the API payload
The returned data format in the response
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/settings/shipping/carriers HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
carrierMethodId	Carrier Id	String
carrierMethodName	Carrier Name	String
carrierMethodType	Shipping method. Allowed Value is GROUND.	String
carrierMethodDescription	A description for the method carrier.	String
Sample Response

        "carrierMethodId": "1000014",
        "carrierMethodName": "USPS",
        "carrierMethodType": "GROUND",
        "carrierMethodDescription": "USPS for Marketplace"
        "carrierMethodId": "1000013",
        "carrierMethodName": "UPS",
        "carrierMethodType": "GROUND",
        "carrierMethodDescription": "UPS for Marketplace"
        "carrierMethodId": "1000012",
        "carrierMethodName": "FEDEX",
        "carrierMethodType": "GROUND",
        "carrierMethodDescription": "Fedex for Marketplace"
Get coverage for fulfillment centers
This API provides the list of all fullfillment centers for the seller and their coverage areas defined by Walmart based on the address


Production URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/settings/shipping/shipnodes/coverage HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
shipNode	The fulfillment center or ship node Id which uniquely identifies each facility and is autogenerated during the creation of fulfillment center. Every time a facility is added, a new ship node id is generated.	String
shipNodeName	Name of the fulfillment center.	String
coverageArea	Two day shipping regions defined by Walmart for sellers.	List
For Coverage Areas List, please refer to the Coverage Area section.

Sample Response

    "shipNode": "81087939095695361",
    "shipNodeName": "Seller test-distributor1",
    "coverageArea": []
    "shipNode": "79112975786049537",
    "shipNodeName": "Seller test-distributor2",
    "coverageArea": [
    "shipNode": "79114105970622465",
    "shipNodeName": "Seller test-distributor3",
    "coverageArea": [
    "shipNode": "80359164518989825",
    "shipNodeName": "Seller test-distributor4",
    "coverageArea": []
Get all fullfillment centers
This API provides a list of all the fullfillment centers


Production URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers please refer Authentication section

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	No	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/settings/shipping/shipnodes HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
shipNode	The fulfillment center or ship node Id which uniquely identifies each facility and is autogenerated during the creation of fulfillment center. Every time a facility is added, a new ship node id is generated.	String
nodeType	Defines if the fulfillment center is virtual, seller owned or third party owned. Allowed values: PHYSICAL, VIRTUAL, 3PL.	String
shipNodeName	Name of the fulfillment center.	String
status	Status of fulfillment center. Allowed values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE.	String
timeZone	Time zone that the seller ships from.	String
distributorSupportedServices	The services supported by the defined physical ship node . The allowed values: TWO_DAY_DELIVERY.	String
customNodeId	Custom node identifier provided by seller. Allowed values are alphanumeric | String.	String
postalAddress	Address of the fulfillment center.	Object
addressLine1	Street address of the fulfillment center.	String
city	City of the fulfillment center.	String
state	State of the fulfillment center.	String
country	Country of the fulfillment center.	String
postalCode	Postal code of the fulfillment center.	String
shippingDetails	Shipping Details.	List
twoDayShipping	Shipping type provided.	List
carrierMethodName	Name of the shipping carrier.	string
carrierMethodType	Shipping method. Allowed Value is GROUND.	String
Sample Response

      "shipNode": "99351656957153281",
      "nodeType": "3PL",
      "shipNodeName": "MP_Deliverr",
      "status": "INACTIVE",
      "timeZone": "EST",
      "distributorSupportedServices": [
      "postalAddress": {
        "addressLine1": "110 Sutter St. Fl 9",
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "state": "CA",
        "country": "USA",
        "postalCode": "94104"
      "shippingDetails": [
          "twoDayShipping": [
              "carrierMethodName": "3PL_CARRIER",
              "carrierMethodType": "GROUND"
      "shipNode": "84955660770217985",
      "nodeType": "PHYSICAL",
      "shipNodeName": "Seller test-distributor",
      "status": "INACTIVE",
      "timeZone": "PST",
      "distributorSupportedServices": [
      "customNodeId": "91ab1234",
      "postalAddress": {
        "addressLine1": "111 CALIFORNIA SA",
        "city": "SC GABRIEL",
        "state": "CA",
        "country": "USA",
        "postalCode": "90706"
      "shippingDetails": [
          "twoDayShipping": [
              "carrierMethodName": "FEDEX",
              "carrierMethodType": "GROUND"
Update a fulfillment center
This API enables or disables a fullfillment center.


Production URL
Header Parameters
For authentication headers please refer Authentication section

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Request Parameters
Name	Description	Type
shipNodeName	Name of the fulfillment center.	String
status	Status of fulfillment center. Allowed values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE..	String
timeZone	Time zone that the seller ships from.Allowed timezones are PST, EST, CST, MST.	String
distributorSupportedServices	The services supported by the defined physical ship node . The allowed values: TWO_DAY_DELIVERY.	String
customNodeId	Custom node identifier provided by seller. Allowed values are alphanumeric | String	String
postalAddress	Address of the fulfillment center.	Object
addressLine1	Street address of the fulfillment center.	String
city	City of the fulfillment center.	String
state	State of the fulfillment center.	String
country	Country of the fulfillment center.	String
postalCode	Postal code of the fulfillment center.	String
shippingDetails	Shipping Details.	List
twoDayShipping	Shipping type provided.	List
carrierMethodName	Name of the shipping carrier. Carrier names can be retrieved from the Get carrier methods API.	string
carrierMethodType	Shipping method.	String
Sample Request Header
PUT /v3/settings/shipping/shipnodes HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Sample Request Body

    "shipNodeHeader": {
       "version": "1.2"
    "shipNode": {
            "shipNode": "84955660770217985",
            "shipNodeName": "Seller test-distributor",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "timeZone": "PST",
            "distributorSupportedServices": [
            "customNodeId": "91ab1234",
            "postalAddress": {
                "addressLine1": "111 CALIFORNIA SA",
                "city": "SC GABRIEL",
                "state": "CA",
                "country": "USA",
                "postalCode": "90706"
            "shippingDetails": [
                    "twoDayShipping": [
                            "carrierMethodName": "FEDEX",
                            "carrierMethodType": "GROUND"
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
shipNode	The fulfillment center or ship node Id which uniquely identifies each facility and is autogenerated during the creation of fulfillment center. Every time a facility is added, a new ship node id is generated.	String
nodeType	Defines if the fulfillment center is virtual, seller owned or third party owned. Allowed values: PHYSICAL, VIRTUAL, 3PL.	String
shipNodeName	Name of the fulfillment center.	String
status	Status of fulfillment center. Allowed values: ACTIVE, INACTIVE.	String
timeZone	Time zone that the seller ships from.	String
distributorSupportedServices	The services supported by the defined physical ship node . The allowed values: TWO_DAY_DELIVERY.	String
customNodeId	Custom node identifier provided by seller. Allowed values are alphanumeric | String.	String
postalAddress	Address of the fulfillment center.	Object
addressLine1	Street address of the fulfillment center.	String
city	City of the fulfillment center.	String
state	State of the fulfillment center.	String
country	Country of the fulfillment center.	String
postalCode	Postal code of the fulfillment center.	String
shippingDetails	Shipping Details.	List
twoDayShipping	Shipping type provided.	List
carrierMethodName	Name of the shipping carrier.	string
carrierMethodType	Shipping method. Allowed Value is GROUND.	String
Sample Response

    "shipNode": "84955660770217985",
    "nodeType": "PHYSICAL",
    "shipNodeName": "Seller test-distributor",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "timeZone": "PST",
    "distributorSupportedServices": [
    "customNodeId": "91ab1234",
    "postalAddress": {
        "addressLine1": "111 CALIFORNIA SA",
        "city": "SC GABRIEL",
        "state": "CA",
        "country": "USA",
        "postalCode": "90706"
    "shippingDetails": [
            "twoDayShipping": [
                    "carrierMethodName": "FEDEX",
                    "carrierMethodType": "GROUND"
Coverage Areas Overview
These are all Walmart allowed two day shipping regions for sellers.

Download the Coverage Area details from:


Rules Management
Shipping Rules Management
Walmart is making program enhancements to the existing free 2-Day Shipping Program, to enable US marketplace sellers to add multiple fulfillment centers along with capability to manage them and easily configure item assortment setup for 2-Day program. The capabilty ,Item assortment rules for 2-Day program setup, will part of the enhancements:

Create rules for items based on filter conditions like price, weight, category and then apply actions to specify the 2 Day coverage areas, sub regions. Simulate the rule to preview the items impacted and then activate the rule to easily manage assortment for 2-Day setup. Total number of rules activated + total number of rules Inactivated + total number of active rules deleted = 5 per day.

These APIs can be integrated with directly or via channel partners that have adopted these changes. These changes can also be accessed via Walmart Seller Center. The APIs use the standard header parameters as with other APIs listed in Developer Portal: .

The following diagram explains the Custom Assortment Journey

Download the Rules APIs JSON Schema from:

Create an item rule
This API is used to create a rule by selecting any combination of conditions for Sub-category, Price and Weight. Use "Get All Sub-Categories" API to get the list of subcategories. Use sub-categories in condition, if you want to put all the sku's of a sub-category on two day. Once the rule is created, you can use "Get Simulation Result" API to get the number of items to be affected by the rule.


Production HTTP URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Sample Request Header
POST /v3/rules/create HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Request Parameters
Name	Description	Type
name	Name of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
description	Description of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
priority	Priority of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
conditions	Seller creates conditions while defining the custom rule assortment.There are three condition which a seller can use : subCategories, price, weight.	List
-name	Name of the condition.	String
-operator	Seller uses operator while defining conditions in the rule. Operators allowed for condition price and weight: EQUALS, GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN,GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS,LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS. and for condition subcategories : IN .	String
-value	Values for each condition. Value can be a comma separated strings for subcategories and numerical value for price and weight.	String
Sample Request Body

  "ruleHeader": {
    "version": "1.2"
  "rules": {
    "name": "testing-new-501",
    "description": "testing-new-501",
    "priority": "832",
    "conditions": [
         "name": "price",
        "operator": "EQUALS",
        "value": "20"
         "name": "subCategories",
        "operator": "IN",
        "value": "571fdff7208f9a0cdb760a7f,56f2eb65208f9a0612c3adbd"
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
conditions	Seller creates conditions while defining the custom rule assortment.There are three condition which a seller can use : subCategories, price, weight.	List
-name	Name of the condition.	String
-operator	Seller uses operator while defining conditions in the rule. Operators allowed for condition price and weight: EQUALS, GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN,GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS,LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS. and for condition subcategories : IN .	String
-value	Values for each condition. Value can be a comma separated strings for subcategories and Integer value for Price.	String
description	Description of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
name	Name of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
priority	Priority of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleAction	Defines the two day state coverage areas.	String
ruleId	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleStatus	Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted.	String
skuProcessingStatus	When the rule gets activated, skuProcessingStatus represents the state of all items being processed for two-day. The two values for skuProcessingStatus are Processing and Completed.	String
Sample Response

    "rules": [
            "conditions": [
                    "name": "price",
                    "operator": "EQUALS",
                    "value": "20"
                    "name": "subCategories",
                    "operator": "IN",
                    "value": "571fdff7208f9a0cdb760a7f,56f2eb65208f9a0612c3adbd"
            "description": "testing-new-501",
            "name": "testing-new-501",
            "priority": "832",
            "ruleAction": null,
            "ruleId": "511",
            "ruleStatus": "Submitted",
            "skuProcessingStatus": null
    "status": "SUCCESS"
Get all rules
This API retrieves the details of all the rules defined using "create an Item rule" API.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
conditions	Seller creates conditions while defining the custom rule assortment.There are three condition which a seller can use : subCategories, price, weight.	List
-name	Name of the condition.	String
-operator	Seller uses operator while defining conditions in the rule. Operators allowed for condition price and weight: EQUALS, GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN,GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS,LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS. and for condition subcategories : IN .	String
-value	Values for each condition. Value can be a comma separated strings for subcategories and Integer value for Price.	String
description	Description of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
name	Name of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
priority	Priority of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleAction	Defines the two day state coverage areas.	String
twoDayShippingRegions	List of two-day regions.	List
-regionCode	regionCode	String
-subRegions	subRegions	List
-subRegionCode	subRegionCode	String
ruleId	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleStatus	Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted.	String
skuProcessingStatus	When the rule gets activated, skuProcessingStatus represents the state of all items being processed for two-day. The two values for skuProcessingStatus are Processing and Completed.	String
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/rules HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Accept: application/json
Sample Response

  "rules": [
      "conditions": [
          "name": "weight",
          "operator": "LESS_THAN",
          "value": "10"
          "name": "subCategories",
          "operator": "IN",
          "value": "559c5d924fff3d64de18bf45,559c5d8f4fff3d64de18bf3d"
      "description": null,
      "name": "Test rule Issue2",
      "priority": "6",
      "ruleAction": null,
      "ruleId": "565",
      "ruleStatus": "Active",
      "skuProcessingStatus": "Success"
      "conditions": [
          "name": "subCategories",
          "operator": "IN",
          "value": "559c5d924fff3d64de18bf45"
      "description": null,
      "name": "njnjn",
      "priority": "10",
      "ruleAction": {
        "twoDayShippingRegions": [
            "regionCode": "NE",
            "subRegions": [
                "subRegionCode": "RI"
                "subRegionCode": "ME1"
                "subRegionCode": "ME2"
                "subRegionCode": "NH"
                "subRegionCode": "NY3"
                "subRegionCode": "NY1"
                "subRegionCode": "NY5"
                "subRegionCode": "NY2"
                "subRegionCode": "NY4"
                "subRegionCode": "NJ3"
                "subRegionCode": "NJ4"
                "subRegionCode": "NJ1"
                "subRegionCode": "NJ2"
                "subRegionCode": "VT"
      "ruleId": "602",
      "ruleStatus": "Active",
      "skuProcessingStatus": "Processing"
  "status": "success"
Get a rule
Retrieves a rule detail for a specific ruleId and ruleStatus.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
URL Parameters
Name	Description	Type
ruleId	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleStatus	Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted.	String
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/rules/{ruleId}/status/{ruleStatus} HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
conditions	Seller creates conditions while defining the custom rule assortment.	List
-name	There are three condition which a seller can use : subCategories, price, weight.	String
-operator	Seller uses operator while defining conditions in the rule. Operators allowed for condition price and weight: EQUALS, GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN,GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS,LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS. and for condition subcategories : IN .	String
-value	Values for each condition. Value can be a comma separated strings for subcategories and Integer value for Price.	String
description	Description of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
name	Name of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
priority	Priority of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleAction	Defines the two day state coverage areas.	String
twoDayShippingRegions	List of two-day regions.	List
-regionCode	regionCode	String
-subRegions	subRegions	String
-subRegionCode	subRegionCode	String
ruleId	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleStatus	Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted.	String
skuProcessingStatus	When the rule gets activated, skuProcessingStatus represents the state of all items being processed for two-day. The two values for skuProcessingStatus are Processing and Completed.	String
Sample Response

    "rules": [
            "conditions": [
                    "name": "price",
                    "operator": "IN",
                    "value": "20"
                    "name": "subCategories",
                    "operator": "IN",
                    "value": "559c5d924fff3d64de18bf45"
            "description": "testing-new-501",
            "name": "testing-new-501",
            "priority": "832",
            "ruleAction": {
                "twoDayShippingRegions": [
                        "regionCode": "NE",
                        "subRegions": [
                                "subRegionCode": "CT2"
                                "subRegionCode": "CT1"
                                "subRegionCode": "PA1"
            "ruleId": "511",
            "ruleStatus": "Submitted",
            "skuProcessingStatus": null
    "status": "success"
Get simulation result
You can use this API to get the count of items shortlisted for two-day shipping for a specific rule defined by ruleId and ruleStatus.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
URL Parameters
Name	Description	Type
ruleId	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleStatus	Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted.	String
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/rules/{ruleId}/status/{ruleStatus}/simulationcount HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
ruleId	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleStatus	Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted.	String
simulationCount	Number of items that would be set for two-day if the rule gets activated.	String
Sample Response

    "ruleId": "677",
    "ruleStatus": "Active",
    "simulationCount": "0"
Download simulation result
You can use this API to get the details of items shortlisted for two-day shipping for a specific rule defined by ruleId and ruleStatus.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
URL Parameters
Name	Description	Type
ruleId	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleStatus	Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted.	String
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/rules/{ruleId}/status/{ruleStatus}/simulation HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Downloads a CSV with all the data related to skus

Update shipping area to rules
This API helps you define coverage areas for your items that are held outside of the fulfillment centers defined by your shipNode management API's. Use "Get Areas" API to provide list of states in the action part.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Sample Request Header
PUT /v3/rules/actions HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Request Parameters
Name	Description	Type
ruleId	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleStatus	Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted.	String
ruleAction	Defines the two day state coverage areas.	Object
twoDayShippingRegions	List of two-day regions.	List
-regionCode	regionCode	String
-subRegions	regionCode	List
-subRegionCode	subRegionCode	String
Sample Request Body

  "ruleHeader": {
    "version": "1.2"
  "rules": {
    "ruleId": "612",
    "ruleStatus": "Submitted",
    "actions": [
        "twoDayShippingRegions": [
            "regionCode": "NE",
            "subRegions": [
                "subRegionCode": "NY1"
                "subRegionCode": "NY2"
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
conditions	Seller creates conditions while defining the custom rule assortment.There are three condition which a seller can use : subCategories, price, weight.	List
-name	Name of the condition.	String
operator	Seller uses operator while defining conditions in the rule. Example of operators : LESS THAN, GREATER THAN, GREATER THAN EQUAL etc.	String
value	Values for each condition. Value can be a comma separated strings for subcategories and Integer value for Price.	String
name	Name of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
description	Description of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
priority	Priority of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
actions	Defines the two day state coverage areas.	List
twoDayShippingRegions	List of two-day regions.	List
-regionCode	regionCode	String
-subRegions	subRegions	List
-subRegionCode	subRegionCode	String
ruleId	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleStatus	Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted.	String
skuProcessingStatus	When the rule gets activated, skuProcessingStatus represents the state of all items being processed for two-day. The two values for skuProcessingStatus are Processing and Completed.	String
For Coverage Areas List, please refer to the Coverage Area section.

Sample Response

    "rules": [
            "conditions": [
                    "name": "price",
                    "operator": "EQUALS",
                    "value": "20"
                    "name": "subCategories",
                    "operator": "IN",
                    "value": "571fdff7208f9a0cdb760a7f,56f2eb65208f9a0612c3adbd"
            "description": "testing-new-510",
            "name": "testing-new-510",
            "priority": "21",
            "ruleAction": {
                "twoDayShippingRegions": [
                        "regionCode": "NE",
                        "subRegions": [
                                "subRegionCode": "NY1"
                                "subRegionCode": "NY2"
            "ruleId": "612",
            "ruleStatus": "Submitted",
            "skuProcessingStatus": null
    "status": "OK"
Activate rule
This API is used to activate a rule for a specific ruleId and ruleStatus. Only Rules which are in submitted and inactive state can be activated.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Request Body
Name	Description	Type
ruleId	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleStatus	Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted.	String
Sample Request Header
PUT /v3/rules/activate HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Sample Request Body

  "ruleHeader": {
    "version": "1.2"
  "rules": [
      "ruleId": "39",
      "ruleStatus": "Submitted"
      "ruleId": "44",
      "ruleStatus": "Inactive"
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
message	Message and ruleId	List
Sample Response

  "message": "Rules are activated: [39, 44]",
Update rule
“This API updates a rule defined using "create an Item rule". You can update priority, Description, conditions and name of a rule.
a.An update to a rule with ruleStatus as “Active” or “Inactive “ will create a new rule with same ruleId but ruleStatus as Submitted. You must check using get all Rules API.
b.An update to a rule with ruleStatus as “Submitted” will not create any new rule. You must check using get all Rules API.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Request Body
Name	Description	Type
ruleId	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleStatus	Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted.	String
name	Name of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
description	Description of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
priority	Priority of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
conditions	Seller creates conditions while defining the custom rule assortment.There are three condition which a seller can use : subCategories, price, weight.	List
-name	Name of the condition.	String
-operator	Seller uses operator while defining conditions in the rule. Operators allowed for condition price and weight: EQUALS, GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN,GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS,LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS. and for condition subcategories : IN .	String
-value	Values for each condition. Value can be a comma separated strings for subcategories and Integer value for Price.	String
Sample Request Header
PUT /v3/rules HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Sample Request Body

  "ruleHeader": {
    "version": "1.2"
  "rules": [
      "ruleId": "511",
      "ruleStatus": "Submitted",
      "name": "testing-new-501",
      "description": "testing-new-501",
      "priority": "832",
      "conditions": [
          "name": "subCategories",
          "operator": "IN",
          "value": "571fdff7208f9a0cdb760a7f,56f2eb65208f9a0612c3adbd"
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
conditions	Seller creates conditions while defining the custom rule assortment.There are three condition which a seller can use : subCategories, price, weight.	List
-name	Name of the condition.	String
-operator	Seller uses operator while defining conditions in the rule. Operators allowed for condition price and weight: EQUALS, GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN,GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS,LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS. and for condition subcategories : IN .	String
-value	Values for each condition. Value can be a comma separated strings for subcategories and Integer value for Price.	String
description	Description of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
name	Name of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
priority	Priority of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleAction	Defines the two day state coverage areas.	String
twoDayShippingRegions	List of two-day regions.	List
-regionCode	regionCode	String
-subRegions	subRegions	List
-subRegionCode	subRegionCode	String
ruleId	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleStatus	Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted.	String
skuProcessingStatus	When the rule gets activated, skuProcessingStatus represents the state of all items being processed for two-day. The two values for skuProcessingStatus are Processing and Completed.	String
Sample Response

    "rules": [
            "conditions": [
                    "name": "subCategories",
                    "operator": "IN",
                    "value": "571fdff7208f9a0cdb760a7f,56f2eb65208f9a0612c3adbd"
            "description": "testing-new-501",
            "name": "testing-new-501",
            "priority": "832",
            "ruleAction": {
                "twoDayShippingRegions": [
                        "regionCode": "NE",
                        "subRegions": [
                                "subRegionCode": "CT2"
                                "subRegionCode": "CT1"
                                "subRegionCode": "PA1"
            "ruleId": "511",
            "ruleStatus": "Submitted",
            "skuProcessingStatus": null
    "status": "SUCCESS"
Delete rule
This API is used to delete a rule for a specific ruleId and ruleStatus.


Production HTTP URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
URL Parameters
Name	Description	Type
ruleId	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleStatus	Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted.	String
Sample Request Header
DELETE /v3/rules/{ruleId}/status/{ruleStatus} HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
message	Message and status of deletion	List
Sample Response

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "Rule is deleted, ruleId: 327"
Inactivate rule
You can use this API to inactivate one or more rules for a specific ruleId and ruleStatus.Only rules which are in Activate state can be inactivated.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Request Body
Name	Description	Type
ruleId	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
ruleStatus	Status of the rule post the rule creation. Allowed values are Active, Inactive, Submitted.	String
Sample Request Header
PUT /v3/rules/inactivate HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Sample Request Body

  "ruleHeader": {
    "version": "1.2"
  "rules": [
      "ruleId": "39",
      "ruleStatus": "Submitted"
      "ruleId": "44",
      "ruleStatus": "Active"
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
message	Message and status of inactivation of rule	List
Sample Response

  "message": "Rules are inactivated: [39, 44]",
Create override exceptions
This API is used if any SKU is required to be removed from Two-day delivery settings


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Request Body
Name	Description	Type
sku	A seller-provided Product ID.	String
Sample Request Header
POST /v3/rules/exceptions HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Sample Request Body

  "ruleHeader": {
    "version": "1.2"
  "rules": {
    "skus": [
        "sku": "sku-1234"
        "sku": "sku-2323"
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
feedId	A unique ID, returned from the Create Override Exception API, used for tracking a feed file	String
Sample Response

    "feedId": "5ED712C698FD43B999EC5EEFD5C63655@ATgBAQA",
    "status": "OK"
Delete exceptions
This API is used to bring back any SKU to Two-day Delivery settings.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Request Body
Name	Description	Type
sku	A seller-provided Product ID.	String
Sample Request Header
PUT /v3/settings/rules/exceptions HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Sample Request Body

  "ruleHeader": {
    "version": "1.2"
  "rules": {
    "skus": [
        "sku": "sku-1234"
        "sku": "sku-2323"
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
feedId	A unique ID, returned from the Create Override Exception API, used for tracking a feed file	String
Sample Response

    "feedId": "5ED712C698FD43B999EC5EEFD5C63655@ATgBAQA",
    "status": "OK"
Gets all exceptions
This API retrieves all the items which has been defined as exceptions using "Create Override Exception" API.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/rules/exceptions HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
sku	A seller-provided Product ID.	String
Sample Response

    "skuIds": ["123456", "789065"],
Download exceptions
You can use this API to get list of the items defined using "Create Override Exceptions".


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/rules/downloadexceptions HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Downloads a CSV with all the exceptions set.

Get all sub-categories
This API provides the complete list of sub-categories which can be used while defining the rule.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/rules/subcategories HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
category	category	String
subCategory	subCategory	String
subCategoryName	subCategoryName	String
subCategoryId	subCategoryId	String
Sample Response

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "payload": [
      "category": "Animal",
      "subcategory": [
          "subCategoryName": "Animal Accessories",
          "subCategoryId": "559c5d924fff3d64de18bf45"
          "subCategoryName": "Animal Food",
          "subCategoryId": "559c5d8f4fff3d64de18bf3d"
          "subCategoryName": "Animal Health & Grooming",
          "subCategoryId": "559c5d90ed25b136f13a05df"
          "subCategoryName": "Animal Other",
          "subCategoryId": "56f2eb66208f9a06158f1748"
      "category": "Art & Craft",
      "subcategory": [
          "subCategoryName": "Art & Craft",
          "subCategoryId": "571fdff7208f9a0cdb760a7f"
Change assortment type
This API helps you enable or disable the two-day assortment type.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Content-type	The data format in the API payload	Yes	application/json
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Sample Request Header
PUT /v3/rules/assortment?enable={enable} HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
id	Unique identifier of the rule created for custom rule assortment.	String
Sample Response

    "status": "OK",
    "payload": {
        "id": "366efe47-61cc-4493-978a-6bab0604f78e"
Get all areas
This API provides you the list of states on which you can provide two-day shipping of an item.


Production URL

Header Parameters
For authentication headers, please refer to the Authentication section.

Name	Description	Required	Example
Accept	The returned data format in the response	Yes	application/json
Sample Request Header
GET /v3/rules/areas HTTP/1.1
<<Authentication Headers>>
Accept: application/json
Response Parameters
Name	Description	Type
status	Status of the rule post the rule creation.	String
states	states.	Object
stateSubregions	statesubregions	List
stateSubregionCode	stateSubregionCode	String
stateSubregionName	stateSubregionName	String
regionCode	regionCode	String
regionName	regionName	String
Sample Response

  "status": "OK",
  "payload": {
    "entities": [
        "states": [
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "CT1",
                "stateSubregionName": "CT_REST_ALL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CT2",
                "stateSubregionName": "CT_SOUTH_WEST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "PA3",
                "stateSubregionName": "PA_NORTH_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "PA1",
                "stateSubregionName": "PA_CENTRAL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "PA2",
                "stateSubregionName": "PA_CENTRAL_NORTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "PA5",
                "stateSubregionName": "PA_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "PA4",
                "stateSubregionName": "PA_SOUTH"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "MA1",
                "stateSubregionName": "MA_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "MA2",
                "stateSubregionName": "MA_WEST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "RI",
                "stateSubregionName": "RI"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "ME1",
                "stateSubregionName": "ME_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "ME2",
                "stateSubregionName": "ME_WEST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "NH",
                "stateSubregionName": "NH"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "NY3",
                "stateSubregionName": "NY_NORTH_CENTRAL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "NY5",
                "stateSubregionName": "NY_SOUTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "NY1",
                "stateSubregionName": "NY_BROOKLYN"
                "stateSubregionCode": "NY2",
                "stateSubregionName": "NY_CENTRAL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "NY4",
                "stateSubregionName": "NY_NORTH_WEST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "NJ3",
                "stateSubregionName": "NJ_SOUTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "NJ2",
                "stateSubregionName": "NJ_NORTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "NJ4",
                "stateSubregionName": "NJ_KEARNY"
                "stateSubregionCode": "NJ1",
                "stateSubregionName": "NJ_CENTRAL"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "VT",
                "stateSubregionName": "VT"
        "regionCode": "NE",
        "regionName": "Northeast"
        "states": [
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "SD2",
                "stateSubregionName": "SD_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "SD1",
                "stateSubregionName": "SD_EAST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "MN2",
                "stateSubregionName": "MN_REST_ALL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "MN1",
                "stateSubregionName": "MN_CENTRAL_EAST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "MO3",
                "stateSubregionName": "MO_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "MO1",
                "stateSubregionName": "MO_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "MO2",
                "stateSubregionName": "MO_SOUTH"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "WI2",
                "stateSubregionName": "WI_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "WI1",
                "stateSubregionName": "WI_EAST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "IL1",
                "stateSubregionName": "IL_CHICAGO"
                "stateSubregionCode": "IL3",
                "stateSubregionName": "IL_NORTH_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "IL4",
                "stateSubregionName": "IL_SOUTHEAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "IL5",
                "stateSubregionName": "IL_SOUTHWEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "IL2",
                "stateSubregionName": "IL_NORTH_EAST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "IN1",
                "stateSubregionName": "IN_CENTRAL_AND_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "IN3",
                "stateSubregionName": "IN_SOUTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "IN2",
                "stateSubregionName": "IN_NORTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "IN4",
                "stateSubregionName": "IN_WEST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "ND",
                "stateSubregionName": "ND"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "NE",
                "stateSubregionName": "NE"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "IA1",
                "stateSubregionName": "IA_CENTRAL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "IA2",
                "stateSubregionName": "IA_REST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "KS1",
                "stateSubregionName": "KS_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "KS2",
                "stateSubregionName": "KS_WEST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "OH3",
                "stateSubregionName": "OH_SOUTH_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "OH1",
                "stateSubregionName": "OH_CENTRAL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "OH2",
                "stateSubregionName": "OH_NORTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "OH4",
                "stateSubregionName": "OH_WEST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "MI2",
                "stateSubregionName": "MI_NORTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "MI3",
                "stateSubregionName": "MI_SOUTH_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "MI1",
                "stateSubregionName": "MI_CENTRAL"
        "regionCode": "MW",
        "regionName": "Midwest"
        "states": [
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "DE",
                "stateSubregionName": "DE"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "TX2",
                "stateSubregionName": "TX_CENTRAL_NORTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "TX3",
                "stateSubregionName": "TX_CENTRAL_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "TX6",
                "stateSubregionName": "TX_NORTH_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "TX7",
                "stateSubregionName": "TX_NORTH_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "TX4",
                "stateSubregionName": "TX_DALLAS"
                "stateSubregionCode": "TX5",
                "stateSubregionName": "TX_HOUSTON"
                "stateSubregionCode": "TX1",
                "stateSubregionName": "TX_CENTRAL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "TX9",
                "stateSubregionName": "TX_SOUTH_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "TX8",
                "stateSubregionName": "TX_SOUTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "TX10",
                "stateSubregionName": "TX_SOUTH_WEST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "FL6",
                "stateSubregionName": "FL_SOUTH_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "FL4",
                "stateSubregionName": "FL_NORTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "FL3",
                "stateSubregionName": "FL_MIAMI"
                "stateSubregionCode": "FL1",
                "stateSubregionName": "FL_CENTRAL_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "FL5",
                "stateSubregionName": "FL_SOUTH_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "FL2",
                "stateSubregionName": "FL_CENTRAL_WEST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "MS2",
                "stateSubregionName": "MS_SOUTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "MS1",
                "stateSubregionName": "MS_NORTH"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "VA4",
                "stateSubregionName": "VA_SOUTH_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "VA1",
                "stateSubregionName": "VA_CENTRAL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "VA2",
                "stateSubregionName": "VA_NORTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "VA3",
                "stateSubregionName": "VA_SOUTH_EAST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "AL2",
                "stateSubregionName": "AL_SOUTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "AL1",
                "stateSubregionName": "AL_NORTH"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "KY1",
                "stateSubregionName": "KY_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "KY2",
                "stateSubregionName": "KY_WEST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "SC1",
                "stateSubregionName": "SC_CENTRAL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "SC2",
                "stateSubregionName": "SC_NORTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "SC3",
                "stateSubregionName": "SC_SOUTH"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "AR2",
                "stateSubregionName": "AR_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "AR1",
                "stateSubregionName": "AR_EAST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "NC3",
                "stateSubregionName": "NC_SOUTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "NC2",
                "stateSubregionName": "NC_NORTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "NC4",
                "stateSubregionName": "NC_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "NC1",
                "stateSubregionName": "NC_EAST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "LA2",
                "stateSubregionName": "LA_SOUTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "LA1",
                "stateSubregionName": "LA_NORTH"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "MD1",
                "stateSubregionName": "MD_CENTRAL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "MD2",
                "stateSubregionName": "MD_REST_ALL"
            "stateSubregions": [
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                "stateSubregionCode": "TN2",
                "stateSubregionName": "TN_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "TN1",
                "stateSubregionName": "TN_CENTRAL"
            "stateSubregions": [
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                "stateSubregionName": "GA_SOUTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "GA2",
                "stateSubregionName": "GA_CENTRAL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "GA3",
                "stateSubregionName": "GA_NORTH_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "GA4",
                "stateSubregionName": "GA_NORTH_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "GA1",
                "stateSubregionName": "GA_ATLANTA"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "OK2",
                "stateSubregionName": "OK_REST_ALL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "OK1",
                "stateSubregionName": "OK_NORTH_EAST"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "DC",
                "stateSubregionName": "DC"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "WV2",
                "stateSubregionName": "WV_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "WV1",
                "stateSubregionName": "WV_EAST"
        "regionCode": "SO",
        "regionName": "South"
        "states": [
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "WY",
                "stateSubregionName": "WY"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "OR2",
                "stateSubregionName": "OR_NORTH_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "OR1",
                "stateSubregionName": "OR_CENTRAL"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "MT",
                "stateSubregionName": "MT"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "NV2",
                "stateSubregionName": "NV_NORTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "NV3",
                "stateSubregionName": "NV_SOUTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "NV1",
                "stateSubregionName": "NV_LAS_VEGAS"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "AZ3",
                "stateSubregionName": "AZ_SOUTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "AZ2",
                "stateSubregionName": "AZ_PHOENIX"
                "stateSubregionCode": "AZ1",
                "stateSubregionName": "AZ_NORTH"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "WA",
                "stateSubregionName": "WA"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "ID2",
                "stateSubregionName": "ID_NORTH_AND_EAST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "ID1",
                "stateSubregionName": "ID_BOISE_AND_NAMPA"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "CO2",
                "stateSubregionName": "CO_REST_ALL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CO1",
                "stateSubregionName": "CO_CENTRAL"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA8",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_NORTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA10",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_RIVERSIDE_IMPERIAL\t"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA4",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_CENTRAL_WEST"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA5",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_LONG_BEACH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA1",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_CENTRAL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA9",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_ONTARIO"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA13",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_SAN_DIEGO_COUNTY"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA11",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_SAN_BERNARDINO"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA15",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_SANTA_ANA"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA14",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_SAN_FRANCISCO"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA3",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_CENTRAL_SOUTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA12",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_SAN_DIEGO"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA2",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_CENTRAL_NORTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA7",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_LOS_ANGELES_VENTURA_COUNTY"
                "stateSubregionCode": "CA6",
                "stateSubregionName": "CA_LOS_ANGELES"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "NM2",
                "stateSubregionName": "NM_REST_ALL"
                "stateSubregionCode": "NM1",
                "stateSubregionName": "NM_CENTRAL"
            "stateSubregions": [
                "stateSubregionCode": "UT2",
                "stateSubregionName": "UT_SOUTH"
                "stateSubregionCode": "UT1",
                "stateSubregionName": "UT_NORTH"
        "regionCode": "WE",
        "regionName": "West"
Error Codes
If an API call cannot reach the Walmart gateway, a basic HTTP error code is returned (such as 503 Service Unavailable). However, if the gateway is reached, a full error response object is returned.

The table below shows the currently supported error code responses.

The first parameter provides the error description.
The second parameter shows the HTTP status code.
The third parameter specifies the error category.
The fourth parameter specifies the error severity.
The fifth parameter specifies whether the error response includes a field tag.
Error Code	HTTP Status	Category	Severity	Field Included
SOME_CONTENT_NOT_FOUND	206	Application	Info	false
INVALID_REQUEST	400	Data	Error	true
UNAUTHORIZED	401	Data	Error	false
CONTENT_NOT_FOUND	404	Application	Info	false
URI_NOT_FOUND	404	Data	Error	false
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED	405	Data	Error	false
INVALID_ACCEPT_TYPE	406	Application	Error	false
INVALID_SYSTEM_STATE	500	System	Error	false
SYSTEM_ERROR	500	System	Error	false
As an example, in the last error object on the right, the overall error is an INVALID_REQUEST_HEADER error encountered when invoking the GMP_ORDER_API. The error is a DATA ERROR in the WM_QOS.CORRELATION_ID field (a request header), and it is set to null or blank.


The Walmart Marketplace APIs help generate applications for managing items, orders, prices, promotions, inventory, and reports on






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